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List the namespaces

Contributors dmp-netapp

You can list the available namespaces.

1. List the namespaces

Perform the following REST API call to list the namespaces.

HTTP method Path



Curl example: Return all data for all namespaces
curl --location -i --request GET '<ACCOUNT_ID>/topology/v1/namespaces' --header 'Accept: */*' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>'
Curl example: Return name, state, and cluster ID for all namespaces
curl --location -i --request GET '<ACCOUNT_ID>/topology/v1/namespaces?include=name,namespaceState,clusterID' --header 'Accept: */*' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>'
JSON output example
    "items": [
    "metadata": {}