設定 SNMPv3
請遵循此程序來設定支援乙太網路交換器健全狀況監控( CSHM )的 SNMPv3 。
以下命令可在 Broadcom BS-53248 交換器上設定 SNMPv3 使用者名稱:
若為 * 無驗證 * :
snmp-server user SNMPv3UserNoAuth NETWORK-OPERATOR noauth
對於 *MD5/SHA 驗證 * :
snmp-server user SNMPv3UserAuth NETWORK-OPERATOR [auth-md5|auth-sha]
對於採用 AES/DES 加密的 * MD5/SHA 驗證 * :
snmp-server user SNMPv3UserAuthEncrypt NETWORK-OPERATOR [auth-md5|auth-sha] [priv-aes128|priv-des]
下列命令可在ONTAP Sfeside上設定一個v3使用者名稱:「cluster1::*>安全登入create -user-or group name MPv2_user-applicationSNMP -imize-method USM -reme-switch-ipaddress_address_」
下列命令會使用 CSHM 建立 SNMPv3 使用者名稱:
cluster1::*> system switch ethernet modify -device DEVICE -snmp-version SNMPv3 -community-or-username SNMPv3_USER
show snmp status
(sw1)(Config)# snmp-server user <username> network-admin auth-md5 <password> priv-aes128 <password> (cs1)(Config)# show snmp user snmp Name Group Name Auth Priv Meth Meth Remote Engine ID ----------------- ------------------ ---- ------ ------------------------- <username> network-admin MD5 AES128 8000113d03d8c497710bee
設定位在邊上的v3使用者ONTAP :
security login create -user-or-group-name <username> -application snmp -authentication-method usm -remote-switch-ipaddress
cluster1::*> security login create -user-or-group-name <username> -application snmp -authentication-method usm -remote-switch-ipaddress Enter the authoritative entity's EngineID [remote EngineID]: Which authentication protocol do you want to choose (none, md5, sha, sha2-256) [none]: md5 Enter the authentication protocol password (minimum 8 characters long): Enter the authentication protocol password again: Which privacy protocol do you want to choose (none, des, aes128) [none]: aes128 Enter privacy protocol password (minimum 8 characters long): Enter privacy protocol password again:
設定 CSHM 以監控新的 SNMPv3 使用者:
system switch ethernet show-all -device "sw1" -instance
cluster1::*> system switch ethernet show-all -device "sw1 (b8:59:9f:09:7c:22)" -instance Device Name: sw1 IP Address: SNMP Version: SNMPv2c Is Discovered: true DEPRECATED-Community String or SNMPv3 Username: - Community String or SNMPv3 Username: cshm1! Model Number: BES-53248 Switch Network: cluster-network Software Version: Reason For Not Monitoring: None <---- should display this if SNMP settings are valid Source Of Switch Version: CDP/ISDP Is Monitored ?: true Serial Number of the Device: QTFCU3826001C RCF Version: v1.8X2 for Cluster/HA/RDMA cluster1::*> cluster1::*> system switch ethernet modify -device "sw1" -snmp-version SNMPv3 -community-or-username <username>
驗證要與新建立的 SNMPv3 使用者查詢的序號、是否與 CSHM 輪詢期間結束後上一步所述相同。
system switch ethernet polling-interval show
cluster1::*> system switch ethernet polling-interval show Polling Interval (in minutes): 5 cluster1::*> system switch ethernet show-all -device "sw1" -instance Device Name: sw1 IP Address: SNMP Version: SNMPv3 Is Discovered: true DEPRECATED-Community String or SNMPv3 Username: - Community String or SNMPv3 Username: <username> Model Number: BES-53248 Switch Network: cluster-network Software Version: Reason For Not Monitoring: None <---- should display this if SNMP settings are valid Source Of Switch Version: CDP/ISDP Is Monitored ?: true Serial Number of the Device: QTFCU3826001C RCF Version: v1.8X2 for Cluster/HA/RDMA