將Insight升級至7.3.12版或更新版本- Linux
在從OnCommand Insight 更新版本的版本更新至版本7.3.12或更新版本之前、您必須先執行OCI資料移轉工具。
支援7.3.12版及更新版本的基礎軟體可能與舊版不相容OnCommand Insight 。Insight 7.3.12版及更新版本包含*資料移轉工具*、可協助升級。
不再支援版本7.3.9和更早版本OnCommand Insight 。如果您執行其中一個版本、則必須升級至Insight 7.3.10版或更新版本(強烈建議使用7.3.11)、然後再升級至7.3.12或更新版本。 |
在升級之前、您必須先執行資料移轉工具、然後依照建議的步驟進行。 |
強烈建議OnCommand Insight 您在執行資料移轉工具之前、先備份您的支援系統。
升級Insight之前、必須先為資料庫和任何效能歸檔執行Data Migration Tool _must _。
將最新版的資料移轉工具(例如、_SAN作家 資料移轉工具-x86_64 7.3.12-97.Zip)下載至Insight伺服器、以及適當的Insight安裝程式檔案。解壓縮至工作資料夾。下載內容可在上找到 "NetApp 支援網站"。
建議使用Bash Shell。
_"sho./SAN作家 資料移轉工具.sh"
sudo ./SanscreenDataMigrationTool.sh NetApp SANScreen Data Migration Tool 7.3.12-132 OCI is installed Elasticsearch REST port = 9200 Checking Elasticsearch service... Elasticsearch service is up Checking for obsolete (version 5) indexes... Found 54 obsolete indexes. Of these, 54 indexes may be migrated with OCI server running, the most recent of which is for 2021-05-13 Verifying migration component is present... SANscreen Server service is Running Proceed with online migration of 54 indexes (y or [n])?:
某些索引可能會在SANscreen 執行「支援支援服務」服務時移轉。其他則只能在伺服器停止時移轉。如果沒有可移轉的索引、工具將會結束。否則請依照提示遵循指示。
資料移轉工具完成後、會重新檢查是否有過時的索引。如果所有索引都已移轉、此工具會通知您OnCommand Insight 支援升級至版本477.3.12。現在您可以繼續升級Insight。
sudo ./SanscreenDataMigrationTool.sh NetApp SANScreen Data Migration Tool 7.3.12-132 OCI is installed Elasticsearch REST port = 9200 Checking for obsolete (version 5) indexes... Found 76 obsolete OCI indexes. Of these, 76 indexes may be migrated with OCI server running SANscreen Server service is running Proceed with online migration of 76 indexes (y or [n])? y If you supply performance archive location, entries for any dates with migrated indexes will be replaced. Each orginal entry will be renamed and you may delete it after migration is completed. When prompted enter the archive location including the site-name directory. Enter the location of the performance archive or blank if none: Performance archive entries will not be updated Running the migration application with options -u http://localhost:9200 --online -sa - Preparing to migrate oci-timeseries-disk-2021-03-22: copied; backup; delete old; restore new; cleanup; done. Preparing to migrate oci-timeseries-internalvolume-2021-03-22: copied; backup; delete old; restore new; cleanup; done. Preparing to migrate oci-timeseries-port-2021-03-22: copied; backup; delete old; restore new; cleanup; done. ... Preparing to migrate oci-timeseries-disk-2021-03-27: copied; backup; delete old; restore new; cleanup; done. Execution time 0:08:17 Checking for obsolete (version 5) indexes... No obsolete indexes found. Upgrade and Inline Upgrade to 7.3.12+ are supported
如果系統提示您停止SANscreen 此功能、請在升級Insight之前重新啟動。
不存在此功能: OnCommand Insight
./SanscreenDataMigrationTool.sh NetApp SANScreen Data Migration Tool V1.0 Checking OnCommand Insight Installation... ERROR: OnCommand Insight is not installed
./SanscreenDataMigrationTool.sh NetApp SANScreen Data Migration Tool 7.3.12-105 Checking OnCommand Insight Installation... OnCommand Insight 7.3.4 (126) is installed ERROR: The OCI Data Migration Tool is intended to be run against OCI 7.3.5 - 7.3.11
./SanscreenDataMigrationTool.sh NetApp SANScreen Data Migration Tool 7.3.12-105 Checking OnCommand Insight Installation... OnCommand Insight 7.3.11 (126) is installed Getting installation parameters... Elasticsearch Rest Port: 9200 Checking Elasticsearch service... ERROR: The Elasticsearch service is not running Please start the service and wait for initialization to complete Then rerun OCI Data Migration Tool
選項(Linux) |
功能 |
s |
-無聲 |
隱藏所有提示 |
-a |
-歸檔 |
如果指定、則任何索引移轉日期的現有歸檔項目都會被取代。路徑應指向包含歸檔項目Zip檔案的目錄。 您可以指定'-'的引數、表示沒有要更新的效能歸檔。 如果存在此引數、則會隱藏歸檔位置的提示。 |
-c |
-檢查 |
如果存在、指令碼會在報告索引計數之後立即結束。 |
d |
- dryrun |
如果存在、則移轉執行檔會報告將要採取的行動(移轉資料及更新歸檔項目)、但不會執行這些作業。 |
-p |
--port |
-h |
--help |
顯示使用資訊 |
如果已更新歸檔項目、您必須確認更新歸檔的擁有權和權限正確無誤。他們應該是* ocisys ocisys 644*。如果沒有、請瀏覽至效能歸檔資料夾、然後執行下列命令:
chown ocisys * chgrp ocisys * chmod 644 *