连接到 LUN 以外的共享存储实体的 Snapshot 副本
您可以使用 SnapDrive snap connect` 命令连接到 LUN 以外的共享存储实体的 Snapshot 副本。
` * SnapDrive snap connect fspec_set [fspec_set…] -snapname long_snap_name [-DeviceType shared] [-spared]*`
在此语法中, ` fspec_set_` 为: ` { -dg _ -fs } src_file_spec [dest_file_spec ] ( -destdg dgname )`
以下示例将连接到一个 Snapshot 副本,该副本包含发起主机集群上的共享存储实体。此操作从非集群主节点执行,但此命令会发送到主节点并执行:
# snapdrive snap connect -fs /mnt/sfortesting /mnt/sfortesting2 - snapname f270- 197-109:/vol/vol2:testsfarcsnap -devicetype shared -autorename Execution started on cluster master: sfrac-57 connecting sfortesting_SdDg: LUN copy sfortesting_SdLun_0 ... created (original: f270-197-109:/vol/vol2/sfortesting_SdLun) mapping new lun(s) ... done discovering new lun(s) ... done Connecting cluster node: sfrac-58 mapping lun\(s\) ... done discovering lun(s) ... done LUN f270-197-109:/vol/vol2/sfortesting_SdLun_0 connected - device filename(s): /dev/vx/dmp/c3t0d22s2 Importing sfortesting_SdDg_0 Activating hostvol sfracvxfstestfs_SdHv_0 Successfully connected to snapshot f270-197- 109:/vol/vol2:testsfarcsnap disk group sfortesting_SdDg_0 containing host volumes sfortesting_SdHv_0 (filesystem: /mnt/sfortesting2)
以下示例将连接到一个 Snapshot 副本,该副本包含非发起主机集群上的共享存储实体。此操作从非集群主节点执行,但此命令会发送到主节点并执行:
# snapdrive snap connect -fs /mnt/sfortesting -snapname f270-197- 109:/vol/vol2:testsfarcsnap -devicetype shared Execution started on cluster master: sfrac-57 connecting sfortesting_SdDg: LUN copy sfortesting_SdLun_0 ... created (original: f270-197-109:/vol/vol2/sfortesting_SdLun) Step Action 184 Connecting to a Snapshot copy mapping new lun(s) ... done discovering new lun(s) ... done Connecting cluster node: sfrac-58 mapping lun(s) ... done discovering lun(s) ... done LUN f270-197-109:/vol/vol2/sfortesting_SdLun_0 connected - device filename(s): /dev/vx/dmp/c3t0d1s2 Importing sfortesting_SdDg Activating hostvol sfortesting_SdHv Successfully connected to snapshot f270-197- 109:/vol/vol2:testsfarcsnap disk group sfortesting_SdDg containing host volumes sfortesting_SdHv (filesystem: /mnt/sfortesting)