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Update FSx for ONTAP backup schedule

Contributors netapp-rlithman

Update the FSx for ONTAP backup schedule when needed.

  1. Log in to the Workload Factory console

  2. In Storage, click Go to Storage inventory.

  3. In the FSx for ONTAP tab, click the three dots menu of the file system to update the backup schedule for and then select Manage.

  4. Under Information, click the pencil icon next to FSx for ONTAP backup. The pencil icon appears next to the dropdown arrow when the mouse hovers over the FSx for ONTAP backup row.

  5. In the FSx for ONTAP backup dialog, provide the following:

    1. Daily automatic backups: Enable or disable the feature. If you disable the feature, click Apply. If you enable the feature, complete the following steps.

    2. Automatic backup retention period: Enter the number of days to retain automatic backups.

    3. Daily automatic backup window: Select either No preference (a daily backup start time is selected for you) or Select start time for daily backups and specify a start time.

    4. Weekly maintenance window: Select either No preference (a weekly maintenance window start time is selected for you) or Select start time for 30-minute weekly maintenance window and specify a start time.

  6. Click Apply.