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ONTAP Select
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Script para crear un clúster


Puede utilizar el siguiente script para crear un clúster basado en los parámetros definidos en el script y en un archivo de entrada JSON.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# File:
# (C) Copyright 2019 NetApp, Inc.
# This sample code is provided AS IS, with no support or warranties of
# any kind, including but not limited for warranties of merchantability
# or fitness of any kind, expressed or implied. Permission to use,
# reproduce, modify and create derivatives of the sample code is granted
# solely for the purpose of researching, designing, developing and
# testing a software application product for use with NetApp products,
# provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
# that the software application product is distributed pursuant to terms
# no less restrictive than those set forth herein.

import traceback
import argparse
import json
import logging

from deploy_requests import DeployRequests

def add_vcenter_credentials(deploy, config):
    """ Add credentials for the vcenter if present in the config """

    vcenter = config.get('vcenter', None)
    if vcenter and not deploy.resource_exists('/security/credentials',
                                              'hostname', vcenter['hostname']):
        log_info("Registering vcenter {} credentials".format(vcenter['hostname']))
        data = {k: vcenter[k] for k in ['hostname', 'username', 'password']}
        data['type'] = "vcenter"'/security/credentials', data)

def add_standalone_host_credentials(deploy, config):
    """ Add credentials for standalone hosts if present in the config.
        Does nothing if the host credential already exists on the Deploy.

    hosts = config.get('hosts', [])
    for host in hosts:
        # The presense of the 'password' will be used only for standalone hosts.
        # If this host is managed by a vcenter, it should not have a host 'password' in the json.
        if 'password' in host and not deploy.resource_exists('/security/credentials',
                                                             'hostname', host['name']):
            log_info("Registering host {} credentials".format(host['name']))
            data = {'hostname': host['name'], 'type': 'host',
                    'username': host['username'], 'password': host['password']}
  '/security/credentials', data)

def register_unkown_hosts(deploy, config):
    ''' Registers all hosts with the deploy server.
        The host details are read from the cluster config json file.

        This method will skip any hosts that are already registered.
        This method will exit the script if no hosts are found in the config.

    data = {"hosts": []}
    if 'hosts' not in config or not config['hosts']:
        log_and_exit("The cluster config requires at least 1 entry in the 'hosts' list got {}".format(config))

    missing_host_cnt = 0
    for host in config['hosts']:
        if not deploy.resource_exists('/hosts', 'name', host['name']):
            missing_host_cnt += 1
            host_config = {"name": host['name'], "hypervisor_type": host['type']}
            if 'mgmt_server' in host:
                host_config["management_server"] = host['mgmt_server']
                   "Registering from vcenter {mgmt_server}".format(**host))

            if 'password' in host and 'user' in host:
                host_config['credential'] = {
                    "password": host['password'], "username": host['user']}

            log_info("Registering {type} host {name}".format(**host))

    # only post /hosts if some missing hosts were found
    if missing_host_cnt:'/hosts', data, wait_for_job=True)

def add_cluster_attributes(deploy, config):
    ''' POST a new cluster with all needed attribute values.
        Returns the cluster_id of the new config

    cluster_config = config['cluster']
    cluster_id = deploy.find_resource('/clusters', 'name', cluster_config['name'])

    if not cluster_id:
        log_info("Creating cluster config named {name}".format(**cluster_config))

        # Filter to only the valid attributes, ignores anything else in the json
        data = {k: cluster_config[k] for k in [
            'name', 'ip', 'gateway', 'netmask', 'ontap_image_version', 'dns_info', 'ntp_servers']}

        num_nodes = len(config['nodes'])

        log_info("Cluster properties: {}".format(data))

        resp ='/v3/clusters?node_count={}'.format(num_nodes), data)
        cluster_id = resp.headers.get('Location').split('/')[-1]

    return cluster_id

def get_node_ids(deploy, cluster_id):
    ''' Get the the ids of the nodes in a cluster. Returns a list of node_ids.'''

    response = deploy.get('/clusters/{}/nodes'.format(cluster_id))
    node_ids = [node['id'] for node in response.json().get('records')]
    return node_ids

def add_node_attributes(deploy, cluster_id, node_id, node):
    ''' Set all the needed properties on a node '''

    log_info("Adding node '{}' properties".format(node_id))

    data = {k: node[k] for k in ['ip', 'serial_number', 'instance_type',
                                 'is_storage_efficiency_enabled'] if k in node}
    # Optional: Set a serial_number
    if 'license' in node:
        data['license'] = {'id': node['license']}

    # Assign the host
    host_id = deploy.find_resource('/hosts', 'name', node['host_name'])
    if not host_id:
        log_and_exit("Host names must match in the 'hosts' array, and the nodes.host_name property")

    data['host'] = {'id': host_id}

    # Set the correct raid_type
    is_hw_raid = not node['storage'].get('disks')  # The presence of a list of disks indicates sw_raid
    data['passthrough_disks'] = not is_hw_raid

    # Optionally set a custom node name
    if 'name' in node:
        data['name'] = node['name']

    log_info("Node properties: {}".format(data))
    deploy.patch('/clusters/{}/nodes/{}'.format(cluster_id, node_id), data)

def add_node_networks(deploy, cluster_id, node_id, node):
    ''' Set the network information for a node '''

    log_info("Adding node '{}' network properties".format(node_id))

    num_nodes = deploy.get_num_records('/clusters/{}/nodes'.format(cluster_id))

    for network in node['networks']:

        # single node clusters do not use the 'internal' network
        if num_nodes == 1 and network['purpose'] == 'internal':

        # Deduce the network id given the purpose for each entry
        network_id = deploy.find_resource('/clusters/{}/nodes/{}/networks'.format(cluster_id, node_id),
                                          'purpose', network['purpose'])
        data = {"name": network['name']}
        if 'vlan' in network and network['vlan']:
            data['vlan_id'] = network['vlan']

        deploy.patch('/clusters/{}/nodes/{}/networks/{}'.format(cluster_id, node_id, network_id), data)

def add_node_storage(deploy, cluster_id, node_id, node):
    ''' Set all the storage information on a node '''

    log_info("Adding node '{}' storage properties".format(node_id))
    log_info("Node storage: {}".format(node['storage']['pools']))

    data = {'pool_array': node['storage']['pools']}  # use all the json properties
        '/clusters/{}/nodes/{}/storage/pools'.format(cluster_id, node_id), data)

    if 'disks' in node['storage'] and node['storage']['disks']:
        data = {'disks': node['storage']['disks']}
            '/clusters/{}/nodes/{}/storage/disks'.format(cluster_id, node_id), data)

def create_cluster_config(deploy, config):
    ''' Construct a cluster config in the deploy server using the input json data '''

    cluster_id = add_cluster_attributes(deploy, config)

    node_ids = get_node_ids(deploy, cluster_id)
    node_configs = config['nodes']

    for node_id, node_config in zip(node_ids, node_configs):
        add_node_attributes(deploy, cluster_id, node_id, node_config)
        add_node_networks(deploy, cluster_id, node_id, node_config)
        add_node_storage(deploy, cluster_id, node_id, node_config)

    return cluster_id

def deploy_cluster(deploy, cluster_id, config):
    ''' Deploy the cluster config to create the ONTAP Select VMs. '''
    log_info("Deploying cluster: {}".format(cluster_id))

    data = {'ontap_credential': {'password': config['cluster']['ontap_admin_password']}}'/clusters/{}/deploy?inhibit_rollback=true'.format(cluster_id),
                data, wait_for_job=True)

def log_debug_trace():
    stack = traceback.extract_stack()
    parent_function = stack[-2][2]
    logging.getLogger('deploy').debug('Calling %s()' % parent_function)

def log_info(msg):

def log_and_exit(msg):

def configure_logging(verbose):
    FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s: %(message)s'
    if verbose:
        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT)
        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=FORMAT)

def main(args):
    deploy = DeployRequests(args.deploy, args.password)

    with open(args.config_file) as json_data:
        config = json.load(json_data)

        add_vcenter_credentials(deploy, config)

        add_standalone_host_credentials(deploy, config)

        register_unkown_hosts(deploy, config)

        cluster_id = create_cluster_config(deploy, config)

        deploy_cluster(deploy, cluster_id, config)

def parseArgs():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Uses the ONTAP Select Deploy API to construct and deploy a cluster.')
    parser.add_argument('-d', '--deploy', help='Hostname or IP address of Deploy server')
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', help='Admin password of Deploy server')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config_file', help='Filename of the cluster config')
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Display extra debugging messages for seeing exact API calls and responses',
                        action='store_true', default=False)
    return parser.parse_args()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = parseArgs()