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Cluster and storage switches

升级Cumulus Linux版本


完成以下操作步骤 以根据需要升级您的Cumulus Linux版本。

  • 中级Linux知识。

  • 熟悉基本文本编辑、UNIX文件权限和进程监控。预安装了各种文本编辑器、包括 vinano

  • 访问Linux或UNIX Shell。如果您运行的是Windows、请使用Linux环境作为命令行工具与Cumulus Linux进行交互。

  • 对于NVIDIA SN2100交换机控制台访问、串行控制台交换机上的波特率要求设置为115200、如下所示:

    • 115200 波特

    • 8 个数据位

    • 1 个停止位

    • 奇偶校验:无

    • 流量控制:无



备注 每次升级Cumulus Linux时、都会擦除并重建整个文件系统结构。现有配置将被擦除。在更新Cumulus Linux之前、您必须保存并记录交换机配置。
注意 累积用户帐户的默认密码为*累积用户*。首次登录到Cumulus Linux时、必须更改此默认密码。在安装新映像之前、您必须更新所有自动化脚本。Cumulus Linux提供了命令行选项、用于在安装过程中自动更改默认密码。
示例 1. 步骤
从Cumulus Linux 4.4.x到Cumulus Linux 5.x
  1. 检查当前的Cumulus Linux版本和连接的端口:

    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ net show system
    Hostname......... cumulus
    Build............ Cumulus Linux 4.4.3
    Uptime........... 0:08:20.860000
    Model............ Mlnx X86
    CPU.............. x86_64 Intel Atom C2558 2.40GHz
    Memory........... 8GB
    Disk............. 14.7GB
    ASIC............. Mellanox Spectrum MT52132
    Ports............ 16 x 100G-QSFP28
    Part Number...... MSN2100-CB2FC
    Serial Number.... MT2105T05177
    Platform Name.... x86_64-mlnx_x86-r0
    Product Name..... MSN2100
    ONIE Version..... 2019.11-5.2.0020-115200
    Base MAC Address. 04:3F:72:43:92:80
    Manufacturer..... Mellanox
    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ net show interface
    State  Name    Spd   MTU    Mode        LLDP                    Summary
    -----  ------  ----  -----  ----------  ----------------------  --------------------
    UP     swp1    100G  9216   Trunk/L2    node1 (e5b)             Master: bridge(UP)
    UP     swp2    100G  9216   Trunk/L2    node2 (e5b)             Master: bridge(UP)
    UP     swp3    100G  9216   Trunk/L2    SHFFG1826000112 (e0b)   Master: bridge(UP)
    UP     swp4    100G  9216   Trunk/L2    SHFFG1826000112 (e0b)   Master: bridge(UP)
    UP     swp5    100G  9216   Trunk/L2    SHFFG1826000102 (e0b)   Master: bridge(UP)
    UP     swp6    100G  9216   Trunk/L2    SHFFG1826000102 (e0b)   Master: bridge(UP))
  2. 下载Cumulux Linux 5.x映像:

    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ sudo onie-install -a -i,svl/nic/files/NVIDIA/cumulus-linux-5.4.0-mlx-amd64.bin/
    [sudo] password for cumulus:
    Fetching installer:,svl/nic/files/NVIDIA/cumulus-linux-5.4.0-mlx-amd64.bin
    Downloading URL:,svl/nic/files/NVIDIA/cumulus-linux-5.4.0-mlx-amd64.bin
    # 100.0%
    Success: HTTP download complete.
    EFI variables are not supported on this system
    Warning: SecureBoot is not available.
    Image is signed.
    Staging installer image...done.
    WARNING: Activating staged installer requested.
    WARNING: This action will wipe out all system data.
    WARNING: Make sure to back up your data.
    Are you sure (y/N)? y
    Activating staged installer...done.
    Reboot required to take effect.
  3. 重新启动交换机:

    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ sudo onie-install -a -i,svl/nic/files/NVIDIA/cumulus-linux-5.4.0-mlx-amd64.bin/
     sudo reboot
  4. 更改密码:

    cumulus login: cumulus
    You are required to change your password immediately (administrator enforced)
    Changing password for cumulus.
    Current password: cumulus
    New password: <new_password>
    Retype new password: <new_password>
    Linux cumulus 5.10.0-cl-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.162-1+cl5.4.0u1 (2023-01-20) x86_64
    Welcome to NVIDIA Cumulus (R) Linux (R)
    ZTP in progress. To disable, do 'ztp -d'
  5. 检查Cumulus Linux版本: nv show system

    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ nv show system
               operational    applied
    ---------- -------------- ----------
    hostname   cumulus        cumulus
    build      Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
    uptime     14:07:08
    timezone   Etc/UTC
  6. 更改主机名:

    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ nv set system hostname sw1
    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ nv config apply
    Warning: The following files have been changed since the last save, and they WILL be overwritten.
    - /etc/nsswitch.conf
    - /etc/synced/synced.conf
  7. 注销并再次登录到交换机、以便在提示符处查看更新后的交换机名称:

    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ exit
    Debian GNU/Linux 10 cumulus ttyS0
    cumulus login: cumulus
    Last login: Tue Dec 15 21:43:13 UTC 2020 on ttyS0
    Linux cumulus 5.10.0-cl-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.162-1+cl5.4.0u1 (2023-01-20) x86_64
    Welcome to NVIDIA Cumulus (R) Linux (R)
    ZTP in progress. To disable, do 'ztp -d'
  8. 设置IP地址:

    cumulus@sw1:mgmt:~$ nv set interface eth0 ip address
    cumulus@sw1:mgmt:~$ nv set interface eth0 ip gateway
    cumulus@sw1:mgmt:~$ nv config apply
    applied [rev_id: 2]
    cumulus@sw1:mgmt:~$ ip route show vrf mgmt
    default via dev eth0 proto kernel
    unreachable default metric 4278198272 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev mgmt proto kernel scope link src
  9. 创建新用户并将此用户添加到 sudo 组。只有在重新启动控制台/SSH会话后、此用户才会生效。

    sudo adduser --ingroup netedit admin

    cumulus@sw1:mgmt:~$ sudo adduser --ingroup netedit admin
    [sudo] password for cumulus:
    Adding user 'admin' ...
    Adding new user 'admin' (1001) with group `netedit' ...
    Creating home directory '/home/admin' ...
    Copying files from '/etc/skel' ...
    New password:
    Retype new password:
    passwd: password updated successfully
    Changing the user information for admin
    Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
    Full Name []:
    Room Number []:
    Work Phone []:
    Home Phone []:
    Other []:
    Is the information correct? [Y/n] y
    cumulus@sw1:mgmt:~$ sudo adduser admin sudo
    [sudo] password for cumulus:
    Adding user `admin' to group `sudo' ...
    Adding user admin to group sudo
    cumulus@sw1:mgmt:~$ exit
    Connection to closed.
    [admin@cycrh6svl01 ~]$ ssh admin@
    admin@'s password:
    Linux sw1 4.19.0-cl-1-amd64 #1 SMP Cumulus 4.19.206-1+cl4.4.1u1 (2021-09-09) x86_64
    Welcome to NVIDIA Cumulus (R) Linux (R)
    For support and online technical documentation, visit
    The registered trademark Linux (R) is used pursuant to a sublicense from LMI, the exclusive licensee of Linus Torvalds, owner of the mark on a world-wide basis.
  10. 添加供管理员用户访问的其他用户组 nv 命令:

    cumulus@sw1:mgmt:~$ sudo adduser admin nvshow
         [sudo] password for cumulus:
         Adding user `admin' to group `nvshow' ...
         Adding user admin to group nvshow

    请参见 "NVIDIA用户帐户" 有关详细信息 …​

从Cumulus Linux 5.x到Cumulus Linux 5.x
  1. 检查当前的Cumulus Linux版本和连接的端口:

    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ nv show system
                        operational          applied
    ------------------- -------------------- -----------------
    hostname            cumulus              cumulus
    build               Cumulus Linux 5.3.0
    uptime              6 days, 8:37:36
    timezone            Etc/UTC
    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ nv show interface
    Interface     MTU   Speed State Remote Host         Remote Port- Type      Summary
    ------------- ----- ----- ----- ------------------- ------------ --------- -------------
    + cluster_isl 9216  200G  up                                      bond
    + eth0        1500  100M  up    mgmt-sw1            Eth105/1/14   eth       IP Address: 10.231.80 206/22
      eth0                                                                      IP Address: fd20:8b1e:f6ff:fe31:4a0e/64
    + lo          65536       up                                      loopback  IP Address:
      lo                                                                        IP Address: ::1/128
    + swp1s0      9216 10G    up cluster01                e0b         swp
    + swp15      9216 100G    up sw2                      swp15       swp
    + swp16      9216 100G    up sw2                      swp16       swp
  2. 下载Cumulux Linux 5.4.0映像:

    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ sudo onie-install -a -i,svl/nic/files/NVIDIA/cumulus-linux-5.4.0-mlx-amd64.bin/
    [sudo] password for cumulus:
    Fetching installer:,svl/nic/files/NVIDIA/cumulus-linux-5.4.0-mlx-amd64.bin
    Downloading URL:,svl/nic/files/NVIDIA/cumulus-linux-5.4.0-mlx-amd64.bin
    # 100.0%
    Success: HTTP download complete.
    EFI variables are not supported on this system
    Warning: SecureBoot is not available.
    Image is signed.
    Staging installer image...done.
    WARNING: Activating staged installer requested.
    WARNING: This action will wipe out all system data.
    WARNING: Make sure to back up your data.
    Are you sure (y/N)? y
    Activating staged installer...done.
    Reboot required to take effect.
  3. 重新启动交换机:

    admin@sw1:mgmt:~$ sudo reboot
  4. 更改密码:

    cumulus login: cumulus
    You are required to change your password immediately (administrator enforced)
    Changing password for cumulus.
    Current password: cumulus
    New password: <new_password>
    Retype new password: <new_password>
    Linux cumulus 5.10.0-cl-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.162-1+cl5.4.0u1 (2023-01-20) x86_64
    Welcome to NVIDIA Cumulus (R) Linux (R)
    ZTP in progress. To disable, do 'ztp -d'
  5. 检查Cumulus Linux版本: nv show system

    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ nv show system
    operational    applied
    -------------- ----------------
    hostname       cumulus cumulus
    build          Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
    uptime         14:07:08
    timezone       Etc/UTC
  6. 更改主机名:

    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ nv set system hostname sw1
    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ nv config apply
    Warning: The following files have been changed since the last save, and they WILL be overwritten.
    - /etc/nsswitch.conf
    - /etc/synced/synced.conf
  7. 注销并重新登录到交换机、以便在提示符处查看更新后的交换机名称:

    cumulus@cumulus:mgmt:~$ exit
    Debian GNU/Linux 10 cumulus ttyS0
    cumulus login: cumulus
    Last login: Tue Dec 15 21:43:13 UTC 2020 on ttyS0
    Linux cumulus 5.10.0-cl-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.162-1+cl5.4.0u1 (2023-01-20) x86_64
    Welcome to NVIDIA Cumulus (R) Linux (R)
    ZTP in progress. To disable, do 'ztp -d'
  8. 设置IP地址:

    cumulus@sw1:mgmt:~$ nv set interface eth0 ip address
    cumulus@sw1:mgmt:~$ nv set interface eth0 ip gateway
    cumulus@sw1:mgmt:~$ nv config apply
    applied [rev_id: 2]
    cumulus@sw1:mgmt:~$ ip route show vrf mgmt
    default via dev eth0 proto kernel
    unreachable default metric 4278198272 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev mgmt proto kernel scope link src
  9. 创建新用户并将此用户添加到 sudo 组。只有在重新启动控制台/SSH会话后、此用户才会生效。

    sudo adduser --ingroup netedit admin

    cumulus@sw1:mgmt:~$ sudo adduser --ingroup netedit admin
    [sudo] password for cumulus:
    Adding user 'admin' ...
    Adding new user 'admin' (1001) with group `netedit' ...
    Creating home directory '/home/admin' ...
    Copying files from '/etc/skel' ...
    New password:
    Retype new password:
    passwd: password updated successfully
    Changing the user information for admin
    Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
    Full Name []:
    Room Number []:
    Work Phone []:
    Home Phone []:
    Other []:
    Is the information correct? [Y/n] y
    cumulus@sw1:mgmt:~$ sudo adduser admin sudo
    [sudo] password for cumulus:
    Adding user `admin' to group `sudo' ...
    Adding user admin to group sudo
    cumulus@sw1:mgmt:~$ exit
    Connection to closed.
    [admin@cycrh6svl01 ~]$ ssh admin@
    admin@'s password:
    Linux sw1 4.19.0-cl-1-amd64 #1 SMP Cumulus 4.19.206-1+cl4.4.1u1 (2021-09-09) x86_64
    Welcome to NVIDIA Cumulus (R) Linux (R)
    For support and online technical documentation, visit
    The registered trademark Linux (R) is used pursuant to a sublicense from LMI, the exclusive licensee of Linus Torvalds, owner of the mark on a world-wide basis.
  10. 添加供管理员用户访问的其他用户组 nv 命令:

    cumulus@sw1:mgmt:~$ sudo adduser admin nvshow
         [sudo] password for cumulus:
         Adding user `admin' to group `nvshow' ...
         Adding user admin to group nvshow

    请参见 "NVIDIA用户帐户" 有关详细信息 …​