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使用 SnapCenter 的向量資料庫保護


本節說明如何使用 NetApp SnapCenter 為向量資料庫提供資料保護。

使用 NetApp SnapCenter 保護向量資料庫。

在本節中、我們將深入探討 SnapCenter 如何保護 ONTAP 中的向量資料庫資料和 Milvus 資料。在此範例中、我們將從 NFS ONTAP Volume ( vol1 )衍生的 NAS 儲存區( milvusdbvol1 )用於客戶資料、並將獨立的 NFS Volume ( vectordbpv )用於 Milvus 叢集組態資料。請檢查 "請按這裡" 適用於 SnapCenter 備份工作流程

  1. 設定用於執行 SnapCenter 命令的主機。

  2. 安裝及設定儲存外掛程式。從新增的主機中、選取「更多選項」。瀏覽並從選取下載的儲存外掛程式 "NetApp Automation Store"。安裝外掛程式並儲存組態。

  3. 設定儲存系統和磁碟區:在「儲存系統」下新增儲存系統、然後選取 SVM (儲存虛擬機器)。在此範例中、我們選擇了「 Vs_NVIDIA 」。

  4. 為向量資料庫建立資源、並納入備份原則和自訂快照名稱。

    • 啟用預設值的一致性群組備份、並啟用 SnapCenter 而不需檔案系統一致性。

    • 在「儲存空間」區段中、選取與向量資料庫客戶資料和 Milvus 叢集資料相關的磁碟區。在我們的範例中、這些是「 vol1 」和「 vectordbpv 」。

    • 建立向量資料庫保護原則、並使用原則保護向量資料庫資源。

  5. 使用 Python 指令碼將資料插入 S3 NAS 貯體。在我們的案例中、我們修改了 Milvus 所提供的備份指令碼、即「 」、並執行「 Sync 」命令來清除作業系統中的資料。

    root@node2:~# python3
    === start connecting to Milvus     ===
    === Milvus host: localhost         ===
    Does collection hello_milvus_netapp_sc_test exist in Milvus: False
    === Create collection `hello_milvus_netapp_sc_test` ===
    === Start inserting entities       ===
    Number of entities in hello_milvus_netapp_sc_test: 3000
    === Create collection `hello_milvus_netapp_sc_test2` ===
    Number of entities in hello_milvus_netapp_sc_test2: 6000
    root@node2:~# for i in 2 3 4 5 6   ; do ssh node$i "hostname; sync; echo 'sync executed';" ; done
    sync executed
    sync executed
    sync executed
    sync executed
    sync executed
  6. 驗證 S3 NAS 貯體中的資料。在我們的範例中、時間戳記為「 2024-04-0821:22 」的檔案是由「 」指令碼所建立。

    root@node2:~# aws s3 ls --profile ontaps3  s3://milvusdbvol1/ --recursive | grep '2024-04-08'
    <output content removed to save page space>
    2024-04-08 21:18:14       5656 stats_log/448950615991000809/448950615991000810/448950615991001854/100/1
    2024-04-08 21:18:12       5654 stats_log/448950615991000809/448950615991000810/448950615991001854/100/448950615990800869
    2024-04-08 21:18:17       5656 stats_log/448950615991000809/448950615991000810/448950615991001872/100/1
    2024-04-08 21:18:15       5654 stats_log/448950615991000809/448950615991000810/448950615991001872/100/448950615990800876
    2024-04-08 21:22:46       5625 stats_log/448950615991003377/448950615991003378/448950615991003385/100/1
    2024-04-08 21:22:45       5623 stats_log/448950615991003377/448950615991003378/448950615991003385/100/448950615990800899
    2024-04-08 21:22:49       5656 stats_log/448950615991003408/448950615991003409/448950615991003416/100/1
    2024-04-08 21:22:47       5654 stats_log/448950615991003408/448950615991003409/448950615991003416/100/448950615990800906
    2024-04-08 21:22:52       5656 stats_log/448950615991003408/448950615991003409/448950615991003434/100/1
    2024-04-08 21:22:50       5654 stats_log/448950615991003408/448950615991003409/448950615991003434/100/448950615990800913
  7. 使用「 ilvusdb 」資源中的一致性群組( CG )快照來啟動備份

  8. 為了測試備份功能、我們會在備份程序之後新增一個表格、或是從 NFS ( S3 NAS 儲存區)移除部分資料。

    在此測試中、假設有人在備份後建立了新的、不必要的或不適當的集合。在這種情況下、我們需要在新增新集合之前、將向量資料庫還原至其狀態。例如、已插入「 hell_milvus_netapp_sc_testnew 」和「 hell_milvus_netapp_sc_testnew2 」等新集合。

    root@node2:~# python3
    === start connecting to Milvus     ===
    === Milvus host: localhost         ===
    Does collection hello_milvus_netapp_sc_testnew exist in Milvus: False
    === Create collection `hello_milvus_netapp_sc_testnew` ===
    === Start inserting entities       ===
    Number of entities in hello_milvus_netapp_sc_testnew: 3000
    === Create collection `hello_milvus_netapp_sc_testnew2` ===
    Number of entities in hello_milvus_netapp_sc_testnew2: 6000
  9. 從先前的快照執行 S3 NAS 儲存區的完整還原。

  10. 使用 Python 指令碼來驗證「 hell_milvus_netapp_sc_test 」和「 hell_milvus_netapp_sc_test2 」集合中的資料。

    root@node2:~# python3
    === start connecting to Milvus     ===
    === Milvus host: localhost         ===
    Does collection hello_milvus_netapp_sc_test exist in Milvus: True
    {'auto_id': False, 'description': 'hello_milvus_netapp_sc_test', 'fields': [{'name': 'pk', 'description': '', 'type': <DataType.INT64: 5>, 'is_primary': True, 'auto_id': False}, {'name': 'random', 'description': '', 'type': <DataType.DOUBLE: 11>}, {'name': 'var', 'description': '', 'type': <DataType.VARCHAR: 21>, 'params': {'max_length': 65535}}, {'name': 'embeddings', 'description': '', 'type': <DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR: 101>, 'params': {'dim': 8}}]}
    Number of entities in Milvus: hello_milvus_netapp_sc_test : 3000
    === Start Creating index IVF_FLAT  ===
    === Start loading                  ===
    === Start searching based on vector similarity ===
    hit: id: 2998, distance: 0.0, entity: {'random': 0.9728033590489911}, random field: 0.9728033590489911
    hit: id: 1262, distance: 0.08883658051490784, entity: {'random': 0.2978858685751561}, random field: 0.2978858685751561
    hit: id: 1265, distance: 0.09590047597885132, entity: {'random': 0.3042039939240304}, random field: 0.3042039939240304
    hit: id: 2999, distance: 0.0, entity: {'random': 0.02316334456872482}, random field: 0.02316334456872482
    hit: id: 1580, distance: 0.05628091096878052, entity: {'random': 0.3855988746044062}, random field: 0.3855988746044062
    hit: id: 2377, distance: 0.08096685260534286, entity: {'random': 0.8745922204004368}, random field: 0.8745922204004368
    search latency = 0.2832s
    === Start querying with `random > 0.5` ===
    query result:
    -{'random': 0.6378742006852851, 'embeddings': [0.20963514, 0.39746657, 0.12019053, 0.6947492, 0.9535575, 0.5454552, 0.82360446, 0.21096309], 'pk': 0}
    search latency = 0.2257s
    === Start hybrid searching with `random > 0.5` ===
    hit: id: 2998, distance: 0.0, entity: {'random': 0.9728033590489911}, random field: 0.9728033590489911
    hit: id: 747, distance: 0.14606499671936035, entity: {'random': 0.5648774800635661}, random field: 0.5648774800635661
    hit: id: 2527, distance: 0.1530652642250061, entity: {'random': 0.8928974315571507}, random field: 0.8928974315571507
    hit: id: 2377, distance: 0.08096685260534286, entity: {'random': 0.8745922204004368}, random field: 0.8745922204004368
    hit: id: 2034, distance: 0.20354536175727844, entity: {'random': 0.5526117606328499}, random field: 0.5526117606328499
    hit: id: 958, distance: 0.21908017992973328, entity: {'random': 0.6647383716417955}, random field: 0.6647383716417955
    search latency = 0.5480s
    Does collection hello_milvus_netapp_sc_test2 exist in Milvus: True
    {'auto_id': True, 'description': 'hello_milvus_netapp_sc_test2', 'fields': [{'name': 'pk', 'description': '', 'type': <DataType.INT64: 5>, 'is_primary': True, 'auto_id': True}, {'name': 'random', 'description': '', 'type': <DataType.DOUBLE: 11>}, {'name': 'var', 'description': '', 'type': <DataType.VARCHAR: 21>, 'params': {'max_length': 65535}}, {'name': 'embeddings', 'description': '', 'type': <DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR: 101>, 'params': {'dim': 8}}]}
    Number of entities in Milvus: hello_milvus_netapp_sc_test2 : 6000
    === Start Creating index IVF_FLAT  ===
    === Start loading                  ===
    === Start searching based on vector similarity ===
    hit: id: 448950615990642008, distance: 0.07805602252483368, entity: {'random': 0.5326684390871348}, random field: 0.5326684390871348
    hit: id: 448950615990645009, distance: 0.07805602252483368, entity: {'random': 0.5326684390871348}, random field: 0.5326684390871348
    hit: id: 448950615990640618, distance: 0.13562293350696564, entity: {'random': 0.7864676926688837}, random field: 0.7864676926688837
    hit: id: 448950615990642314, distance: 0.10414951294660568, entity: {'random': 0.2209597460821181}, random field: 0.2209597460821181
    hit: id: 448950615990645315, distance: 0.10414951294660568, entity: {'random': 0.2209597460821181}, random field: 0.2209597460821181
    hit: id: 448950615990640004, distance: 0.11571306735277176, entity: {'random': 0.7765521996186631}, random field: 0.7765521996186631
    search latency = 0.2381s
    === Start querying with `random > 0.5` ===
    query result:
    -{'embeddings': [0.15983285, 0.72214717, 0.7414838, 0.44471496, 0.50356466, 0.8750043, 0.316556, 0.7871702], 'pk': 448950615990639798, 'random': 0.7820620141382767}
    search latency = 0.3106s
    === Start hybrid searching with `random > 0.5` ===
    hit: id: 448950615990642008, distance: 0.07805602252483368, entity: {'random': 0.5326684390871348}, random field: 0.5326684390871348
    hit: id: 448950615990645009, distance: 0.07805602252483368, entity: {'random': 0.5326684390871348}, random field: 0.5326684390871348
    hit: id: 448950615990640618, distance: 0.13562293350696564, entity: {'random': 0.7864676926688837}, random field: 0.7864676926688837
    hit: id: 448950615990640004, distance: 0.11571306735277176, entity: {'random': 0.7765521996186631}, random field: 0.7765521996186631
    hit: id: 448950615990643005, distance: 0.11571306735277176, entity: {'random': 0.7765521996186631}, random field: 0.7765521996186631
    hit: id: 448950615990640402, distance: 0.13665105402469635, entity: {'random': 0.9742541034109935}, random field: 0.9742541034109935
    search latency = 0.4906s
  11. 確認資料庫中不再存在不必要或不適當的集合。

    root@node2:~# python3
    === start connecting to Milvus     ===
    === Milvus host: localhost         ===
    Does collection hello_milvus_netapp_sc_testnew exist in Milvus: False
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/root/", line 37, in <module>
        recover_collection = Collection(recover_collection_name)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pymilvus/orm/", line 137, in __init__
        raise SchemaNotReadyException(
    pymilvus.exceptions.SchemaNotReadyException: <SchemaNotReadyException: (code=1, message=Collection 'hello_milvus_netapp_sc_testnew' not exist, or you can pass in schema to create one.)>

最後、使用 NetApp 的 SnapCenter 來保護向量資料庫資料和位於 ONTAP 的 Milvus 資料、對客戶帶來重大效益、尤其是在資料完整性至關重要的產業、例如電影製作。SnapCenter 能夠建立一致的備份並執行完整資料還原、確保重要資料(例如內嵌視訊和音訊檔案)不會因硬碟故障或其他問題而遺失。這不僅可防止營運中斷、也可防止重大財務損失。

在本節中、我們示範如何設定 SnapCenter 來保護 ONTAP 中的資料、包括主機設定、儲存外掛程式的安裝和組態、以及使用自訂快照名稱建立向量資料庫的資源。我們也展示如何使用一致性群組快照執行備份、並驗證 S3 NAS 儲存區中的資料。

此外、我們模擬的案例是在備份之後建立不必要或不適當的集合。在這種情況下、 SnapCenter 可從先前的快照執行完整還原、確保向量資料庫在新增集合之前、可還原至其狀態、進而維持資料庫的完整性。這項將資料還原到特定時間點的功能對客戶來說非常重要、讓他們能夠保證資料不僅安全、而且能正確維護。因此、 NetApp 的 SnapCenter 產品為客戶提供強大可靠的資料保護與管理解決方案。