Requirements for replicating storage configurations
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Before importing a storage configuration from one storage array to another, review the requirements and guidelines.
The shelves where the controllers reside must be identical on the source and target arrays.
Shelf IDs must be identical on the source and target arrays.
Expansion shelves must be populated in the same slots with the same drive types (if the drive is used in the configuration, the location of unused drives does not matter).
The controller type can be different between the source and target arrays (for example, importing from an E2800 to an E5700), but the RBOD enclosure type must be identical.
The HICs, including the DA capabilities of the host, must be identical between the source and target arrays.
Importing from a duplex to simplex configuration is not supported; however, importing from simplex to duplex is allowed.
FDE settings are not included in the import process.
The target arrays must be in Optimal status.
The source array does not need to be in Optimal status.
Drive capacity may vary between the source and target arrays, as long as the volume capacity on the target is larger than the source. (A target array might have newer, larger capacity drives that would not be fully configured into volumes by the replication operation.)
Disk pool volumes 64 TB or larger on the source array will prevent the import process on the targets.
Thin volumes are not included in the import process.