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ONTAP MetroCluster

將Brocade FC交換器重設為原廠預設值




您必須在MetroCluster 整個過程中、針對每個採用支援的FC交換器重複上述步驟。

  1. 以系統管理員身分登入交換器。

  2. 停用Brocade虛擬架構(Vf)功能:


    FC_switch_A_1:admin> fosconfig --disable vf
    WARNING:  This is a disruptive operation that requires a reboot to take effect.
    Would you like to continue  [Y/N]: y
  3. 從交換器的連接埠拔下ISL纜線。

  4. 停用交換器:

    「witchcfg堅持 禁用」

    FC_switch_A_1:admin> switchcfgpersistentdisable
  5. 停用組態:

    「cfg停 用」

    FC_switch_A_1:admin> cfgDisable
    You are about to disable zoning configuration. This action will disable any previous zoning configuration enabled.
    Do you want to disable zoning configuration? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
    Updating flash ...
    Effective configuration is empty. "No  Access" default zone mode is ON.
  6. 清除組態:


    FC_switch_A_1:admin> cfgClear
    The Clear All action will clear all Aliases, Zones, FA Zones
    and configurations in the Defined configuration.
    Run cfgSave to commit the transaction or cfgTransAbort to
    cancel the transaction.
    Do you really want to clear all configurations?  (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
  7. 儲存組態:


    FC_switch_A_1:admin> cfgSave
    You are about to save the Defined zoning configuration. This
    action will only save the changes on Defined configuration.
    Do you want to save the Defined zoning configuration only?  (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
    Updating flash ...
  8. 設定預設組態:


    FC_switch_A_1:admin> configDefault
    WARNING:  This is a disruptive operation that requires a switch reboot.
    Would you like to continue [Y/N]: y
    Executing configdefault...Please wait
    2020/10/05-08:04:08, [FCR-1069], 1016, FID 128, INFO, FC_switch_A_1, The FC Routing service is enabled.
    2020/10/05-08:04:08, [FCR-1068], 1017, FID 128, INFO, FC_switch_A_1, The FC Routing service is disabled.
    2020/10/05-08:04:08, [FCR-1070], 1018, FID 128, INFO, FC_switch_A_1, The FC Routing configuration is set to default.
    Committing configuration ... done.
    2020/10/05-08:04:12, [MAPS-1113], 1019, FID 128, INFO, FC_switch_A_1, Policy dflt_conservative_policy activated.
    2020/10/05-08:04:12, [MAPS-1145], 1020, FID 128, INFO, FC_switch_A_1, FPI Profile dflt_fpi_profile is activated for E-Ports.
    2020/10/05-08:04:12, [MAPS-1144], 1021, FID 128, INFO, FC_switch_A_1, FPI Profile dflt_fpi_profile is activated for F-Ports.
    The switch has to be rebooted to allow the changes to take effect.
    2020/10/05-08:04:12, [CONF-1031], 1022, FID 128, INFO, FC_switch_A_1, configDefault completed successfully for switch.
  9. 將所有連接埠的連接埠組態設為預設值:

    「portcfgDefault port-number

    FC_switch_A_1:admin> portcfgdefault <port number>


  10. 驗證交換器是否使用動態隨需連接埠(Pod)方法。

    註 若為8.0之前的Brocade Fabric OS版本、您將以admin身分執行下列命令、若為8.0或更新版本、則會以root身分執行這些命令。
    1. 執行授權命令:

      適用於 Fabric OS 8.2.x 及更早版本

      執行命令 licenseport --show

      適用於 Fabric OS 9.0 及更新版本

      執行命令 license --show -port

      FC_switch_A_1:admin> license --show -port
      24 ports are available in this switch
      Full POD license is installed
      Dynamic POD method is in use
    2. 如果root使用者已被Brocade停用、請啟用root使用者。

      FC_switch_A_1:admin> userconfig --change root -e yes
      FC_switch_A_1:admin> rootaccess --set consoleonly
    3. 執行授權命令:

      適用於 Fabric OS 8.2.x 及更早版本

      執行命令 licenseport --show

      適用於 Fabric OS 9.0 及更新版本

      執行命令 license --show -port

      FC_switch_A_1:root> license --show -port
      24 ports are available in this switch
      Full POD license is installed
      Dynamic POD method is in use
    4. 如果您執行的是 Fabric OS 8.2.x 及更早版本、則必須將授權方法變更為動態:

      「licenseport -方法動態」

    FC_switch_A_1:admin> licenseport --method dynamic
    The POD method has been changed to dynamic.
    Please reboot the switch now for this change to take effect


    註 在 Fabric OS 9.0 及更新版本中、授權方法預設為動態。不支援靜態授權方法。
  11. 重新啟動交換器:


    FC_switch_A_1:admin> fastboot
    Warning: This command would cause the switch to reboot
    and result in traffic disruption.
    Are you sure you want to reboot the switch [y/n]?y
  12. 確認已實作預設設定:


  13. 確認IP位址設定正確:


