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Disable and reset LDAP

Contributors dmp-netapp

There are two optional though related administrative tasks you can perform as needed for an Astra Control Center deployment. You can globally disable LDAP authentication and reset the LDAP configuration.

Both workflow tasks require the id for the astra.account.ldap Astra setting. Details for how to retrieve the setting id are included in Configure the LDAP server. See Retrieve the UUID of the LDAP setting for more information.

Disable LDAP authentication

You can perform the following REST API call to globally disable LDAP authentication for a specific Astra deployment. The call updates the astra.account.ldap setting and the isEnabled value is set to false.

HTTP method Path



JSON input example
  "type": "application/astra-setting",
  "version": "1.0",
  "desiredConfig": {
    "connectionHost": "",
    "credentialId": "3bd9c8a7-f5a4-4c44-b778-90a85fc7d154",
    "groupBaseDN": "OU=groups,OU=astra,DC=example,DC=com",
    "isEnabled": "false",
    "port": 686,
    "secureMode": "LDAPS",
    "userBaseDN": "OU=users,OU=astra,DC=example,dc=com",
    "userSearchFilter": "((objectClass=User))",
    "vendor": "Active Directory"
curl --location -i --request PUT --data @JSONinput '<ACCOUNT_ID>/core/v1/settings/<SETTING_ID>' --header 'Content-Type: application/astra-setting+json' --header 'Accept: */*' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>'

If the call is successful, the HTTP 204 response is returned. You can optionally retrieve the configuration settings again to confirm the change.

Reset the LDAP authentication configuration

You can perform the following REST API call to disconnect Astra from the LDAP server and reset the LDAP configuration in Astra. The call updates the astra.account.ldap setting and the value of connectionHost is cleared.

The value of isEnabled must also be set to false. You can either set this value before making the reset call or as part of making the reset call. In the second case, connectionHost should be cleared and isEnabled set to false on the same reset call.

Caution This is a disruptive operation and you should proceed with caution. It deletes all the imported LDAP users and groups. It also deletes all the related Astra users, groups, and roleBindings (LDAP type) that you created in Astra Control Center.
HTTP method Path



JSON input example
  "type": "application/astra-setting",
  "version": "1.0",
  "desiredConfig": {
    "connectionHost": "",
    "credentialId": "3bd9c8a7-f5a4-4c44-b778-90a85fc7d154",
    "groupBaseDN": "OU=groups,OU=astra,DC=example,DC=com",
    "isEnabled": "false",
    "port": 686,
    "secureMode": "LDAPS",
    "userBaseDN": "OU=users,OU=astra,DC=example,dc=com",
    "userSearchFilter": "((objectClass=User))",
    "vendor": "Active Directory"

Note the following:

  • To change the LDAP server, you must both disable and reset LDAP changing connectHost to a null value as shown in the example above.

curl --location -i --request PUT --data @JSONinput '<ACCOUNT_ID>/core/v1/settings/<SETTING_ID>' --header 'Content-Type: application/astra-setting+json' --header 'Accept: */*' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>'

If the call is successful, the HTTP 204 response is returned. You can optionally retrieve the configuration again to confirm the change.