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Cloud Insights

Data Collector: Kubernetes

Contributors netapp-alavoie dgracenetapp

Cloud Insights uses this data collector to gather Kubernetes Pod, Node, and Container metrics.


For Kubernetes Installation instructions, please see the Kubernetes Monitoring Operator page.

About Kube-state-metrics

The Kubernetes Monitoring Operator installs kube-state-metrics automatically; no user interaction is needed.

Kube-state-metrics Counters

The NetApp Kubernetes Monitoring Operator extracts the kube-state-metrics counters listed below. More details about each counter can be found at:

  1. DaemonSet Metrics

  2. Deployment Metrics

  3. Namespace Metrics

  4. Node Metrics

  5. Persistent Volume Metrics

  6. Persistent Volume Claim Metrics

  7. Pod Metrics

  8. ReplicaSet metrics

  9. Service metrics

  10. StatefulSet metrics