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Element Software
12.5 and 12.7

Group snapshot details

Contributors netapp-pcarriga netapp-yvonneo

The Group Snapshots page on the Data Protection tab provides information about the group snapshots.

  • ID

    The system-generated ID for the group snapshot.

  • UUID

    The unique ID of the group snapshot.

  • Name

    User-defined name for the group snapshot.

  • Create Time

    The time at which the group snapshot was created.

  • Status

    The current status of the snapshot. Possible values:

    • Preparing: The snapshot is being prepared for use and is not yet writable.

    • Done: This snapshot has finished preparation and is now usable.

    • Active: The snapshot is the active branch.

  • # Volumes

    The number of volumes in the group.

  • Retain Until

    The day and time the snapshot will be deleted.

  • Remote Replication

    Indication of whether or not the snapshot is enabled for replication to a remote SolidFire cluster. Possible values:

    • Enabled: The snapshot is enabled for remote replication.

    • Disabled: The snapshot is not enabled for remote replication.