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SANtricity software

View iSCSI sessions

Contributors netapp-jolieg netapp-ivanad

You can view detailed information about the iSCSI connections to your storage array. iSCSI sessions can occur with hosts or remote storage arrays in an asynchronous mirror relationship.

  1. Select Settings  System.

  2. Select View/End iSCSI Sessions.

    A list of the current iSCSI sessions appears.

  3. Optional: To see additional information about a specific iSCSI session, select a session, and then click View Details.

    Field details
    Item Description

    Session Identifier (SSID)

    A hexadecimal string that identifies a session between an iSCSI initiator and an iSCSI target. The SSID is composed of the ISID and the TPGT.

    Initiator Session ID (ISID)

    The initiator part of the session identifier. The initiator specifies the ISID during login.

    Target Portal Group

    The iSCSI target.

    Target Portal Group Tag (TPGT)

    The target part of the session identifier. A 16-bit numerical identifier for an iSCSI target portal group.

    Initiator iSCSI name

    The worldwide unique name of the initiator.

    Initiator iSCSI label

    The user label set in System Manager.

    Initiator iSCSI alias

    A name that also can be associated with an iSCSI node. The alias allows an organization to associate a user-friendly string with the iSCSI name. However, the alias is not a substitute for the iSCSI name. The initiator iSCSI alias only can be set at the host, not in System Manager


    A server that sends input and output to the storage array.

    Connection ID (CID)

    A unique name for a connection within the session between the initiator and the target. The initiator generates this ID and presents it to the target during login requests. The connection ID is also presented during logouts that close connections.

    Port identifier

    The controller port associated with the connection.

    Initiator IP address

    The IP address of the initiator.

    Negotiated login parameters

    The parameters that are transacted during the login of the iSCSI session.

    Authentication method

    The technique to authenticate users who want access to the iSCSI network. Valid values are CHAP and None.

    Header digest method

    The technique to show possible header values for the iSCSI session. HeaderDigest and DataDigest can be either None or CRC32C. The default value for both is None.

    Data digest method

    The technique to show possible data values for the iSCSI session. HeaderDigest and DataDigest can be either None or CRC32C. The default value for both is None.

    Maximum connections

    The greatest number of connections allowed for the iSCSI session. The maximum number of connections can be 1 through 4. The default value is 1.

    Target alias

    The label associated with the target.

    Initiator alias

    The label associated with the initiator.

    Target IP address

    The IP address of the target for the iSCSI session. DNS names are not supported.

    Initial R2T

    The initial ready to transfer status. The status can be either Yes or No.

    Maximum burst length

    The maximum SCSI payload in bytes for this iSCSI session. The maximum burst length can be from 512 to 262,144 (256 KB). The default value is 262,144 (256 KB).

    First burst length

    The SCSI payload in bytes for unsolicited data for this iSCSI session. The first burst length can be from 512 to 131,072 (128 KB). The default value is 65,536 (64 KB).

    Default time to wait

    The minimum number of seconds to wait before you attempt to make a connection after a connection termination or a connection reset. The default time to wait value can be from 0 to 3600. The default is 2.

    Default time to retain

    The maximum number of seconds that connection is still possible following a connection termination or a connection reset. The default time to retain can be from 0 to 3600. The default value is 20.

    Maximum outstanding R2T

    The maximum number of "ready to transfers" outstanding for this iSCSI session. The maximum outstanding ready to transfer value can be from 1 to 16. The default is 1.

    Error recovery level

    The level of error recovery for this iSCSI session. The error recovery level value is always set to 0.

    Maximum receive data segment length

    The maximum amount of data that either the initiator or the target can receive in any iSCSI payload data unit (PDU).

    Target name

    The official name of the target (not the alias). The target name with the iqn format.

    Initiator name

    The official name of the initiator (not the alias). The initiator name that uses either the iqn or eui format.

  4. Optional: To save the report to a file, click Save.

    The file is saved in the Downloads folder for your browser with the filename iscsi-session-connections.txt.