Publish a GenAI knowledge base and view the unique endpoint
After you've built and tested your knowledge base locally, you can publish the knowledge base so that it can be integrated with a chatbot application that will enable your users to query the knowledge base.
Publishing the knowledge base enables you to use it in chat applications. The publish action triggers the workload factory API to generate and publish unique endpoints. After publishing, the knowledge base becomes accessible for chat applications, and the API endpoints are ready for integration.
Each knowledge base that you publish has unique endpoints.
Log in to workload factory using one of the console experiences.
From the Knowledge bases inventory page, select the knowledge base that you want to publish.
and select Manage knowledge base.
This page displays the published status, embedding status of the data sources, embedding mode, and the list of all embedded data sources.
Select the Actions menu and select Publish.
Workload factory publishes the knowledge base. On the details page for the knowledge base, the status changes from Unpublished to Published.
You can now get details about the unique endpoint for the knowledge base.
Next to the published status, select View.
Details about how to access the knowledge base using the workload factory API is displayed.
From the View published info dialog box, copy the API endpoints that you can use to integrate the knowledge base with an application.
To learn more about the API endpoints, go to the API documentation and select AI > External.
Before you can use these endpoints, you need to obtain a user token from your authentication provider.
You now have a published knowledge base and the unique endpoint that you can use to integrate the knowledge base with a chatbot application.