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Contributors netapp-aoife

The XCP NFS estimate command is used to estimate the time to complete a baseline copy from the source to destination. It calculates the estimated time to complete a baseline copy by using all of the current available system resources, such as CPU, RAM, Network, and other parameters. You can use the -target option to start a sample copy operation and get the estimation time.

xcp estimate -id <name>
Show example
[root@client-01 linux]# ./xcp estimate -t 100 -id estimate01 -target

xcp: WARNING: your license will expire in less than 10 days! You can renew your license at
Job ID: Job_2023-04-12_08.09.16.126908_estimate
Starting live test for 1m40s to estimate time to copy '' to
estimate regular file copy task completed before the 1m40s duration
0 in (0/s), 0 out (0/s), 5s
0 in (0/s), 0 out (0/s), 10s
Estimated time to copy '' to '' based on a 1m40s live test:
Xcp command : xcp estimate -t 100 -id estimate01 -target
Estimated Time : 5.3s
Job ID : Job_2023-04-12_08.09.16.126908_estimate
Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2023-04-12_08.09.16.126908_estimate.log

The following table lists the estimate parameters and their description.

Parameter Description

estimate -id <name>

Specifies the catalog name of a previous copy or scan index.

estimate -gbit <n>

Uses gigabits of bandwidth to estimate best-case time (default: 1).

estimate -target <path>

Specifies the target to use for live test copy.

estimate -t <n/s/m/h]>

Specifies the duration of live test copy (default: 5m).

estimate -bs <n[k]>

Specifies the read/write block size (default: 64k).

estimate -dircount <n[k]>

Specifies the request size for reading directories (default: 64k).

estimate -preserve-atime

Preserves access time of the file or directory (default: False).

estimate -loglevel <name>

Sets the log level; available levels are INFO, DEBUG (default: INFO)

estimate -id <name>

Use the -id <name> parameter with the estimate command to exclude the files and directories that match the filter.

xcp estimate -id <name>
Show example
[root@client1 linux]# ./xcp estimate -id csdata01

xcp: WARNING: your license will expire in less than 11 days! You can renew your license at
xcp: WARNING: XCP catalog volume is low on disk space: 99.99% used, 62.0 MiB free space.
Job ID: Job_2023-04-20_12.59.31.260914_estimate
== Best-case estimate to copy ‘data-set:/user1given 1 gigabit of bandwidth ==
112 TiB of data at max 128 MiB/s: at least 10d13h
Xcp command : xcp estimate -id csdata01
Estimated Time : 10d13h
Job ID : Job_2023-04-20_12.59.31.260914_estimate
Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2023-04-20_12.59.31.260914_estimate.log
xcp: WARNING: XCP catalog volume is low on disk space: 99.99% used, 62.0 MiB free space.
[root@client1 linux]#

estimate -gbit <n>

Use the -gbit <n> parameter with the estimate command to estimate best-case time (default: 1). This option cannot be used with the -target option.

xcp estimate -gbit <n> -id <name>
Show example
[root@client-01 linux]# ./xcp estimate -gbit 10 -id estimate01

xcp: WARNING: your license will expire in less than 10 days! You can renew your license at
Job ID: Job_2023-04-12_08.12.28.453735_estimate
== Best-case estimate to copy '' given 10 gigabits of bandwidth ==
0 of data at max 1.25 GiB/s: at least 0.0s
Xcp command : xcp estimate -gbit 10 -id estimate01
Estimated Time : 0.0s
Job ID : Job_2023-04-12_08.12.28.453735_estimate
Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2023-04-12_08.12.28.453735_estimate.log

estimate -target <path>

Use the -target <path> parameter with the estimate command to specify target to use for live test copy.

xcp estimate -t 100 -id <name> -target <path>
Show example
[root@client-01 linux]# ./xcp estimate -t 100 -id estimate01 -target

xcp: WARNING: your license will expire in less than 10 days! You can renew your license at
Job ID: Job_2023-04-12_08.09.16.126908_estimate
Starting live test for 1m40s to estimate time to copy '' to ''...
estimate regular file copy task completed before the 1m40s duration
Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2023-04-12_08.09.16.126908_estimate.log

estimate -t <n[s|m|h]>

Use the -t <n[s|m|h]> parameter with the estimate command to specify the duration of live test copy. The default value is 5m.

xcp estimate -t <n[s|m|h]> -id <name> -target <path>
Show example
[root@client-01 linux]# ./xcp estimate -t 100 -id estimate01 -target

xcp: WARNING: your license will expire in less than 10 days! You can renew your license at
Job ID: Job_2023-04-12_08.09.16.126908_estimate
Starting live test for 1m40s to estimate time to copy '' to
estimate regular file copy task completed before the 1m40s duration
0 in (0/s), 0 out (0/s), 5s
0 in (0/s), 0 out (0/s), 10s
Estimated time to copy '' to '' based on a 1m40s live
test: 5.3s

Xcp command : xcp estimate -t 100 -id estimate01 -target
Estimated Time : 5.3s
Job ID : Job_2023-04-12_08.09.16.126908_estimate
Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2023-04-12_08.09.16.126908_estimate.log

estimate -bs <n[k]>

Use the -bs <n[k]> parameter with the estimate command to specify the read/write block size. The default value is 64k.

xcp estimate -id <name> -bs <n[k]>
Show example
[root@client1 linux]# ./xcp estimate -id estimate01 -bs 128k

xcp: WARNING: your license will expire in less than 7 days! You can renew your license at
Job ID: Job_2023-04-24_08.44.12.564441_estimate
63.2 KiB in (12.5 KiB/s), 2.38 KiB out (484/s), 5s
== Best-case estimate to copy 'xxx' given 1 gigabit of bandwidth ==
112 TiB of data at max 128 MiB/s: at least 10d13h
Xcp command : xcp estimate -id estimate01 -bs 128k
Estimated Time : 10d13h
Job ID : Job_2023-04-24_08.44.12.564441_estimate
Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2023-04-24_08.44.12.564441_estimate.log
[root@client1 linux]#

estimate -dircount <n[k]>

Use the -dircount <n[k]> parameter with the estimate command to specify the requested size for reading directories. The default value is 64k.

xcp estimate -id <name> -dircount <n[k]> -t <n> -target <path>
Show example
[root@client1 linux]# ./xcp estimate -id csdata01 -dircount 128k -t 300 -target <path>

xcp: WARNING: your license will expire in less than 11 days! You can renew your license at
xcp: WARNING: XCP catalog volume is low on disk space: 99.99% used, 61.6 MiB free space.
Job ID: Job_2023-04-20_13.03.46.820673_estimate
Starting live test for 5m0s to estimate time to copy ‘data-set:/user1 to `<path>`...
1,909 scanned, 126 copied, 2 giants, 580 MiB in (115 MiB/s), 451 MiB out (89.5 MiB/s), 5s
1,909 scanned, 134 copied, 2 giants, 1.23 GiB in (136 MiB/s), 1015 MiB out (112 MiB/s), 10s
1,909 scanned, 143 copied, 2 giants, 1.88 GiB in (131 MiB/s), 1.54 GiB out (113 MiB/s), 15s
7,136 scanned, 2,140 copied, 4 linked, 8 giants, 33.6 GiB in (110 MiB/s), 32.4 GiB out (110
MiB/s), 4m57s
Sample test copy completed for, 300.03s
0 in (-7215675436.180/s), 0 out (-6951487617.036/s), 5m2s
2,186 scanned, 610 KiB in (121 KiB/s), 76.9 KiB out (15.3 KiB/s), 5m7s
Estimated time to copy ‘data-set:/user1to '' based on a 5m0s live test:
Xcp command : xcp estimate -id csdata01 -dircount 128k -t 300 -target
Estimated Time : 7d6h
Job ID : Job_2023-04-20_13.03.46.820673_estimate
Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2023-04-20_13.03.46.820673_estimate.log
xcp: WARNING: XCP catalog volume is low on disk space: 99.99% used, 61.6 MiB free space.
[root@client1 linux]#

estimate -parallel <n>

Use the -parallel <n> parameter with the estimate command to specify the maximum number of concurrent batch processes. The default value is 7.

xcp estimate -loglevel <name> -parallel <n> -id <name>
Show example
[root@client1 linux]# ./xcp estimate -loglevel DEBUG -parallel 8 -id estimate1

xcp: WARNING: your license will expire in less than 11 days! You can renew your license at
Job ID: Job_2023-04-20_11.36.45.535209_estimate
== Best-case estimate to copy '' given 1 gigabit of bandwidth ==
6.75 GiB of data at max 128 MiB/s: at least 54.0s
Xcp command : xcp estimate -loglevel DEBUG -parallel 8 -id estimate1
Estimated Time : 54.0s
Job ID : Job_2023-04-20_11.36.45.535209_estimate
Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2023-04-20_11.36.45.535209_estimate.log
[root@client1 linux]#

estimate -preserve-atime

Use the -preserve-atime parameter with the estimate command to preserve the access time of the file or directory. The default value is false.

xcp estimate -loglevel <name> -preserve-atime -id <name>
Show example
root@client1 linux]# ./xcp estimate -loglevel DEBUG -preserve-atime -id estimate1

xcp: WARNING: your license will expire in less than 11 days! You can renew your license at
Job ID: Job_2023-04-20_11.19.04.050516_estimate
== Best-case estimate to copy '' given 1 gigabit of bandwidth
6.75 GiB of data at max 128 MiB/s: at least 54.0s
Xcp command : xcp estimate -loglevel DEBUG -preserve-atime -id estimate1
Estimated Time : 54.0s
Job ID : Job_2023-04-20_11.19.04.050516_estimate
Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2023-04-20_11.19.04.050516_estimate.log
[root@client1 linux]#

estimate -loglevel <name>

Use the -loglevel <name> parameter with the estimate command to set the log level; available levels are INFO and DEBUG. The default level is INFO.

xcp estimate -loglevel <name> -id <name>
Show example
[root@client1 linux]# ./xcp estimate -loglevel DEBUG -parallel 8 -id estimate1

xcp: WARNING: your license will expire in less than 11 days! You can renew your license at
Job ID: Job_2023-04-20_11.36.45.535209_estimate
== Best-case estimate to copy '' given 1 gigabit of bandwidth ==
6.75 GiB of data at max 128 MiB/s: at least 54.0s
Xcp command : xcp estimate -loglevel DEBUG -parallel 8 -id estimate1
Estimated Time : 54.0s
Job ID : Job_2023-04-20_11.36.45.535209_estimate
Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2023-04-20_11.36.45.535209_estimate.log
[root@client1 linux]#