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NetApp HCI Solutions

9. Deploy user clusters

Contributors ac-ntap

With Anthos, organizations can scale their environments to incorporate multiple user clusters and segregate workloads between teams. A single admin cluster can support up to 20 user clusters, and each user cluster can support up to 250 nodes and 7500 pods.

To configure user clusters for your deployment, complete the following steps:

  1. When the anthos-admin workstation is deployed, a file called user-cluster.yaml is created that can be used to deploy a number of additional user clusters for running workloads. Start by copying this default file with a new name for each cluster you intend to deploy.

    ubuntu@gke-admin-ws-200915-151421:~ $ cp config.yaml anthos-cluster01-config.yaml
  2. Edit the anthos-cluster01-config.yaml file so that it is specific for the environment that is being deployed.

    1. In a manner similar to the admin-config.yaml used earlier, most of the variables are already filled in or they reference the admin-cluster for the information needed to deploy. This first section confirms the information for the version of Anthos being deployed and the vCenter instance it is being deployed on.

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: UserCluster
      # (Required) A unique name for this cluster
      name: "anthos-cluster01"
      # (Required) GKE on-prem version (example: 1.3.0-gke.16)
      gkeOnPremVersion: 1.6.0-gke.7
      # # (Optional) vCenter configuration (default: inherit from the admin cluster)
      # vCenter:
      #   resourcePool: ""
      #   datastore: ""
      #   # Provide the path to vCenter CA certificate pub key for SSL verification
      #   caCertPath: ""
      #   # The credentials to connect to vCenter
      #   credentials:
      #     username: ""
      #     password: ""
    2. You must fill out the networking section next and select whether you are using static or DHCP mode. If you are using static addresses, you must create an IP-block file to supply addresses similar to the admin-cluster configuration.

      Note The items under the hostConfig section are global for any time static IPs are used in a deployment. This includes both static IPs for the cluster and those used for the SeeSaw load balancers, which are configured later.
      # (Required) Network configuration; vCenter section is optional and inherits from
      # the admin cluster if not specified
      # (Required) Hostconfig for static addresseses on Seesaw LB's
          - ""
          - ""
          - ""
          - ""
          - ""
          - ""
          # (Required) Define what IP mode to use ("dhcp" or "static")
          type: dhcp
          # # (Required when using "static" mode) The absolute or relative path to the yaml file
          # # to use for static IP allocation
          # ipBlockFilePath: ""
        # (Required) The Kubernetes service CIDR range for the cluster. Must not overlap
        # with the pod CIDR range
        # (Required) The Kubernetes pod CIDR range for the cluster. Must not overlap with
        # the service CIDR range
          # vSphere network name
          networkName: VM_Network
    3. Next fill out the load balancer section. This can vary depending on the type of load balancer being deployed.

      SeeSaw Example:

      # (Required) Load balancer configuration
        # (Required) The VIPs to use for load balancing
          # Used to connect to the Kubernetes API
          controlPlaneVIP: ""
          # Shared by all services for ingress traffic
          ingressVIP: ""
        # (Required) Which load balancer to use "F5BigIP" "Seesaw" or "ManualLB". Uncomment
        # the corresponding field below to provide the detailed spec
        kind: Seesaw
        # # (Required when using "ManualLB" kind) Specify pre-defined nodeports
        # manualLB:
        #   # NodePort for ingress service's http (only needed for user cluster)
        #   ingressHTTPNodePort: 30243
        #   # NodePort for ingress service's https (only needed for user cluster)
        #   ingressHTTPSNodePort: 30879
        #   # NodePort for control plane service
        #   controlPlaneNodePort: 30562
        #   # NodePort for addon service (only needed for admin cluster)
        #   addonsNodePort: 0
        # # (Required when using "F5BigIP" kind) Specify the already-existing partition and
        # # credentials
      # f5BigIP:
        #  address:
        #  credentials:
        #    username:
        #    password:
        #  partition:
        #   # # (Optional) Specify a pool name if using SNAT
        #   # snatPoolName: ""
        # (Required when using "Seesaw" kind) Specify the Seesaw configs
          # (Required) The absolute or relative path to the yaml file to use for IP allocation
          # for LB VMs. Must contain one or two IPs.
          ipBlockFilePath: "anthos-cluster01-seesaw-block.yaml"
          # (Required) The Virtual Router IDentifier of VRRP for the Seesaw group. Must
          # be between 1-255 and unique in a VLAN.
          vrid: 101
          # (Required) The IP announced by the master of Seesaw group
          masterIP: ""
          # (Required) The number CPUs per machine
          cpus: 1
          # (Required) Memory size in MB per machine
          memoryMB: 2048
          # (Optional) Network that the LB interface of Seesaw runs in (default: cluster
          # network)
          # vSphere network name
            networkName: VM_Network
          # (Optional) Run two LB VMs to achieve high availability (default: false)
          enableHA: false
    4. For a SeeSaw load balancer, you must create an additional external file to supply the static IP information for the load balancer. Create the file anthos-cluster01-seesaw-block.yaml that was referenced in this configuration section.

        - netmask: ""
          gateway: ""
          - ip: ""
            hostname: "anthos-cluster01-seesaw-vm"

      F5 BigIP Example:

        # (Required) The VIPs to use for load balancing
          # Used to connect to the Kubernetes API
          controlPlaneVIP: ""
          # Shared by all services for ingress traffic
          ingressVIP: ""
        # (Required) Which load balancer to use "F5BigIP" "Seesaw" or "ManualLB". Uncomment
        # the corresponding field below to provide the detailed spec
        kind: F5BigIP
        # # (Required when using "ManualLB" kind) Specify pre-defined nodeports
        # manualLB:
        #   # NodePort for ingress service's http (only needed for user cluster)
        #   ingressHTTPNodePort: 30243
        #   # NodePort for ingress service's https (only needed for user cluster)
        #   ingressHTTPSNodePort: 30879
        #   # NodePort for control plane service
        #   controlPlaneNodePort: 30562
        #   # NodePort for addon service (only needed for admin cluster)
        #   addonsNodePort: 0
        # # (Required when using "F5BigIP" kind) Specify the already-existing partition and
        # # credentials
          address: ""
            username: "admin"
            password: "admin-password"
          partition: "Anthos-Cluster-01"
        #   # # (Optional) Specify a pool name if using SNAT
        #   # snatPoolName: ""
        # (Required when using "Seesaw" kind) Specify the Seesaw configs
        # seesaw:
          # (Required) The absolute or relative path to the yaml file to use for IP allocation
          # for LB VMs. Must contain one or two IPs.
          #  ipBlockFilePath: ""
          # (Required) The Virtual Router IDentifier of VRRP for the Seesaw group. Must
          # be between 1-255 and unique in a VLAN.
          #  vrid: 0
          # (Required) The IP announced by the master of Seesaw group
          #  masterIP: ""
          # (Required) The number CPUs per machine
          #  cpus: 4
          # (Required) Memory size in MB per machine
          #   memoryMB: 8192
          # (Optional) Network that the LB interface of Seesaw runs in (default: cluster
          # network)
          #   vCenter:
            # vSphere network name
            #     networkName: VM_Network
          # (Optional) Run two LB VMs to achieve high availability (default: false)
          #   enableHA: false
    5. The final section describes the resources for the nodes that the cluster is deploying, including creating a node pool that we can use for dynamic scaling later. This section also supplies the service account keys to register the cluster with GKE once deployed.

      # (Optional) User cluster master nodes must have either 1 or 3 replicas (default:
      # 4 CPUs; 16384 MB memory; 1 replica)
        cpus: 4
        memoryMB: 8192
        # How many machines of this type to deploy
        replicas: 1
      # (Required) List of node pools. The total un-tainted replicas across all node pools
      # must be greater than or equal to 3
      - name: anthos-cluster01
        # # Labels to apply to Kubernetes Node objects
        # labels: {}
        # # Taints to apply to Kubernetes Node objects
        # taints:
        # - key: ""
        #   value: ""
        #   effect: ""
        cpus: 4
        memoryMB: 8192
        # How many machines of this type to deploy
        replicas: 3
      # Spread nodes across at least three physical hosts (requires at least three hosts)
        # Set to false to disable DRS rule creation
        enabled: false
      # # (Optional): Configure additional authentication
      # authentication:
      #   # (Optional) Configure OIDC authentication
      #   oidc:
      #     issuerURL: ""
      #     kubectlRedirectURL: ""
      #     clientID: ""
      #     clientSecret: ""
      #     username: ""
      #     usernamePrefix: ""
      #     group: ""
      #     groupPrefix: ""
      #     scopes: ""
      #     extraParams: ""
      #     # Set value to string "true" or "false"
      #     deployCloudConsoleProxy: ""
      #     # # The absolute or relative path to the CA file (optional)
      #     # caPath: ""
      #   # (Optional) Provide an additional serving certificate for the API server
      #   sni:
      #     certPath: ""
      #     keyPath: ""
      #   # (Optional) Configure LDAP authentication (preview feature)
      #   ldap:
      #     name: ""
      #     host: ""
      #     # Only support "insecure" for now (optional)
      #     connectionType: insecure
      #     # # The absolute or relative path to the CA file (optional)
      #     # caPath: ""
      #     user:
      #       baseDN: ""
      #       userAttribute: ""
      #       memberAttribute: ""
      # (Optional) Specify which GCP project to connect your logs and metrics to
        projectID: "anthos-dev"
        # A GCP region where you would like to store logs and metrics for this cluster.
        clusterLocation: "us-east1"
        enableVPC: false
        # The absolute or relative path to the key file for a GCP service account used to
        # send logs and metrics from the cluster
        serviceAccountKeyPath: "/home/ubuntu/logging-monitoring-key.json "
      # (Optional) Specify which GCP project to connect your GKE clusters to
        projectID: "anthos-dev"
        # The absolute or relative path to the key file for a GCP service account used to
        # register the cluster
        registerServiceAccountKeyPath: "/home/ubuntu/connect-register-key.json"
        # The absolute or relative path to the key file for a GCP service account used by
        # the GKE connect agent
        agentServiceAccountKeyPath: "/home/ubuntu/component-access-key.json"
      # (Optional) Specify Cloud Run configuration
        enabled: false
      # # (Optional/Alpha) Configure the GKE usage metering feature
      # usageMetering:
      #   bigQueryProjectID: ""
      #   # The ID of the BigQuery Dataset in which the usage metering data will be stored
      #   bigQueryDatasetID: ""
      #   # The absolute or relative path to the key file for a GCP service account used by
      #   # gke-usage-metering to report to BigQuery
      #   bigQueryServiceAccountKeyPath: ""
      #   # Whether or not to enable consumption-based metering
      #   enableConsumptionMetering: false
      # # (Optional/Alpha) Configure kubernetes apiserver audit logging
      # cloudAuditLogging:
      #   projectid: ""
      #   # A GCP region where you would like to store audit logs for this cluster.
      #   clusterlocation: ""
      #   # The absolute or relative path to the key file for a GCP service account used to
      #   # send audit logs from the cluster
      #   serviceaccountkeypath: ""
  3. After the edits to the configuration file are complete, NetApp recommends that the file be checked for proper syntax and spacing. You can check the config file you just created. This command references the kubeconfig file created by the admin-cluster.

    ubuntu@gke-admin-200915-151421:~$ gkectl check-config --kubeconfig kubeconfig --config anthos-cluster01-config.yaml
  4. If you are using a SeeSaw load balancer, you need to create it prior to deploying the user cluster.

    ubuntu@gke-admin-200915-151421:~$ gkectl create loadbalancer -–kubeconfig kubeconfig –-config anthos-cluster-01-config.yaml
  5. Create the user cluster. Just as we did with the admin cluster, the process can be accelerated by skipping the additional validations because we have already run the checks in the prior step.

    ubuntu@gke-admin-200915-151421:~$ gkectl create cluster –-config anthos-cluster-01-config.yaml –-skip-validation-all
  6. When the cluster is deployed, it creates the kubeconfig file in the local directory. This file can be used to check the status of the cluster using kubectl or for running diagnostics with gkectl.

    ubuntu@gke-admin-ws-200915-151421:~$ kubectl get nodes --kubeconfig anthos-cluster01-kubeconfig
    NAME                    STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
    anthos-cluster01-7b5995cc45-ftrdw   Ready    <none>   5m   v1.18.6-gke.6600
    anthos-cluster01-7b5995cc45-z7q9b   Ready    <none>   5m   v1.18.6-gke.6600
    anthos-cluster01-7b5995cc45-zw6sv   Ready    <none>   6m   v1.18.6-gke.6600
    ubuntu@gke-admin-ws-200915-151421:~/ $ gkectl diagnose cluster --kubeconfig kubeconfig --cluster-name anthos-cluster01
    Diagnosing user cluster "anthos-cluster01"...
    - Validation Category: User Cluster VCenter
    Checking Credentials...SUCCESS
    Checking VSphere CSI Driver...SUCCESS
    Checking Version...SUCCESS
    Checking Datacenter...SUCCESS
    Checking Datastore...SUCCESS
    Checking Resource pool...SUCCESS
    Checking Folder...SUCCESS
    Checking Network...SUCCESS
    Checking Datastore...SUCCESS
    - Validation Category: User Cluster
    Checking onpremusercluster and onpremnodepool...SUCCESS
    Checking cluster object...SUCCESS
    Checking machine deployment...SUCCESS
    Checking machineset...SUCCESS
    Checking machine objects...SUCCESS
    Checking control place pods...SUCCESS
    Checking gke-connect pods...SUCCESS
    Checking config-management-system pods...Warning: No pod is running in namespace "config-management-system"...SUCCESS
    Checking kube-system pods...SUCCESS
    Checking gke-system pods...SUCCESS
    Checking storage...SUCCESS
    Checking resource...System pods on UserNode cpu resource request report: total 3059m nodeCount 3 min 637m max 1224m avg 1019m tracked amount in bundle 4000m
    System pods on UserNode memory resource request report: total 6464Mi nodeCount 3 min 1670Mi max 2945Mi avg 2259331754 tracked amount in bundle 8192Mi
    Cluster is healthy.