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You can use CompleteVolumePairing
to complete the pairing of two volumes.
This method has the following input parameters:
Name | Description | Type | Default value | Required |
volumeID |
The ID of volume that will complete the volume pair. |
integer |
None |
Yes |
volumePairingKey |
The key returned from the StartVolumePairing API method. |
string |
None |
Yes |
Return value
This method has no return values.
Request example
Requests for this method are similar to the following example:
{ "method": "CompleteVolumePairing", "params": { "volumeID" : 12, "volumePairingKey" : "7b22636c7573746572506169724944223a312c22636c75737465725061697255554944223a2231636561313336322d346338662d343631612d626537322d373435363661393533643266222c22636c7573746572556e697175654944223a2278736d36222c226d766970223a223139322e3136382e3133392e313232222c226e616d65223a224175746f54657374322d63307552222c2270617373776f7264223a22695e59686f20492d64774d7d4c67614b222c22727063436f6e6e656374696f6e4944223a3931333134323634392c22757365726e616d65223a225f5f53465f706169725f50597a796647704c7246564432444a42227d" }, "id" : 1 }
Response example
This method returns a response similar to the following example:
{ "id": 1, "result": {} }
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