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GTSU: Grid Task Submitted


This audit message indicates that a grid task has been submitted to the CMN service.

Code Field Description


Task ID

Uniquely identifies a generated grid task and allows the task to be managed over its lifecycle.

Note: The Task ID is assigned at the time that a grid task is generated, not the time that it is submitted. It is possible for a given grid task to be submitted multiple times, and in this case the Task ID field is not sufficient to uniquely link the Submitted, Started, and Ended audit messages.


Task Type

The type of grid task.


Task Version

A number indicating the version of the grid task.


Task Description

A human-readable description of the grid task.


Valid After Timestamp

The earliest time (UINT64 microseconds from January 1, 1970 - UNIX time) at which the grid task is valid.


Valid Before Timestamp

The latest time (UINT64 microseconds from January 1, 1970 - UNIX time) at which the grid task is valid.



The source of the task:

  • TXTB: The grid task was submitted through the StorageGRID system as a signed text block.

  • GRID: The grid task was submitted through the internal Grid Task Submission Service.


Activation Type

The type of activation:

  • AUTO: The grid task was submitted for automatic activation.

  • PEND: The grid task was submitted into the pending table. This is the only possibility for the TXTB source.



The result of the submission:

  • SUCS: The grid task was submitted successfully.

  • FAIL: The task has been moved directly to the historical table.