Cache Miss Ratio performance counter chart
The Cache Miss Ratio counter chart displays the percentage of read requests from client applications that are returned from the disk instead of being returned from the cache.
The popup window that is displayed when your cursor is in the chart area shows the specific counter values at specific times.
The bottom of the chart page displays information for the minimum, maximum, average, and 95th percentile cache miss ratio for the selected time range.
Cache Miss Ratio - Total counter chart
Displays the percentage of read requests from client applications that are returned from the disk instead of being returned from the cache.
This chart option applies only when the selected object is a volume.
Zoom View button
Displays a magnified view of the counter chart data.
The occurrence of critical, warning, and informational events are indicated on the time lines above the charts.
The counters in the left pane show which counter values are being displayed. Deselecting or selecting the that is associated with a counter hides and shows that counter information from the chart and can help when comparing objects.