Create a user
You can create a user with specific credentials and a pre-defined role. You can also optionally restrict the user's access to specific namespaces.
1. Select a user name
Perform the workflow List users and select an available name not currently in use.
2. Create the user
Perform the following REST API call to create a user. After successful completion of the call, the new user will not yet be usable.
HTTP method | Path |
/accounts/{account_id}/core/v1/users |
JSON input example
"type" : "application/astra-user",
"version" : "1.1",
"firstName" : "John",
"lastName" : "West",
"email" : ""
Curl example
curl --location -i --request POST '<ACCOUNT_ID>/core/v1/users' --header 'Accept: */*' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>' --data @JSONinput
JSON output example
"metadata": {
"creationTimestamp": "2022-11-20T17:23:15Z",
"modificationTimestamp": "2022-11-20T17:23:15Z",
"createdBy": "a20e91f3-2c49-443b-b240-615d940ec5f3",
"labels": []
"type": "application/astra-user",
"version": "1.2",
"id": "d07dac0a-a328-4840-a216-12de16bbd484",
"authProvider": "local",
"authID": "",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "West",
"companyName": "",
"email": "",
"postalAddress": {
"addressCountry": "",
"addressLocality": "",
"addressRegion": "",
"streetAddress1": "",
"streetAddress2": "",
"postalCode": ""
"state": "active",
"sendWelcomeEmail": "false",
"isEnabled": "true",
"isInviteAccepted": "true",
"enableTimestamp": "2022-11-20T17:23:15Z",
"lastActTimestamp": ""
3. Optionally select the allowed namespaces
Perform the workflow List the namespaces and select the namespaces you want to restrict access to.
4. Bind the user to a role
Perform the following REST API call to bind the user to a role. The example below places no restrictions on the namespace access. See Enhanced RBAC with namespace granularity for more information.
HTTP method | Path |
/accounts/{account_id}/core/v1/roleBindings |
JSON input example
"type" : "application/astra-roleBinding",
"version" : "1.1",
"userID" : "d07dac0a-a328-4840-a216-12de16bbd484",
"accountID" : "29e1f39f-2bf4-44ba-a191-5b84ef414c95",
"role" : "viewer",
"roleConstraints": [ "*" ]
Curl example
curl --location -i --request POST '<ACCOUNT_ID>/core/v1/roleBindings' --header 'Accept: */*' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>' --data @JSONinput
5. Create a credential
Perform the following REST API call to create a credential and associate it with the user. This example uses a password which is provided as a base64 value. The name
property should contain the ID of the user returned in the previous step. The input property change
must also be encoded in base64 and determines if the user must change their password at first login (true
or false
This step is only required with Astra Control Center deployments using local authentication. It is not needed with Astra Control Center deployments using LDAP or with Astra Control Service deployments. |
HTTP method | Path |
/accounts/{account_id}/core/v1/credentials |
JSON input example
"type" : "application/astra-credential",
"version" : "1.1",
"name" : "d07dac0a-a328-4840-a216-12de16bbd484",
"keyType" : "passwordHash",
"keyStore" : {
"cleartext" : "TmV0QXBwMTIz",
"change" : "ZmFsc2U="
"valid" : "true"
Curl example
curl --location -i --request POST '<ACCOUNT_ID>/core/v1/credentials' --header 'Accept: */*' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>' --data @JSONinput