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BlueXP economic efficiency

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Contributors amgrissino

Learn what’s new in BlueXP economic efficiency.

14 March 2024

If you have existing assets in place and want to determine whether a technology needs to be updated, you can use the BlueXP economic efficiency technology refresh options. You can either review a short assessment of your current workloads and get recommendations, or if you sent AutoSupport logs to NetApp within the past 90 days, the service can now provide a workload simulation to see how your workloads perform on new hardware.

You can also add a workload and exclude existing workloads from the simulation.

Previously, you could only take an assessment of your assets and identify whether a technology refresh is recommended.

The feature is now part of the Tech refresh option in the left navigation.

Learn more about the Evaluate a technology refresh.

08 November 2023

This release of BlueXP economic efficiency includes a new option to take an assessment of your assets and identify whether a technology refresh is recommended. The service includes a new Tech refresh option in the left navigation, new pages where you can take an assessment of your current workloads and assets, and a report that provides recommendations to you.

02 April 2023

The new BlueXP economic efficiency service identifies storage assets with current or forecasted low capacity and provides recommendations on data tiering or additional capacity for on-premises AFF systems.