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Troubleshoot XCP NFS errors

Contributors netapp-aoife netapp-cgoff netapp-pcarriga

Review the solutions to troubleshoot your issue.

XCP issues and solutions

XCP issue Solution

xcp: ERROR: compare batches: Incompatible index file. Please use the index file generated with the current version of XCP only. Alternatively, you can download an older XCP binary from

You are trying to perform operations on an index that was generated using an XCP version older than XCP 1.9. This is not supported. It is recommended to complete any in-progress migrations and then switch to this version of XCP. Alternatively, you can re-run the scan, copy or verify commands to generate a new index with XCP 1.9.

xcp: ERROR: must run as root

Execute XCP commands as root user

xcp: ERROR: License file /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/license not found.

Download the license from the XCP site, copy it to /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/, and activate it by running the xcp activate command.

xcp: ERROR: This license has expired

Renew or obtain the new XCP license from the XCP site.

xcp: ERROR: License unreadable

License file might be corrupted. Obtain the new XCP license from the XCP site.

xcp: ERROR: XCP not activated,
run 'activate' first

Run the xcp activate command

This copy is not licensed

Obtain the appropriate XCP license file. Copy the XCP license to the /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/ directory on the XCP server. Run the xcp activate command to activate the license.

xcp: ERROR: Failed to activate license: Server unreachable

You are trying to activate the online license and your host system is not connected to the internet. Make sure your system is connected to the internet.

xcp: ERROR: Failed to activate license: Server unreachable
xcp: HINT: Configure DNS on this host or return to the license page to request a private license
Expected error: Failed to activate license: Server unreachable

Make sure is reachable from your host or request for the offline license

xcp: ERROR: Catalog inaccessible: Cannot mount nfs_server:/export[:subdirectory]

Open the editor on the XCP Linux client host and update the configuration file with the proper catalog location. The XCP configuration file is located at /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcp.ini. Sample entries of configuration file:

[root@scspr1949387001 ~]# cat /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcp.ini
catalog =

nfs3 error 2: no such file or directory

Operation did not find the source file(s) on the target NFS export. Run the xcp sync command to copy the incremental updates from source to destination

xcp: ERROR: Empty or invalid index

Previous copy operation was interrupted before the index file was created. Rerun the same command with the new index and when the command is executing, verify that the keyword “indexed” is displayed in the stats.

xcp: ERROR: compare batches: child process failed (exit code -9): recv <type 'exceptions.EOFError'>

Follow the instructions in the following KB article: Cannot allocate memory when synching NFS data

xcp: ERROR: For xcp to process ACLs, please mount <path> using the OS nfs4 client

Mount the source and target on the XCP host using NFSv4, for example, mount -o vers=4.0 /mnt/source

The XCP verify command fails during a migration.
The STATUS shows as FAILED. (Live)

The XCP verify command was run when the source was live. Run the XCP verify command after the final cutover.

The XCP verify command fails after a cutover. (Live)

The XCP cutover sync operation might not have copied all the data. Rerun the XCP sync command followed by the verify command after the final cutover. If the problem persists, contact technical support.

The XCP sync command fails (this applies to all sync failures during migrations). (Live)

XCP is not able to read the data, this might be due to an XCP issue. Check the XCP STATUS message after the command operation completes.
Rerun the sync command. If the sync operation fails again, contact technical support.

The XCP copy, resume, and sync commands fail due to insufficient memory.
XCP crashes and the XCP status shows as FAILED. (Live)

There is low available memory on the host or there has been a huge incremental change. Follow the instructions in the following KB article: Cannot allocate memory when synching NFS data

mnt3 error 13: permission denied

As a non-root user, you do not have the correct permissions to access the file system. Check if you can access the file system and perform read write operations.

xcp: batch 1: ERROR: [Errno 13] Permission denied:

As a non-root user, you do not have the correct permissions to access the file system. Check if you can access the file system and perform read write operations.

mxcp: ERROR: OSMounter 'file:///t/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

The path /t/ DIR is not mounted on the Linux file system. Check if the path exists.

ERROR: run sync {-id: 'xcp_index_1624263869.3734858'}: sync not yet available for hdfs/ posix/s3fs sources and targets -workaround is copy with a match filter for recent mods

The sync command is not supported in XCP for the POSIX and HDFS connectors.

The xcp verify command fails with different mod time

You can identify the file and manually copy the file to the destination.

Non dir object copy/sync can not be resumed; try copy again.
For more details please refer XCP user guide.

Because you cannot resume a single file, it is recommended to run the xcp copy command again for the file.
Any change in the file leads to a complete copy of the file. As a result, performance is not affected.

Non dir object can not be synced; try copy again.
For more details please refer XCP user guide.

Because you cannot sync a single file, it is recommended to run the xcp copy command again for the file.
Any change in the file leads to a complete copy of the file. As a result, performance is not affected.

xcp: ERROR: batch 4: Could not connect to node:

Verify that the node given in the —nodes parameter is reachable. Try connecting by using Secure Shell (SSH) from the master node

[Error 13] permission denied

Check if you have permission to write on the destination volume.

xcp: ERROR: batch 2: child process failed (exit code -6): recv <type 'exceptions.EOFError'>:

Increase your system memory and rerun the test.

xcp:ERROR: invalid path 'IP:/users009/user1/2022-07-01_04:36:52_1489367

If there is one or more colons in the NFS server share path name, use a double colon (::) instead of a single colon (:) to separate the NFS server IP and NFS server share path.

The SnapLock volume does not retain the WORM files after an xcp copy operation.

XCP copies the WORM files to the volume successfully but the files are not retained by the SnapLock volume.

  1. Perform the xcp copy operation from the source to the destination volume:
    xcp copy src_server:/src_export dst_server:/dst_export

  2. Use the xcp chmod command to change the file permissions on the destination volume to readonly:
    xcp chmod -mode a-w dst_server:/dst_export

When the above steps are complete, the SnapLock volume starts retaining the copied files.

Note The retention time of a SnapLock volume is governed by the volume's default retention policy. Check the volume retention settings before starting migration: Set the retention time


If you encounter an issue with an XCP command or job, the logdump command enables you to dump log files related to the issue into a .zip file that can be sent to NetApp for debugging. The logdump command filters logs based on the migration ID or job ID and dumps those logs into a .zip file in the current directory. The .zip file has the same name as the migration or job ID that is used with the command.


xcp logdump -j <job id>
xcp logdump -m <migration id>
Note After migration, if you use the XCP_CONFIG_DIR or XCP_LOG_DIR environment variables to override the default config location or log location, the logdump command fails when used with an old migration or job ID. To avoid this, use the same logpath until migration completes.