在从OnCommand Insight 7.3.10 - 7.3.11升级到7.3.12或更高版本之前、您必须运行OCI数据迁移工具。
OnCommand Insight 7.3.12及更高版本使用的底层软件可能与先前版本不兼容。Insight 7.3.12及更高版本包含*数据迁移工具*、用于协助升级。
不再支持OnCommand Insight 7.3.9及更早版本。如果您运行的是上述版本之一、则在升级到7.3.12或更高版本之前、必须升级到Insight 7.3.10或更高版本(强烈建议使用7.3.11)。 |
在升级之前、您必须运行数据迁移工具并按照建议的步骤进行操作。 |
强烈建议在运行数据迁移工具之前备份OnCommand Insight 系统。
将最新版本的数据迁移工具(例如_SANScreenDataMigrationTool-x86-7.3.12-97.zip)下载到Insight服务器以及相应的Insight安装程序文件。解压缩到工作文件夹。可在上找到下载内容 "NetApp 支持站点"。
.\SANScreenDataMigrationTool.ps1 NetApp SANScreen Data Migration Tool 7.3.12-121 Checking OnCommand Insight Installation... OnCommand Insight 7.3.10 (139) is installed Getting installation parameters... Installation Directory: C:\Program Files\SANscreen\ Elasticsearch Rest Port: 9200 Checking Elasticsearch service... Elasticsearch service is up Checking for obsolete (version 5) indexes... Found 54 obsolete indexes. Of these, 54 indexes may be migrated with OCI server running, the most recent of which is for 2021-05-13 Verifying migration component is present... SANscreen Server service is Running Proceed with online migration of 54 indexes (y or [n])?:
某些索引可能会在SANscreen 服务器服务运行时迁移。而其他则只能在服务器停止后进行迁移。如果没有可迁移的索引、该工具将退出。否则、请按照提示进行操作。
数据迁移工具完成后、它将重新检查是否存在废弃的索引。如果所有索引均已迁移、该工具将通知您支持升级到OnCommand Insight 7.3.12。现在、您可以继续升级Insight。
.\SANScreenDataMigrationTool.ps1 NetApp SANScreen Data Migration Tool 7.3.12-127 Checking OnCommand Insight Installation... OnCommand Insight 7.3.10 (139) is installed Getting installation parameters... Installation Directory: D:\SANscreen\ Elasticsearch Rest Port: 9200 Checking Elasticsearch service... Elasticsearch service is up Checking for obsolete (version 5) indexes... Found 5 obsolete indexes. Of these, 5 indexes need to be migrated with OCI server stopped Verifying migration component is present... SANscreen Server service is Stopped Proceed with offline migration of 5 indexes (y or [n])?: y Preparing to perform migration... Preparing to migrate ociint-inventory-snmp_win2012_host: copied; backup; delete old; restore new; cleanup; done. Preparing to migrate ociint-inventory-snmp_win2012_interface: copied; backup; delete old; restore new; cleanup; done. Preparing to migrate ociint-inventory-snmp_win2012_load_average: copied; backup; delete old; restore new; cleanup; done. Preparing to migrate ociint-inventory-snmp_win2012_storage: copied; backup; delete old; restore new; cleanup; done. Preparing to migrate ociint-inventory-snmp_win2012_tcp_connection: copied; backup; delete old; restore new; cleanup; done. Execution time 0:00:15 Checking for obsolete (version 5) indexes... No obsolete indexes found. Upgrade to 7.3.12+ is supported. C:\Users\root\Desktop\SANScreenDataMigrationTool-x64-7.3.12-127>
如果系统提示您停止SANscreen 服务、请在升级Insight之前重新启动该服务。
OnCommand Insight 不存在:*
.\SANScreenDataMigrationTool.ps1 NetApp SANScreen Data Migration Tool V1.0 Checking OnCommand Insight Installation... ERROR: OnCommand Insight is not installed
.\SANScreenDataMigrationTool.ps1 NetApp SANScreen Data Migration Tool 7.3.12-105 Checking OnCommand Insight Installation... OnCommand Insight 7.3.4 (126) is installed ERROR: The OCI Data Migration Tool is intended to be run against OCI 7.3.5 - 7.3.11
.\SANScreenDataMigrationTool.ps1 NetApp SANScreen Data Migration Tool 7.3.12-105 Checking OnCommand Insight Installation... OnCommand Insight 7.3.11 (126) is installed Getting installation parameters... Installation Directory: C:\Program Files\SANscreen\ Elasticsearch Rest Port: 9200 Checking Elasticsearch service... ERROR: The Elasticsearch service is not running Please start the service and wait for initialization to complete Then rerun OCI Data Migration Tool
选项(Windows) |
功能 |
-s |
禁止所有提示 |
-perf_archive |
如果指定此参数、则会替换索引迁移日期的现有归档条目。路径应指向包含归档条目zip文件的目录。 可以指定"-"参数以指示没有要更新的性能归档。 如果存在此参数、则会禁止显示归档位置提示。 |
-check |
如果存在此参数、则此脚本将在报告索引计数后立即退出。 |
-dryrun |
如果存在此参数、则迁移可执行文件将报告所采取的操作(迁移数据和更新归档条目)、但不会执行这些操作。 |