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What's new in ONTAP 9.16.1 for ASA r2 systems

Contributors netapp-aherbin

Learn about the new capabilities available in ONTAP 9.16.1 for ASA r2 systems.


Update Description


The following NetApp ASA r2 systems are supported beginning in ONTAP 9.16.1. These platforms deliver a unified hardware and software solution that creates a simplified experience specific to the needs of SAN-only customers.

  • ASA A50

  • ASA A30

  • ASA A20

Data protection

Update Description

Support for encryption key migration between key managers

When you switch from the ONTAP onboard key manager to an external key manager at the cluster level, you can use the ONTAP command line interface (CLI) to easily migrate the encryption keys from one key manager to the other.

Support for hierarchical consistency groups

Hierarchical consistency groups allow you to create a parent consistency group that contains multiple child consistency groups. This simplifies data protection and management for complex data structures.

Protocol support

Update Description

NVMe support for symmetric Active/Active multipathing

NVMe/FC and NVMe/TCP now support symmetric active-active architecture for multipathing so that all paths between the hosts and storage are active/optimized.

Storage efficiency

Update Description

Support for automatic rebalancing of storage units

ONTAP will automatically rebalance storage units across your storage availability zones for optimal performance and capacity utilization.

NVMe space deallocation enabled by default

Space deallocation (also called “hole punching” and “unmap”) is enabled for NVMe namespaces by default. Space deallocation allows a host to deallocate unused blocks from namespaces to reclaim space.

This greatly improves overall storage efficiency, especially with file systems that have data high turnover.