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ONTAP 7-Mode Transition



创建过渡会话后,您可以使用 transition precheck 命令验证会话,以验证是否可以过渡 7- 模式环境。您可以验证 7- 模式存储系统与 SVM 之间在功能和安全设置等因素方面的兼容性。


使用 transition CBT precheck 命令可生成详细的错误消息报告。根据问题描述对过渡过程的影响,报告中确定的问题会分配不同的严重性级别。由于某些错误可能会妨碍过渡,因此您必须针对错误和警告执行更正操作。在继续过渡之前,您还应查看其他严重性级别的消息的影响。

  1. 验证过渡的兼容性:

    ` * 过渡 CBT 预检 -p project_name*`

    7-Mode Transition Tool>transition cbt precheck -p project_finance
    [1/14 ] Project status checks                                                  [    Errors     ]
    Operation summary:
    The 'precheck' operation on the project 'project_finance' has failed.
     1  Errors - Failed!
    Do you want to see a detailed report {yes, no} [yes]:
    1 Errors:
    90202: Checking whether any of the 7-Mode volumes are in 'offline' state.                              [     Error     ]
      > Following volumes are in 'offline' state.
      > CORRECTIVE-ACTION: Bring offline volumes online by using the following command: 'vol online
      > <volume_name>'.
      > AFFECTED-OBJECTS: { vol2 }
    Next suggested steps:
    1. Review the 'precheck' operation results, fix all blocking errors and run the 'precheck' operation again.
    2. Use the 'transition job-results -j 6e33e0a7-bb36-49df-91f3-2e52cbfa3074' command to see the results of this
    Ran precheck for project 'project_finance'.

在从 7- 模式卷启动数据复制之前,您必须解决过渡过程中可能出现发生原因问题的所有错误。