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Configuring the Dell EMC Unisphere REST data collector

Contributors netapp-alavoie

This data collector acquires inventory and performance data from Dell EMC Unisphere for PowerMax / Vmax 3 management systems.

Please note that Dell/EMC did not introduce per volume statistics until Unisphere 10.0 - this data collector support 9.2.0+, but will not be able to collect volume statistics as they do not exist.

One Unisphere for Vmax/PowerMax instance may be managing one or more Symmetrix Vmax 3 or higher storage arrays - this collector will default to attempting to discover all of them which are "local" to that Unisphere instance. If a Unisphere instance sees "remote" arrays (i.e those connected via SRDF replication), they will be ignored, and to discover those you should create an additional Unisphere collector in Cloud Insights pointed at whichever Unisphere instance in that site sees them as local.

For configuration, the data collector requires an IP address/FQDN of the Unisphere server, TCP connectivity to port 8443, and a username and password.


  • An IP address/Fully Qualified Domain Name of the Unisphere server

  • Username and password

  • Port 8443.


Field Description

IP address of Unisphere server

IP address or fully-qualified domain name of the Unisphere server

Unisphere Port

The default is 8443

User Name

User name for Unisphere server


Password used for Unisphere server

Advanced configuration

Field Description

Inventory Poll Interval (min)

The default is 40 minutes.

Performance Poll Interval (sec)

Interval between performance polls.

Choose 'Exclude' or 'Include' to Specify a List

Specify Whether to Include or Exclude VMs

Inventory Filter Device List

List of VMs to filter (comma separated, or semicolon separated if comma is used in the value) for Filtering

Unisphere Performance Poll Interval (sec)

The default is 300 seconds


Some things to try if you encounter problems with this data collector:


Problem: Try this:

Error: User authentication failed.

Make sure your credentials for this device are correct.

Inventory Recent status: Unexpected data retrieved -Array reported 0 volume

Typically indicates an authorization (not authentication) issue. Make sure that your credentials are correct and that the username has the power to list all the volumes and see their attributes.

Additional information may be found from the Support page or in the Data Collector Support Matrix.