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AIX Host Utilities 6.1示例命令参考


您可以使用AIX Host Utilities 6.1示例命令参考使用Host Utilities工具对NetApp存储配置进行端到端验证。



# sanlun fcp show adapter -v


bash-3.2# sanlun fcp show adapter -v
adapter name: fcs0
WWPN: 100000109b22e143
WWNN: 200000109b22e143
driver name: /usr/lib/drivers/pci/emfcdd
model: df1000e31410150
model description: FC Adapter
serial number: YA50HY79S117
hardware version: Not Available
driver version:
firmware version: 00012000040025700027
Number of ports: 1
port type: Fabric
port state: Operational
supported speed: 16 GBit/sec
negotiated speed: Unknown
OS device name: fcs0
adapter name: fcs1
WWPN: 100000109b22e144
WWNN: 200000109b22e144
driver name: /usr/lib/drivers/pci/emfcdd
model: df1000e31410150
model description: FC Adapter
serial number: YA50HY79S117
hardware version: Not Available
driver version:
firmware version: 00012000040025700027
Number of ports: 1
port type: Fabric
port state: Operational
supported speed: 16 GBit/sec
negotiated speed: Unknown
OS device name: fcs1

列出映射到主机的所有 LUN


# sanlun lun show -p -v all


ONTAP Path: vs_aix_clus:/vol/gpfs_205p2_207p1_vol_0_8/aix_205p2_207p1_lun
LUN: 88
LUN Size: 15g
Host Device: hdisk9
Mode: C
Multipath Provider: AIX Native
Multipathing Algorithm: round_robin

host    vserver  AIX   AIX MPIO
path    path     MPIO  host      vserver      path
state   type     path  adapter   LIF          priority
up     primary   path0   fcs0    fc_aix_1     1
up     primary   path1   fcs1    fc_aix_2     1
up     secondary path2   fcs0    fc_aix_3     1
up     secondary path3   fcs1    fc_aix_4     1

列出从给定 SVM 映射到主机的所有 LUN


# sanlun lun show -p -v sanboot_unix


ONTAP Path: sanboot_unix:/vol/aix_205p2_boot_0/boot_205p2_lun
LUN: 0
LUN Size: 80.0g
Host Device: hdisk85
Mode: C
Multipath Provider: AIX Native
Multipathing Algorithm: round_robin

host    vserver    AIX   AIX MPIO
path    path       MPIO  host    vserver    path
state   type       path  adapter LIF        priority
up      primary    path0 fcs0    sanboot_1   1
up      primary    path1 fcs1    sanboot_2   1
up      secondary  path2 fcs0    sanboot_3   1
up      secondary  path3 fcs1    sanboot_4   1

列出映射到主机的给定 LUN 的所有属性


# sanlun lun show -p -v vs_aix_clus:/vol/gpfs_205p2_207p1_vol_0_8/aix_205p2_207p1_lun


ONTAP Path: vs_aix_clus:/vol/gpfs_205p2_207p1_vol_0_8/aix_205p2_207p1_lun
LUN: 88
LUN Size: 15g
Host Device: hdisk9
Mode: C
Multipath Provider: AIX Native
Multipathing Algorithm: round_robin

host     vserver   AIX   AIX MPIO
path     path      MPIO  host     vserver   path
state    type      path  adapter  LIF       priority
up       primary   path0 fcs0    fc_aix_1   1
up       primary   path1 fcs1    fc_aix_2   1
up       secondary path2 fcs0    fc_aix_3   1
up       secondary path3 fcs1    fc_aix_4   1

按主机设备文件名列出ONTAP LUN属性

您可以通过指定主机设备文件名来检索ONTAP LUN属性列表。

#sanlun lun show -d /dev/hdisk1


device host lun
vserver(Cmode)     lun-pathname
vs_aix_clus       /vol/gpfs_205p2_207p1_vol_0_0/aix_205p2_207p1_lun

filename adapter protocol size mode
hdisk1    fcs0    FCP     15g  C

列出连接到主机的所有 SVM 目标 LIF WWPN

您可以检索连接到主机的所有SVM目标LIF WWPN的列表。

# sanlun lun show -wwpn


target device host lun
vserver(Cmode)          wwpn            lun-pathname

vs_aix_clus          203300a098ba7afe  /vol/gpfs_205p2_207p1_vol_0_0/aix_205p2_207p1_lun
vs_aix_clus          203300a098ba7afe  /vol/gpfs_205p2_207p1_vol_0_9/aix_205p2_207p1_lun
vs_aix_clus          203300a098ba7afe  /vol/gpfs_205p2_207p1_vol_en_0_0/aix_205p2_207p1_lun_en
vs_aix_clus          202f00a098ba7afe  /vol/gpfs_205p2_207p1_vol_en_0_1/aix_205p2_207p1_lun_en

filename     adapter    size  mode
hdisk1       fcs0       15g    C
hdisk10      fcs0       15g    C
hdisk11      fcs0       15g    C
hdisk12      fcs0       15g    C