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ONTAP 7-Mode Transition



您可以從7-Mode Volume開始資料複本、並將其複製到ONTAP VMware Volume、以便進行基礎傳輸。當專案中設定的資料複本排程變成作用中時、即會開始進行基準傳輸。完成基礎傳輸之後、ONTAP 將根據資料複製排程定期更新此功能。

  • 您必須執行專案的預先檢查、並解決所有錯誤。

  • 您必須在來源與目的地系統之間設定專屬的高頻寬、低延遲網路、才能進行資料傳輸。

    註 您可以使用SnapMirror多重路徑來平衡兩個路徑之間的資料傳輸負載。
  • 必須為工作階段設定資料複本排程。


SnapMirror關係是在7-Mode和ONTAP Mirrorvolume之間建立的。

  1. 開始資料複本:

    轉換開始-p project名稱

    如果啟動作業失敗且未啟動資料複本、您必須解決此問題、然後再次執行「Transition start」命令。

    7-Mode Transition Tool>transition start -p project_finance
    [1/17 ] Project status checks                                      [      Ok       ]
    [2/17 ] Validating 7-Mode system information                       [      Ok       ]
    [3/17 ] Validating 7-Mode volumes information                      [      Ok       ]
    [4/17 ] Validating Cluster-Mode system information                 [      Ok       ]
    [5/17 ] Validating Cluster-Mode volume information                 [      Ok       ]
    [6/17 ] Validating LIF information                                 [ Notifications ]
    [7/17 ] WAFL prechecks                                             [      Ok       ]
    [8/17 ] UNIX users and groups prechecks                            [   Warnings    ]
    [9/17 ] SnapMirror prechecks                                       [ Notifications ]
    [10/17] NFS prechecks                                              [   Warnings    ]
    [11/17] Networking prechecks                                       [ Notifications ]
    [12/17] CIFS prechecks                                             [   Warnings    ]
    [13/17] Name services prechecks                                    [   Warnings    ]
    [14/17] SAN prechecks                                              [      Ok       ]
    [15/17] Creating Cluster-Mode volumes                              [      Ok       ]
    [16/17] Establishing SnapMirror relationships between the 7-Mode and Cluster-Mode volumes                                                            [      Ok       ]
    [17/17] Initializing SnapMirror relationships between the 7-Mode and Cluster-Mode volumes                                                            [      Ok       ]
    Operation summary:
    The 'start' operation is completed with warnings and notifications.
     0  Errors - No action required
    22  Warnings - Need your attention!
    16  Notifications - Please review
    102  Informational messages
    Do you want to see a detailed report {yes, no} [yes]:
    22 Warnings:
    20362: Checking whether 7-Mode UNIX groups' names are in use in the Vserver 'vs2'.  [    Warning    ]
      > The following 7-Mode UNIX groups' names are already in use in the Vserver 'vs2'.
      > AFFECTED-OBJECTS: { daemon }
    20372: Checking whether 7-Mode UNIX groups' ids are in use in the Vserver 'vs2'.    [    Warning    ]
      > The following 7-Mode UNIX groups' ids are already in use in the Vserver 'vs2'.
      > AFFECTED-OBJECTS: { daemon }
