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E-Series Systems

SANtricity Web Services Proxy overview

Contributors netapp-jolieg netapp-jsnyder NetAppZacharyWambold netapp-asubhas netapp-driley

The SANtricity Web Services Proxy is a RESTful API server installed separately on a host system to manage hundreds of new and legacy NetApp E-Series storage systems. The proxy includes SANtricity Unified Manager, which is a web-based interface that provides similar functions.

Installation overview

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  • Unified Manager — The proxy installation includes SANtricity Unified Manager, a web-based interface that provides configuration access to newer E-Series and EF-Series storage systems. For more information, see the Unified Manager online help, which is available from its user interface or from the SANtricity software doc site.

  • Representational state transfer (REST) — Web Services is a RESTful API that provides access to virtually all the SANtricity management capabilities, so you should be familiar with REST concepts. For more information, see Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures.

  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) — Because data within Web Services is encoded through JSON, you should be familiar with JSON programming concepts. For more information, see Introducing JSON.