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NetApp Solutions

資料從7-Mode移轉至ONTAP VMware


本節提供將Data ONTAP 資料從以7-Mode運作的NetApp功能移轉至ONTAP VMware的詳細步驟。

將7-Mode NFSv3儲存設備轉換為ONTAP 適用於NFS資料的功能

本節提供下表中的逐步程序、可將來源7-Mode NFSv3匯出移轉至ONTAP VMware系統。

NetApp假設來源7-Mode NFSv3 Volume已匯出並掛載到用戶端系統、而且XCP已安裝在Linux系統上。

  1. 驗證目標ONTAP 系統是否健全。

    CLUSTER::> cluster show
    Node                  Health  Eligibility
    --------------------- ------- ------------
    CLUSTER-01            true    true
    CLUSTER-02            true    true
    2 entries were displayed.
    CLUSTER::> node show
    Node      Health Eligibility Uptime        Model       Owner    Location
    --------- ------ ----------- ------------- ----------- -------- ---------------
              true   true        78 days 21:01 FAS8060              RTP
              true   true        78 days 20:50 FAS8060              RTP
    2 entries were displayed.
    CLUSTER::> storage failover show
    Node           Partner        Possible State Description
    -------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
    CLUSTER-01     CLUSTER-02     true     Connected to CLUSTER-02
    CLUSTER-02     CLUSTER-01     true     Connected to CLUSTER-01
    2 entries were displayed.
  2. 確認目標系統上至少存在一個非根Aggregate。Aggregate是正常的。

    CLUSTER::> storage aggregate show
    Aggregate     Size Available Used% State   #Vols  Nodes            RAID Status
    --------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
    aggr0      368.4GB   17.85GB   95% online       1 CLUSTER-01       raid_dp,
               368.4GB   17.85GB   95% online       1 CLUSTER-02       raid_dp,
    source      1.23TB    1.10TB   11% online       6 CLUSTER-01       raid_dp,
    3 entries were displayed.

    如果沒有資料Aggregate、請使用「shorage aggr create」命令建立新的集合體。

  3. 在目標叢集系統上建立儲存虛擬機器(SVM)。

    CLUSTER::> vserver create -vserver dest -rootvolume dest_root -aggregate poc -rootvolume-security-style mixed
    [Job 647] Job succeeded:
    Vserver creation completed
    Verify the security style and language settings of the source
    Verify that the SVM was successfully created.
    CLUSTER::> vserver show -vserver dest
                                        Vserver: dest
                                   Vserver Type: data
                                Vserver Subtype: default
                                   Vserver UUID: 91f6d786-0063-11e5-b114-00a09853a969
                                    Root Volume: dest_root
                                      Aggregate: poc
                                     NIS Domain: -
                     Root Volume Security Style: mixed
                                    LDAP Client: -
                   Default Volume Language Code: C.UTF-8
                                Snapshot Policy: default
                                   Quota Policy: default
                    List of Aggregates Assigned: -
     Limit on Maximum Number of Volumes allowed: unlimited
                            Vserver Admin State: running
                      Vserver Operational State: running
       Vserver Operational State Stopped Reason: -
                              Allowed Protocols: nfs, cifs, fcp, iscsi, ndmp
                           Disallowed Protocols: -
                Is Vserver with Infinite Volume: false
                               QoS Policy Group: -
                                    Config Lock: false
                                   IPspace Name: Default
  4. 從目標SVM移除FCP、iSCSI、NDMP及CIDS傳輸協定。

    CLUSTER::> vserver remove-protocols -vserver dest -protocols fcp,iscsi,ndmp,cifs


    CLUSTER::> vserver show -vserver dest -fields allowed-protocols
    vserver allowed-protocols
    ------- -----------------
    dest    nfs
  5. 在目的地SVM上建立新的讀寫資料磁碟區。確認安全樣式、語言設定和容量需求符合來源Volume。

    CLUSTER::> vol create -vserver dest -volume dest_nfs -aggregate poc -size 150g -type RW -state online -security-style mixed
    [Job 648] Job succeeded: Successful
  6. 建立資料LIF以處理NFS用戶端要求。

    CLUSTER::> network interface create -vserver dest -lif dest_lif -address -netmask -role data -data-protocol nfs -home-node CLUSTER-01 -home-port e0l


    CLUSTER::> network interface show -vserver dest
                Logical    Status     Network            Current       Current Is
    Vserver     Interface  Admin/Oper Address/Mask       Node          Port    Home
    ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
                             up/up    CLUSTER-01    e0i     true
  7. 視需要使用SVM建立靜態路由。

    CLUSTER::> network route create -vserver dest -destination -gateway


    CLUSTER::> network route show -vserver source
    Vserver             Destination     Gateway         Metric
    ------------------- --------------- --------------- ------
  8. 在SVM命名空間中掛載目標NFS資料磁碟區。

    CLUSTER::> volume mount -vserver dest -volume dest_nfs -junction-path /dest_nfs -active true


    CLUSTER::> volume show -vserver dest -fields junction-path
    vserver volume   junction-path
    ------- -------- -------------
    dest    dest_nfs /dest_nfs
    dest    dest_root
    2 entries were displayed.

    您也可以使用「volume create」命令來指定Volume掛載選項(交會路徑)。

  9. 在目標SVM上啟動NFS服務。

    CLUSTER::> vserver nfs start -vserver dest


    CLUSTER::> vserver nfs status
    The NFS server is running on Vserver "dest".
    CLUSTER::> nfs show
    Vserver: dest
            General Access:  true
                        v3:  enabled
                      v4.0:  disabled
                       4.1:  disabled
                       UDP:  enabled
                       TCP:  enabled
      Default Windows User:  -
     Default Windows Group:  -
  10. 確認預設的NFS匯出原則已套用至目標SVM。

    CLUSTER::> vserver export-policy show -vserver dest
    Vserver          Policy Name
    ---------------  -------------------
    dest             default
  11. 如有需要、請為目標SVM建立新的自訂匯出原則。

    CLUSTER::> vserver export-policy create -vserver dest -policyname xcpexportpolicy


    CLUSTER::> vserver export-policy show -vserver dest
    Vserver          Policy Name
    ---------------  -------------------
    dest             default
    dest             xcpexportpolicy
    2 entries were displayed.
  12. 修改匯出原則規則、以允許存取NFS用戶端。

    CLUSTER::> export-policy rule modify -vserver dest -ruleindex 1 -policyname xcpexportpolicy -clientmatch -rorule any -rwrule any -anon 0
    Verify the policy rules have modified
    CLUSTER::> export-policy rule show -instance
                                        Vserver: dest
                                    Policy Name: xcpexportpolicy
                                     Rule Index: 1
                                Access Protocol: nfs3
    Client Match Hostname, IP Address, Netgroup, or Domain:
                                 RO Access Rule: none
                                 RW Access Rule: none
    User ID To Which Anonymous Users Are Mapped: 65534
                       Superuser Security Types: none
                   Honor SetUID Bits in SETATTR: true
                      Allow Creation of Devices: true
  13. 驗證是否允許用戶端存取磁碟區。

    CLUSTER::> export-policy check-access -vserver dest -volume dest_nfs -client-ip -authentication-method none -protocol nfs3 -access-type read-write
                                             Policy    Policy       Rule
    Path                          Policy     Owner     Owner Type  Index Access
    ----------------------------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------ ----------
    /                             xcpexportpolicy
                                             dest_root volume          1 read
    /dest_nfs                     xcpexportpolicy
                                             dest_nfs  volume          1 read-write
    2 entries were displayed.
  14. 連線至Linux NFS伺服器。為NFS匯出的Volume建立掛載點。

    [root@localhost /]# cd /mnt
    [root@localhost mnt]# mkdir dest
  15. 在此掛載點掛載目標NFSv3匯出的Volume。

    註 NFSv3磁碟區應匯出、但不一定要由NFS伺服器掛載。如果可以掛載、XCP Linux主機用戶端就會掛載這些磁碟區。
    [root@localhost mnt]# mount -t nfs /mnt/dest


    [root@ localhost /]# mount | grep nfs on /mnt/dest type nfs (rw,relatime,vers=3,rsize=65536,wsize=65536,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,mountaddr=,mountvers=3,mountport=4046,mountproto=udp,local_lock=none,addr=
  16. 在NFS匯出的掛載點上建立測試檔案、以啟用讀寫存取。

    [root@localhost dest]# touch test.txt
    Verify the file is created
    [root@localhost dest]# ls -l
    total 0
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root bin 0 Jun  2 03:16 test.txt
    註 讀寫測試完成後、請從目標NFS掛載點刪除檔案。
  17. 連線至安裝XCP的Linux用戶端系統。瀏覽至XCP安裝路徑。

    [root@localhost ~]# cd /linux/
    [root@localhost linux]#
  18. 在XCP Linux用戶端主機系統上執行「XCP show」命令、查詢來源7-Mode NFSv3匯出。

    [root@localhost]#./xcp show
    == NFS Exports ==
    Mounts  Errors  Server
          4       0
         Space    Files      Space    Files
          Free     Free       Used     Used Export
      23.7 GiB  778,134    356 KiB       96
      17.5 GiB  622,463   1.46 GiB      117
       328 GiB    10.8M   2.86 GiB    7,904
       328 GiB    10.8M   2.86 GiB    7,904
    == Attributes of NFS Exports ==
    drwxr-xr-x --- root wheel 4KiB 4KiB 2d21h
    drwxr-xr-x --- root wheel 4KiB 4KiB 2d21h
    drwxrwxrwx --t root wheel 4KiB 4KiB 9d22h
    drwxr-xr-x --- root wheel 4KiB 4KiB  4d0h
    3.89 KiB in (5.70 KiB/s), 7.96 KiB out (11.7 KiB/s), 0s.
  19. 掃描來源NFSv3匯出路徑、並列印其檔案結構的統計資料。


    [root@localhost /]# ./xcp scan
    23 scanned, 7.79 KiB in (5.52 KiB/s), 1.51 KiB out (1.07 KiB/s), 1s.
  20. 將來源7-Mode NFSv3匯出複製到目標ONTAP 系統上的NFSv3匯出。

    [root@localhost /]# ./xcp copy
     44 scanned, 39 copied, 264 MiB in (51.9 MiB/s), 262 MiB out (51.5 MiB/s), 5s
     44 scanned, 39 copied, 481 MiB in (43.3 MiB/s), 479 MiB out (43.4 MiB/s), 10s
     44 scanned, 40 copied, 748 MiB in (51.2 MiB/s), 747 MiB out (51.3 MiB/s), 16s
     44 scanned, 40 copied, 1.00 GiB in (55.9 MiB/s), 1.00 GiB out (55.9 MiB/s), 21s
     44 scanned, 40 copied, 1.21 GiB in (42.8 MiB/s), 1.21 GiB out (42.8 MiB/s), 26s
    Sending statistics...
    44 scanned, 43 copied, 1.46 GiB in (47.6 MiB/s), 1.45 GiB out (47.6 MiB/s), 31s.
  21. 複本完成後、請確認來源與目的地NFSv3匯出的資料相同。執行「XCP VERIFY」命令。

    [root@localhost /]# ./xcp verify
    44 scanned, 44 found, 28 compared, 27 same data, 2.41 GiB in (98.4 MiB/s), 6.25 MiB out (255 KiB/s), 26s
    44 scanned, 44 found, 30 compared, 29 same data, 2.88 GiB in (96.4 MiB/s), 7.46 MiB out (249 KiB/s), 31s
    44 scanned, 100% found (43 have data), 43 compared, 100% verified (data, attrs, mods), 2.90 GiB in (92.6 MiB/s), 7.53 MiB out (240 KiB/s), 32s.

    如果「XCP VERIFY」發現來源與目的地資料之間有差異、則摘要中會報告錯誤「no then file or directory」(無此類檔案或目錄)。若要修正此問題、請執行「XCP sync」命令、將來源變更複製到目的地。

  22. 在轉換之前和期間、再次執行「驗證」。如果來源有新的或更新的資料、請執行遞增更新。執行「XCP sync」命令。

    For this operation, the previous copy index name or number is required.
    [root@localhost /]# ./xcp sync -id 3
    Index: {source: '', target: ''}
    64 reviewed, 64 checked at source, 6 changes, 6 modifications, 51.7 KiB in (62.5 KiB/s), 22.7 KiB out (27.5 KiB/s), 0s.
    xcp: sync '3': Starting search pass for 1 modified directory...
    xcp: sync '3': Found 6 indexed files in the 1 changed directory
    xcp: sync '3': Rereading the 1 modified directory to find what's new...
    xcp: sync '3': Deep scanning the 1 directory that changed...
    11 scanned, 11 copied, 12.6KiB in (6.19KiBps), 9.50 KiB out (4.66KiBps), 2s.
  23. 若要恢復先前中斷的複製作業、請執行「XCP RESUME」命令。

    [root@localhost /]# ./xcp resume -id 4
    Index: {source: '', target: ''}
    xcp: resume '4': WARNING: Incomplete index.
    xcp: resume '4': Found 18 completed directories and 1 in progress
    106 reviewed, 24.2 KiB in (30.3 KiB/s), 7.23 KiB out (9.06 KiB/s), 0s.
    xcp: resume '4': Starting second pass for the in-progress directory...
    xcp: resume '4': Found 3 indexed directories and 0 indexed files in the 1 in-progress directory
    xcp: resume '4': In progress dirs: unindexed 1, indexed 0
    xcp: resume '4': Resuming the 1 in-progress directory...
     20 scanned, 7 copied, 205 MiB in (39.6 MiB/s), 205 MiB out (39.6 MiB/s), 5s
     20 scanned, 14 copied, 425 MiB in (42.1 MiB/s), 423 MiB out (41.8 MiB/s), 11s
     20 scanned, 14 copied, 540 MiB in (23.0 MiB/s), 538 MiB out (23.0 MiB/s), 16s
     20 scanned, 14 copied, 721 MiB in (35.6 MiB/s), 720 MiB out (35.6 MiB/s), 21s
     20 scanned, 15 copied, 835 MiB in (22.7 MiB/s), 833 MiB out (22.7 MiB/s), 26s
     20 scanned, 16 copied, 1007 MiB in (34.3 MiB/s), 1005 MiB out (34.3 MiB/s), 31s
     20 scanned, 17 copied, 1.15 GiB in (33.9 MiB/s), 1.15 GiB out (33.9 MiB/s), 36s
     20 scanned, 17 copied, 1.27 GiB in (25.5 MiB/s), 1.27 GiB out (25.5 MiB/s), 41s
     20 scanned, 17 copied, 1.45 GiB in (36.1 MiB/s), 1.45 GiB out (36.1 MiB/s), 46s
     20 scanned, 17 copied, 1.69 GiB in (48.7 MiB/s), 1.69 GiB out (48.7 MiB/s), 51s
    Sending statistics...
    20 scanned, 20 copied, 21 indexed, 1.77 GiB in (33.5 MiB/s), 1.77 GiB out (33.4 MiB/s), 54s.


  24. NFSv3用戶端主機需要卸載從7-Mode儲存設備配置的來源NFSv3匯出、並掛載目標NFSv3從ONTAP VMware匯出。轉換需要中斷運作。

將7-Mode Volume Snapshot複本移轉至ONTAP VMware

本節說明將來源7-Mode Volume NetApp Snapshot複本轉換至ONTAP VMware的程序。

註 NetApp假設來源7-Mode磁碟區已匯出並掛載到用戶端系統、而且XCP已安裝在Linux系統上。Snapshot複本是磁碟區的時間點映像、記錄自上次Snapshot複本以來的遞增變更。使用7-Mode系統的「抓取」選項作為來源。


  1. 驗證目標ONTAP 系統是否健全。

    CLUSTER::> cluster show
    Node                  Health  Eligibility
    --------------------- ------- ------------
    CLUSTER-01            true    true
    CLUSTER-02            true    true
    2 entries were displayed.
    CLUSTER::> node show
    Node      Health Eligibility Uptime        Model       Owner    Location
    --------- ------ ----------- ------------- ----------- -------- ---------------
              true   true        78 days 21:01 FAS8060              RTP
              true   true        78 days 20:50 FAS8060              RTP
    2 entries were displayed.
    CLUSTER::> storage failover show
    Node           Partner        Possible State Description
    -------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
    CLUSTER-01     CLUSTER-02     true     Connected to CLUSTER-02
    CLUSTER-02     CLUSTER-01     true     Connected to CLUSTER-01
    2 entries were displayed.
  2. 確認目標系統上至少存在一個非根Aggregate。Aggregate是正常的。

    CLUSTER::> storage aggregate show
    Aggregate     Size Available Used% State   #Vols  Nodes            RAID Status
    --------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
    aggr0      368.4GB   17.85GB   95% online       1 CLUSTER-01       raid_dp,
               368.4GB   17.85GB   95% online       1 CLUSTER-02       raid_dp,
    source      1.23TB    1.10TB   11% online       6 CLUSTER-01       raid_dp,
    3 entries were displayed.

    如果沒有資料Aggregate、請使用「shorage aggr create」命令建立新的集合體。

  3. 在目標叢集系統上建立SVM。

    CLUSTER::> vserver create -vserver dest -rootvolume dest_root -aggregate poc -rootvolume-security-style mixed
    [Job 647] Job succeeded:
    Vserver creation completed
    Verify the security style and language settings of the source
    Verify that the SVM was successfully created.
    CLUSTER::> vserver show -vserver dest
                                        Vserver: dest
                                   Vserver Type: data
                                Vserver Subtype: default
                                   Vserver UUID: 91f6d786-0063-11e5-b114-00a09853a969
                                    Root Volume: dest_root
                                      Aggregate: poc
                                     NIS Domain: -
                     Root Volume Security Style: mixed
                                    LDAP Client: -
                   Default Volume Language Code: C.UTF-8
                                Snapshot Policy: default
                                   Quota Policy: default
                    List of Aggregates Assigned: -
     Limit on Maximum Number of Volumes allowed: unlimited
                            Vserver Admin State: running
                      Vserver Operational State: running
       Vserver Operational State Stopped Reason: -
                              Allowed Protocols: nfs, cifs, fcp, iscsi, ndmp
                           Disallowed Protocols: -
                Is Vserver with Infinite Volume: false
                               QoS Policy Group: -
                                    Config Lock: false
                                   IPspace Name: Default
  4. 從目標SVM移除FCP、iSCSI、NDMP及CIFS傳輸協定。

    CLUSTER::> vserver remove-protocols -vserver dest -protocols fcp,iscsi,ndmp,cifs
    Verify that NFS is the allowed protocol for this SVM.
    CLUSTER::> vserver show -vserver dest -fields allowed-protocols
    vserver allowed-protocols
    ------- -----------------
    dest    nfs
  5. 在目的地SVM上建立新的讀寫資料磁碟區。確認安全樣式、語言設定和容量需求符合來源Volume。

    CLUSTER::> vol create -vserver dest -volume dest_nfs -aggregate poc -size 150g -type RW -state online -security-style mixed
    [Job 648] Job succeeded: Successful
  6. 建立資料LIF以處理NFS用戶端要求。

    CLUSTER::> network interface create -vserver dest -lif dest_lif -address -netmask -role data -data-protocol nfs -home-node CLUSTER-01 -home-port e0l


    CLUSTER::> network interface show -vserver dest
                Logical    Status     Network            Current       Current Is
    Vserver     Interface  Admin/Oper Address/Mask       Node          Port    Home
    ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
                             up/up    CLUSTER-01    e0i     true
  7. 如有需要、請使用SVM建立靜態路由。

    CLUSTER::> network route create -vserver dest -destination -gateway


    CLUSTER::> network route show -vserver source
    Vserver             Destination     Gateway         Metric
    ------------------- --------------- --------------- ------
  8. 在SVM命名空間中掛載目標NFS資料磁碟區。

    CLUSTER::> volume mount -vserver dest -volume dest_nfs -junction-path /dest_nfs -active true


    CLUSTER::> volume show -vserver dest -fields junction-path
    vserver volume   junction-path
    ------- -------- -------------
    dest    dest_nfs /dest_nfs
    dest    dest_root
    2 entries were displayed.

    您也可以使用「volume create」命令來指定Volume掛載選項(交會路徑)。

  9. 在目標SVM上啟動NFS服務。

    CLUSTER::> vserver nfs start -vserver dest


    CLUSTER::> vserver nfs status
    The NFS server is running on Vserver "dest".
    CLUSTER::> nfs show
    Vserver: dest
            General Access:  true
                        v3:  enabled
                      v4.0:  disabled
                       4.1:  disabled
                       UDP:  enabled
                       TCP:  enabled
      Default Windows User:  -
     Default Windows Group:  -
  10. 確認預設的NFS匯出原則已套用至目標SVM。

    CLUSTER::> vserver export-policy show -vserver dest
    Vserver          Policy Name
    ---------------  -------------------
    dest             default
  11. 如有需要、請為目標SVM建立新的自訂匯出原則。

    CLUSTER::> vserver export-policy create -vserver dest -policyname xcpexportpolicy


    CLUSTER::> vserver export-policy show -vserver dest
    Vserver          Policy Name
    ---------------  -------------------
    dest             default
    dest             xcpexportpolicy
    2 entries were displayed.
  12. 修改匯出原則規則、以允許存取目標系統上的NFS用戶端。

    CLUSTER::> export-policy rule modify -vserver dest -ruleindex 1 -policyname xcpexportpolicy -clientmatch -rorule any -rwrule any -anon 0
    Verify the policy rules have modified
    CLUSTER::> export-policy rule show -instance
                                        Vserver: dest
                                    Policy Name: xcpexportpolicy
                                     Rule Index: 1
                                Access Protocol: nfs3
    Client Match Hostname, IP Address, Netgroup, or Domain:
                                 RO Access Rule: none
                                 RW Access Rule: none
    User ID To Which Anonymous Users Are Mapped: 65534
                       Superuser Security Types: none
                   Honor SetUID Bits in SETATTR: true
                      Allow Creation of Devices: true
  13. 確認用戶端可存取目標Volume。

    CLUSTER::> export-policy check-access -vserver dest -volume dest_nfs -client-ip -authentication-method none -protocol nfs3 -access-type read-write
                                             Policy    Policy       Rule
    Path                          Policy     Owner     Owner Type  Index Access
    ----------------------------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------ ----------
    /                             xcpexportpolicy
                                             dest_root volume          1 read
    /dest_nfs                     xcpexportpolicy
                                             dest_nfs  volume          1 read-write
    2 entries were displayed.
  14. 連線至Linux NFS伺服器。為NFS匯出的Volume建立掛載點。

    [root@localhost /]# cd /mnt
    [root@localhost mnt]# mkdir dest
  15. 在此掛載點掛載目標NFSv3匯出的Volume。

    註 NFSv3磁碟區應匯出、但不一定要由NFS伺服器掛載。如果可以掛載、XCP Linux主機用戶端就會掛載這些磁碟區。
    [root@localhost mnt]# mount -t nfs /mnt/dest


    [root@ localhost /]# mount | grep nfs on /mnt/dest type nfs
  16. 在NFS匯出的掛載點上建立測試檔案、以啟用讀寫存取。

    [root@localhost dest]# touch test.txt
    Verify the file is created
    [root@localhost dest]# ls -l
    total 0
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root bin 0 Jun  2 03:16 test.txt
    註 讀寫測試完成後、請從目標NFS掛載點刪除檔案。
  17. 連線至安裝XCP的Linux用戶端系統。瀏覽至XCP安裝路徑。

    [root@localhost ~]# cd /linux/
    [root@localhost linux]#
  18. 在XCP Linux用戶端主機系統上執行「XCP show」命令、查詢來源7-Mode NFSv3匯出。

    [root@localhost]#./xcp show
    == NFS Exports ==
    Mounts  Errors  Server
          4       0
         Space    Files      Space    Files
          Free     Free       Used     Used Export
      23.7 GiB  778,134    356 KiB       96
      17.5 GiB  622,463   1.46 GiB      117
       328 GiB    10.8M   2.86 GiB    7,904
       328 GiB    10.8M   2.86 GiB    7,904
    == Attributes of NFS Exports ==
    drwxr-xr-x --- root wheel 4KiB 4KiB 2d21h
    drwxr-xr-x --- root wheel 4KiB 4KiB 2d21h
    drwxrwxrwx --t root wheel 4KiB 4KiB 9d22h
    drwxr-xr-x --- root wheel 4KiB 4KiB  4d0h
    3.89 KiB in (5.70 KiB/s), 7.96 KiB out (11.7 KiB/s), 0s.
  19. 掃描來源NFSv3匯出路徑、並列印其檔案結構的統計資料。


    [root@localhost /]# ./xcp scan
    23 scanned, 7.79 KiB in (5.52 KiB/s), 1.51 KiB out (1.07 KiB/s), 1s.
    [root@scspr1202780001 vol_acl4]# ./xcp  sync -id 7msnap1  -snap
    (show scan and sync)
  20. 將來源7-Mode NFSv3快照(基礎)複製到目標ONTAP 系統上的NFSv3匯出。

    [root@localhost /]# /xcp copy
     44 scanned, 39 copied, 264 MiB in (51.9 MiB/s), 262 MiB out (51.5 MiB/s), 5s
     44 scanned, 39 copied, 481 MiB in (43.3 MiB/s), 479 MiB out (43.4 MiB/s), 10s
     44 scanned, 40 copied, 748 MiB in (51.2 MiB/s), 747 MiB out (51.3 MiB/s), 16s
     44 scanned, 40 copied, 1.00 GiB in (55.9 MiB/s), 1.00 GiB out (55.9 MiB/s), 21s
     44 scanned, 40 copied, 1.21 GiB in (42.8 MiB/s), 1.21 GiB out (42.8 MiB/s), 26s
    Sending statistics...
    44 scanned, 43 copied, 1.46 GiB in (47.6 MiB/s), 1.45 GiB out (47.6 MiB/s), 31s.
    註 請保留此基礎快照、以便進一步同步作業。
  21. 複製完成後、請確認來源和目的地NFSv3匯出的資料相同。執行「XCP VERIFY」命令。

    [root@localhost /]# ./xcp verify
    44 scanned, 44 found, 28 compared, 27 same data, 2.41 GiB in (98.4 MiB/s), 6.25 MiB out (255 KiB/s), 26s
    44 scanned, 44 found, 30 compared, 29 same data, 2.88 GiB in (96.4 MiB/s), 7.46 MiB out (249 KiB/s), 31s
    44 scanned, 100% found (43 have data), 43 compared, 100% verified (data, attrs, mods), 2.90 GiB in (92.6 MiB/s), 7.53 MiB out (240 KiB/s), 32s.

    如果「驗證」發現來源與目的地資料之間有差異、則摘要中不會報告「沒有」這類檔案或目錄。若要修正此問題、請執行「XCP sync」命令、將來源變更複製到目的地。

  22. 在轉換之前和期間、再次執行「驗證」。如果來源有新的或更新的資料、請執行遞增更新。如果有遞增變更、請為這些變更建立新的Snapshot複本、並使用「-snap」選項傳遞該Snapshot路徑以進行同步作業。

    使用「-snap」選項和快照路徑執行「XCP sync」命令。

     [root@localhost /]# ./xcp sync -id 3
    Index: {source: '', target: ''}
    64 reviewed, 64 checked at source, 6 changes, 6 modifications, 51.7 KiB in (62.5
    KiB/s), 22.7 KiB out (27.5 KiB/s), 0s.
    xcp: sync '3': Starting search pass for 1 modified directory...
    xcp: sync '3': Found 6 indexed files in the 1 changed directory
    xcp: sync '3': Rereading the 1 modified directory to find what's new...
    xcp: sync '3': Deep scanning the 1 directory that changed...
    11 scanned, 11 copied, 12.6 KiB in (6.19 KiB/s), 9.50 KiB out (4.66 KiB/s), 2s..
    註 此作業需要基礎快照。
  23. 若要恢復先前中斷的複製作業、請執行「XCP RESUME」命令。

    [root@scspr1202780001 534h_dest_vol]# ./xcp resume -id 3
    XCP <version>; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to xxxxx [NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029
    xcp: Index: {source: '',/.snapshot/snap1, target:}
    xcp: resume '7msnap_res1': Reviewing the incomplete index...
    xcp: diff '7msnap_res1': Found 143 completed directories and 230 in progress
    39,688 reviewed, 1.28 MiB in (1.84 MiB/s), 13.3 KiB out (19.1 KiB/s), 0s.
    xcp: resume '7msnap_res1': Starting second pass for the in-progress directories...
    xcp: resume '7msnap_res1': Resuming the in-progress directories...
    xcp: resume '7msnap_res1': Resumed command: copy {-newid: u'7msnap_res1'}
    xcp: resume '7msnap_res1': Current options: {-id: '7msnap_res1'}
    xcp: resume '7msnap_res1': Merged options: {-id: '7msnap_res1', -newid: u'7msnap_res1'}
    xcp: resume '7msnap_res1': Values marked with a * include operations before resume
     68,848 scanned*, 54,651 copied*, 39,688 indexed*, 35.6 MiB in (7.04 MiB/s), 28.1 MiB out (5.57 MiB/s), 5s
  24. NFSv3用戶端主機必須卸載從7-Mode儲存設備配置的來源NFSv3匯出、然後掛載目標NFSv3匯出資料ONTAP 來自VMware。轉換作業需要中斷運作。

將ACLv4從NetApp 7-Mode移轉至NetApp儲存系統

本節說明將來源NFSv4匯出移轉至ONTAP 某個作業系統的逐步程序。

註 NetApp假設來源NFSv4磁碟區已匯出並掛載到用戶端系統、而且XCP已安裝在Linux系統上。來源應為支援ACL的NetApp 7-Mode系統。ACL移轉僅支援從NetApp移轉至NetApp。若要複製名稱中含有特殊字元的檔案、請確定來源和目的地支援UTF-8編碼語言。

將來源NFSv4匯出移轉ONTAP 至S目的地 的先決條件

在將來源NFSv4匯出移轉ONTAP 至無法使用之前、必須符合下列先決條件:

  • 目的地系統必須設定NFSv4。

  • NFSv4來源和目標必須掛載於XCP主機上。選取NFS v4.0以符合來源和目標儲存設備、並確認來源和目標系統上已啟用ACL。

  • XCP需要在XCP主機上掛載來源/目標路徑以進行ACL處理。在下列範例中、「vol1(」會掛載於「/mnt/vol1」路徑:

 [root@localhost ~]# df -h
Filesystem                                                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on                                             973M  4.2M  969M   1% /mnt/vol1
[root@localhost ~]# ./xcp scan -l -acl4
XCP <version>; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to XXX [NetApp Inc] until Sun Mar 31 00:00:00 2029
drwxr-xr-x --- root root 4KiB 4KiB 23h42m vol1
rw-r--r-- --- root root    4    0 23h42m vol1/DIR1/FILE
drwxr-xr-x --- root root 4KiB 4KiB 23h42m vol1/DIR1/DIR11
drwxr-xr-x --- root root 4KiB 4KiB 23h42m vol1/DIR1
rw-r--r-- --- root root    4    0 23h42m vol1/DIR1/DIR11/FILE
drwxr-xr-x --- root root 4KiB 4KiB 23h42m vol1/DIR1/DIR11/DIR2
rw-r--r-- --- root root    4    0 23h42m vol1/DIR1/DIR11/DIR2/FILE
drwxr-xr-x --- root root 4KiB 4KiB 17m43s vol1/DIR1/DIR11/DIR2/DIR22
8 scanned, 8 getacls, 1 v3perm, 7 acls, 3.80 KiB in (3.86 KiB/s), 1.21 KiB out (1.23 KiB/s), 0s.



  • 若要讓XCP在子目錄上運作、請在XCP主機上掛載完整路徑(「」)。


[root@localhost ~]# ./xcp scan -l -acl4
XCP <version>; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to XXX [NetApp Inc] until Sun Mar 31 00:00:00 2029
xcp: ERROR: For xcp to process ACLs, please mount using the OS nfs4 client.
  • 使用子目錄語法(「mount: subnet/sqtree /.snapshot」)、如下例所示:

[root@localhost ~]# ./xcp scan -l -acl4
XCP <version>; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to XXX [NetApp Inc] until Sun Mar 31 00:00:00 2029
drwxr-xr-x --- root root 4KiB 4KiB 23h51m DIR11
rw-r--r-- --- root root    4    0 23h51m DIR11/DIR2/FILE
drwxr-xr-x --- root root 4KiB 4KiB  26m9s DIR11/DIR2/DIR22
rw-r--r-- --- root root    4    0 23h51m DIR11/FILE
drwxr-xr-x --- root root 4KiB 4KiB 23h51m DIR11/DIR2
5 scanned, 5 getacls, 5 acls, 2.04 KiB in (3.22 KiB/s), 540 out (850/s), 0s.

完成下列步驟、將ACLv4從NetApp 7-Mode移轉至NetApp儲存系統。

  1. 驗證目標ONTAP 系統是否健全。

    CLUSTER::> cluster show
    Node                  Health  Eligibility
    --------------------- ------- ------------
    CLUSTER-01            true    true
    CLUSTER-02            true    true
    2 entries were displayed.
    CLUSTER::> node show
    Node      Health Eligibility Uptime        Model       Owner    Location
    --------- ------ ----------- ------------- ----------- -------- ---------------
              true   true        78 days 21:01 FAS8060              RTP
              true   true        78 days 20:50 FAS8060              RTP
    2 entries were displayed.
    CLUSTER::> storage failover show
    Node           Partner        Possible State Description
    -------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
    CLUSTER-01     CLUSTER-02     true     Connected to CLUSTER-02
    CLUSTER-02     CLUSTER-01     true     Connected to CLUSTER-01
    2 entries were displayed.
  2. 確認目標系統上至少存在一個非根Aggregate。Aggregate是正常的。

    CLUSTER::> storage aggregate show
    Aggregate     Size Available Used% State   #Vols  Nodes            RAID Status
    --------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
    aggr0      368.4GB   17.85GB   95% online       1 CLUSTER-01       raid_dp,
               368.4GB   17.85GB   95% online       1 CLUSTER-02       raid_dp,
    source      1.23TB    1.10TB   11% online       6 CLUSTER-01       raid_dp,
    3 entries were displayed.

    如果沒有資料Aggregate、請使用「shorage aggr create」命令建立新的集合體。

  3. 在目標叢集系統上建立SVM。

    CLUSTER::> vserver create -vserver dest -rootvolume dest_root -aggregate poc -rootvolume-security-style mixed
    [Job 647] Job succeeded:
    Vserver creation completed
    Verify the security style and language settings of the source


    CLUSTER::> vserver show -vserver dest
                                        Vserver: dest
                                   Vserver Type: data
                                Vserver Subtype: default
                                   Vserver UUID: 91f6d786-0063-11e5-b114-00a09853a969
                                    Root Volume: dest_root
                                      Aggregate: poc
                                     NIS Domain: -
                     Root Volume Security Style: mixed
                                    LDAP Client: -
                   Default Volume Language Code: C.UTF-8
                                Snapshot Policy: default
                                   Quota Policy: default
                    List of Aggregates Assigned: -
     Limit on Maximum Number of Volumes allowed: unlimited
                            Vserver Admin State: running
                      Vserver Operational State: running
       Vserver Operational State Stopped Reason: -
                              Allowed Protocols: nfs, cifs, fcp, iscsi, ndmp
                           Disallowed Protocols: -
                Is Vserver with Infinite Volume: false
                               QoS Policy Group: -
                                    Config Lock: false
                                   IPspace Name: Default
  4. 從目標SVM移除FCP、iSCSI、NDMP及CIFS傳輸協定。

    CLUSTER::> vserver remove-protocols -vserver dest -protocols fcp,iscsi,ndmp,cifs


    CLUSTER::> vserver show -vserver dest -fields allowed-protocols
    vserver allowed-protocols
    ------- -----------------
    dest    nfs
  5. 在目的地SVM上建立新的讀寫資料磁碟區。確認安全樣式、語言設定和容量需求符合來源Volume。

    CLUSTER::> vol create -vserver dest -volume dest_nfs -aggregate poc -size 150g -type RW -state online -security-style mixed
    [Job 648] Job succeeded: Successful
  6. 建立資料LIF以處理NFS用戶端要求。

    CLUSTER::> network interface create -vserver dest -lif dest_lif -address -netmask -role data -data-protocol nfs -home-node CLUSTER-01 -home-port e0l


    CLUSTER::> network interface show -vserver dest
                Logical    Status     Network            Current       Current Is
    Vserver     Interface  Admin/Oper Address/Mask       Node          Port    Home
    ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
                             up/up    CLUSTER-01    e0i     true
  7. 如有需要、請使用SVM建立靜態路由。

    CLUSTER::> network route create -vserver dest -destination -gateway


    CLUSTER::> network route show -vserver source
    Vserver             Destination     Gateway         Metric
    ------------------- --------------- --------------- ------
  8. 在SVM命名空間中掛載目標NFS資料磁碟區。

    CLUSTER::> volume mount -vserver dest -volume dest_nfs -junction-path /dest_nfs -active true


    CLUSTER::> volume show -vserver dest -fields junction-path
    vserver volume   junction-path
    ------- -------- -------------
    dest    dest_nfs /dest_nfs
    dest    dest_root
    2 entries were displayed.

    您也可以使用「volume create」命令來指定Volume掛載選項(交會路徑)。

  9. 在目標SVM上啟動NFS服務。

    CLUSTER::> vserver nfs start -vserver dest


    CLUSTER::> vserver nfs status
    The NFS server is running on Vserver "dest".
    CLUSTER::> nfs show
    Vserver: dest
            General Access:  true
                        v3:  enabled
                      v4.0:  enabled
                       4.1:  disabled
                       UDP:  enabled
                       TCP:  enabled
      Default Windows User:  -
     Default Windows Group:  -
  10. 檢查預設的NFS匯出原則是否已套用至目標SVM。

    CLUSTER::> vserver export-policy show -vserver dest
    Vserver          Policy Name
    ---------------  -------------------
    dest             default
  11. 如有需要、請為目標SVM建立新的自訂匯出原則。

    CLUSTER::> vserver export-policy create -vserver dest -policyname xcpexportpolicy


    CLUSTER::> vserver export-policy show -vserver dest
    Vserver          Policy Name
    ---------------  -------------------
    dest             default
    dest             xcpexportpolicy
    2 entries were displayed.
  12. 修改匯出原則規則、以允許存取NFS用戶端。

    CLUSTER::> export-policy rule modify -vserver dest -ruleindex 1 -policyname xcpexportpolicy -clientmatch -rorule any -rwrule any -anon 0


    CLUSTER::> export-policy rule show -instance
                                        Vserver: dest
                                    Policy Name: xcpexportpolicy
                                     Rule Index: 1
                                Access Protocol: nfs3
    Client Match Hostname, IP Address, Netgroup, or Domain:
                                 RO Access Rule: none
                                 RW Access Rule: none
    User ID To Which Anonymous Users Are Mapped: 65534
                       Superuser Security Types: none
                   Honor SetUID Bits in SETATTR: true
                      Allow Creation of Devices: true
  13. 驗證是否允許用戶端存取磁碟區。

    CLUSTER::> export-policy check-access -vserver dest -volume dest_nfs -client-ip -authentication-method none -protocol nfs3 -access-type read-write
                                             Policy    Policy       Rule
    Path                          Policy     Owner     Owner Type  Index Access
    ----------------------------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------ ----------
    /                             xcpexportpolicy
                                             dest_root volume          1 read
    /dest_nfs                     xcpexportpolicy
                                             dest_nfs  volume          1 read-write
    2 entries were displayed.
  14. 連線至Linux NFS伺服器。為NFS匯出的Volume建立掛載點。

    [root@localhost /]# cd /mnt
    [root@localhost mnt]# mkdir dest
  15. 在此掛載點掛載目標NFSv4匯出的Volume。

    註 NFSv4磁碟區應匯出、但不一定要由NFS伺服器掛載。如果可以掛載、XCP Linux主機用戶端就會掛載這些磁碟區。
    [root@localhost mnt]# mount -t nfs4 /mnt/vol1


    [root@localhost mnt]# mount | grep nfs on /mnt/vol1 type nfs4 (rw,relatime,vers=4.0,rsize=65536,wsize=65536,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,
  16. 在NFS匯出的掛載點上建立測試檔案、以啟用讀寫存取。

    [root@localhost dest]# touch test.txt


    [root@localhost dest]# ls -l
    total 0
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root bin 0 Jun  2 03:16 test.txt
    註 讀寫測試完成後、請從目標NFS掛載點刪除檔案。
  17. 連線至安裝XCP的Linux用戶端系統。瀏覽至XCP安裝路徑。

    [root@localhost ~]# cd /linux/
    [root@localhost linux]#
  18. 在XCP Linux用戶端主機系統上執行「XCP show」命令、查詢來源NFSv4匯出。

    root@localhost]# ./xcp show
    XCP <version>; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to xxx [NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029
    getting pmap dump from port 111...
    getting export list from
    sending 6 mounts and 24 nfs requests to
    == RPC Services ==
    '': UDP rpc services: MNT v1/2/3, NFS v3, NLM v4, PMAP v2/3/4, STATUS v1
    '': TCP rpc services: MNT v1/2/3, NFS v3/4, NLM v4, PMAP v2/3/4, STATUS v1
    == NFS Exports ==
     Mounts  Errors  Server
          6       0
         Space    Files      Space    Files
          Free     Free       Used     Used Export
      94.7 MiB   19,883    324 KiB      107
       971 MiB   31,023   2.19 MiB       99
       970 MiB   31,024   2.83 MiB       98
      9.33 GiB  310,697    172 MiB      590
      43.3 GiB    1.10M   4.17 GiB    1.00M
      36.4 GiB    1.10M   11.1 GiB    1.00M
    == Attributes of NFS Exports ==
    drwxr-xr-x --- root root 4KiB 4KiB 6d2h
    drwxr-xr-x --- root root 4KiB 4KiB 3d2h
    drwxr-xr-x --- root root 4KiB 4KiB 3d2h
    drwxr-xr-x --- root root 4KiB 4KiB 9d2h
    drwxr-xr-x --- root root 4KiB 4KiB 9d4h
    drwxr-xr-x --- root root 4KiB 4KiB 9d4h
    6.09 KiB in (9.19 KiB/s), 12.2 KiB out (18.3 KiB/s), 0s.
  19. 掃描來源NFSv4匯出路徑、並列印其檔案結構的統計資料。


    [root@localhost]# ./xcp scan -acl4
    XCP <version>; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to xxx [NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029
    3 scanned, 3 getacls, 3 v3perms, 1.59 KiB in (1.72 KiB/s), 696 out (753/s), 0s.
  20. 將來源NFSv4匯出至目標ONTAP 系統上的NFSv4匯出。

    [root@localhost]# ./xcp copy -acl4 -newid id1
    XCP <version>; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to xxx [NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029
    3 scanned, 2 copied, 3 indexed, 3 getacls, 3 v3perms, 1 setacl, 14.7 KiB in (11.7 KiB/s), 61 KiB out (48.4 KiB/s), 1s..
  21. 完成「複製」之後、請確認來源和目的地NFSv4匯出的資料相同。執行「XCP VERIFY」命令。

    [root@localhost]# ./xcp verify -acl4 -noid
    XCP <version>; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to xxx [NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029
    3 scanned, 100% found (0 have data), 100% verified (data, attrs, mods, acls), 6 getacls, 6 v3perms, 2.90 KiB in (4.16 KiB/s), 2.94 KiB out (4.22 KiB/s), 0s.

    如果「驗證」發現來源與目的地資料之間有差異、則摘要中會報告「沒有這類檔案或目錄」錯誤。若要修正此問題、請執行「XCP sync」命令、將來源變更複製到目的地。

  22. 在轉換之前和期間、再次執行「驗證」。如果來源有新的或更新的資料、請執行遞增更新。執行「XCP sync」命令。

    [root@ root@localhost]# ./xcp sync -id id1
    XCP <version>; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to xxx [NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029
    xcp: Index: {source:, target:}
    3 reviewed, 3 checked at source, no changes, 3 reindexed, 25.6 KiB in (32.3 KiB/s), 23.3 KiB out (29.5 KiB/s), 0s.
    註 此作業需要先前的複本索引名稱或編號。
  23. 若要恢復先前中斷的「複製」作業、請執行「XCP恢復」命令。

    [root@localhost]# ./xcp resume -id id1
    XCP <version>; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to xxx [NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029
    xcp: Index: {source:, target:}
    xcp: resume 'id1': Reviewing the incomplete index...
    xcp: diff 'id1': Found 0 completed directories and 8 in progress
    39,899 reviewed, 1.64 MiB in (1.03 MiB/s), 14.6 KiB out (9.23 KiB/s), 1s.
    xcp: resume 'id1': Starting second pass for the in-progress directories...
    xcp: resume 'id1': Resuming the in-progress directories...
    xcp: resume 'id1': Resumed command: copy {-acl4: True}
    xcp: resume 'id1': Current options: {-id: 'id1'}
    xcp: resume 'id1': Merged options: {-acl4: True, -id: 'id1'}
    xcp: resume 'id1': Values marked with a * include operations before resume
     86,404 scanned, 39,912 copied, 39,899 indexed, 13.0 MiB in (2.60 MiB/s), 78.4 KiB out (15.6 KiB/s), 5s 86,404 scanned, 39,912 copied, 39,899 indexed, 13.0 MiB in (0/s), 78.4 KiB out (0/s), 10s
    1.00M scanned, 100% found (1M have data), 1M compared, 100% verified (data, attrs, mods, acls), 2.00M getacls, 202 v3perms, 1.00M same acls, 2.56 GiB in (2.76 MiB/s), 485 MiB out (524 KiB/s), 15m48s.


將7-Mode SMB儲存設備移轉ONTAP 至支援CIFS資料的功能區

本節說明將來源7-Mode SMB共用區轉換為ONTAP VMware系統的逐步程序。

註 NetApp假設7-Mode和ONTAP VMware系統是SMB授權的系統。系統會建立目的地SVM、匯出來源和目的地SMB共用、並安裝和授權XCP。
  1. 掃描SMB共用區中的檔案和目錄。

    C:\xcp>xcp scan -stats \\\performance_SMB_home_dirs
    XCP SMB 1.6; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to xxxx xxxx[NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029
    == Maximum Values ==
    Size Depth Namelen Dirsize
    15.6MiB 2 8 200
    == Average Values ==
    Size Depth Namelen Dirsize
    540KiB 2 7 81
    == Top File Extensions ==
    .txt .tmp
    5601 2200
    == Number of files ==
    empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB
    46 6301 700 302 200 252
    == Space used ==
    empty <8KiB 8-64KiB 64KiB-1MiB 1-10MiB 10-100MiB >100MiB
    0 6.80MiB 8.04MiB 120MiB 251MiB 3.64GiB 0
    == Directory entries ==
    empty 1-10 10-100 100-1K 1K-10K >10k
    18 1 77 1
    == Depth ==
    0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-100 >100
    == Modified ==
    >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future
    2167 56 322 5353
    == Created ==
    >1 year >1 month 1-31 days 1-24 hrs <1 hour <15 mins future
    2171 54 373 5300
    Total count: 7898
    Directories: 97
    Regular files: 7801
    Symbolic links:
    Special files:
    Total space for regular files: 4.02GiB
    Total space for directories: 0
    Total space used: 4.02GiB
    7,898 scanned, 0 errors, 0s
  2. 將檔案(含或不含ACL)從來源複製到目的地SMB共用區。以下範例顯示含有ACL的複本。

    C:\xcp>xcp copy -acl -fallback-user "DOMAIN\gabi" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\\performance_SMB_home_dirs \\\performance_SMB_home_dirs
    XCP SMB 1.6; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to xxxx xxxx[NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029
    7,898 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 184 copied, 96.1MiB (19.2MiB/s), 5s
    7,898 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 333 copied, 519MiB (84.7MiB/s), 10s
    7,898 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 366 copied, 969MiB (89.9MiB/s), 15s
    7,898 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 422 copied, 1.43GiB (99.8MiB/s), 20s
    7,898 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 1,100 copied, 1.69GiB (52.9MiB/s), 25s
    7,898 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 1,834 copied, 1.94GiB (50.4MiB/s), 30s
    7,898 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 1,906 copied, 2.43GiB (100MiB/s), 35s
    7,898 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 2,937 copied, 2.61GiB (36.6MiB/s), 40s
    7,898 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 2,969 copied, 3.09GiB (100.0MiB/s), 45s
    7,898 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 3,001 copied, 3.58GiB (100.0MiB/s), 50s
    7,898 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 3,298 copied, 4.01GiB (88.0MiB/s), 55s
    7,898 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 5,614 copied, 4.01GiB (679KiB/s), 1m0s
    7,898 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 7,879 copied, 4.02GiB (445KiB/s), 1m5s
    7,898 scanned, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 7,897 copied, 4.02GiB (63.2MiB/s), 1m5s
    註 如果沒有資料Aggregate、請使用storage「aggr create」命令建立新的集合體。
  3. 同步來源和目的地上的檔案。

    C:\xcp>xcp sync -acl -fallback-user "DOMAIN\gabi" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\\performance_SMB_home_dirs \\\performance_SMB_home_dirs
    XCP SMB 1.6; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to xxxx xxxx[NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029
    10,796 scanned, 4,002 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 5s
    15,796 scanned, 8,038 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 10s
    15,796 scanned, 8,505 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 15s
    15,796 scanned, 8,707 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 20s
    15,796 scanned, 8,730 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 25s
    15,796 scanned, 8,749 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 30s
    15,796 scanned, 8,765 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 35s
    15,796 scanned, 8,786 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 40s
    15,796 scanned, 8,956 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 45s
    8 XCP v1.6 User Guide © 2020 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
    Step Description
    15,796 scanned, 9,320 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 50s
    15,796 scanned, 9,339 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 55s
    15,796 scanned, 9,363 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 1m0s
    15,796 scanned, 10,019 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 1m5s
    15,796 scanned, 10,042 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 1m10s
    15,796 scanned, 10,059 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 1m15s
    15,796 scanned, 10,075 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 1m20s
    15,796 scanned, 10,091 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 1m25s
    15,796 scanned, 10,108 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 1m30s
    15,796 scanned, 10,929 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 1m35s
    15,796 scanned, 12,443 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 1m40s
    15,796 scanned, 13,963 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 1m45s
    15,796 scanned, 15,488 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 1m50s
    15,796 scanned, 15,796 compared, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 removed, 1m51s
  4. 確認檔案已正確複製。

    C:\xcp> xcp verify \\\performance_SMB_home_dirs \\\performance_SMB_home_dir
    XCP SMB 1.6; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to xxxx xxxx[NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 2029
    8 compared, 8 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 5s
    24 compared, 24 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 10s
    41 compared, 41 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 15s
    63 compared, 63 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 20s
    86 compared, 86 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 25s
    423 compared, 423 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 30s
    691 compared, 691 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 35s
    1,226 compared, 1,226 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 40s
    1,524 compared, 1,524 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 45s
    1,547 compared, 1,547 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 50s
    1,564 compared, 1,564 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 55s
    2,026 compared, 2,026 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 1m0s
    2,045 compared, 2,045 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 1m5s
    2,061 compared, 2,061 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 1m10s
    2,081 compared, 2,081 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 1m15s
    2,098 compared, 2,098 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 1m20s
    2,116 compared, 2,116 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 1m25s
    3,232 compared, 3,232 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 1m30s
    4,817 compared, 4,817 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 1m35s
    6,267 compared, 6,267 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 1m40s
    7,844 compared, 7,844 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 1m45s
    7,898 compared, 7,898 same, 0 different, 0 missing, 1m45s,cifs