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El SMB help command muestra una lista de comandos, parámetros de comandos y una breve descripción de cada uno. Este comando es muy útil para principiantes que son nuevos en XCP.

xcp --help
Muestra el ejemplo
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\xcp>xcp --help
usage: xcp [-h] [-version]
optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -version         show program's version number and exit

XCP commands:
    scan           Read all the files in a file tree
    show           Request information from host about SMB shares
    listen         Run xcp service
    configure      Configure xcp.ini file
    copy           Recursively copy everything from source to target
    sync           Sync target with source
    verify         Verify that the target is the same as the source
    license        Show xcp license info
    activate       Activate a license on the current host
    help           Show help for commands

ayuda a <command>

Utilizar <command> con help para mostrar ejemplos y detalles de opciones para el <command> especificado.

xcp help <command>

El siguiente ejemplo muestra los detalles, el uso, los argumentos y los argumentos opcionales para sync comando.

Muestra el ejemplo
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\xcp>xcp help sync
usage: xcp sync [-h] [-v] [-parallel <n>] [-match <filter>] [-preserve-atime]
[-noatime] [-noctime] [-nomtime] [-noattrs]
[-noownership] [-atimewindow <float>] [-ctimewindow <float>]
[-mtimewindow <float>] [-acl] [-fallback-user FALLBACK_USER]
[-fallback-group FALLBACK_GROUP] [-l]
source target
Note: ONTAP does not let a SMB client modify COMPRESSED or ENCRYPTED attributes.
XCP sync will ignore these file attributes.
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-v                    increase debug verbosity
-parallel <n>         number of concurrent processes (default: <cpu-count>)
-match <filter>       only process files and directories that match the filter
                      see `xcp help -match` for details)
-preserve-atime       restore last accessed date on source
-noatime              do not check file access time
-noctime              do not check file creation time
-nomtime              do not check file modification time
-noattrs              do not check attributes
-noownership          do not check ownership
-atimewindow <float>  acceptable access time difference in seconds
-ctimewindow <float>  acceptable creation time difference in seconds
-mtimewindow <float>  acceptable modification time difference in seconds
-acl                  copy security information
-fallback-user FALLBACK_USER
                      a user on the target machine to receive the permissions of local
(nondomain)source machine users (eg. domain\administrator)
-fallback-group       FALLBACK_GROUP
                      a group on the target machine to receive the permissions oflocal
(non-domain) source machine groups (eg. domain\administrators)
-l                    increase output
-root                 sync acl for root directory