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NetApp Solutions SAP

Adding additional data volume partitions

Contributors netapp-mschoen kevin-hoke

Starting with SAP HANA 2.0 SPS4, you can configure additional data volume partitions, which allows you to configure two or more volumes for the data volume of an SAP HANA tenant database. You can also scale beyond the size and performance limits of a single volume.

Note Using two or more individual volumes for the data volume is available for SAP HANA single-host and multiple-host systems. You can add additional data volume partitions at any time, but doing so might require a restart of the SAP HANA database.

Enabling additional data volume partitions

  1. To enable additional data volume partitions, add the following entry within global.ini using SAP HANA Studio or Cockpit in the SYSTEMDB configuration.

persistence_datavolume_partition_multipath = true
Note Adding the parameter manually to the global.ini file requires the restart of the database.

Volume configuration for a single-host SAP HANA system

The layout of volumes for a single-host SAP HANA system with multiple partitions is like the layout for a system with one data volume partition, but with an additional data volume stored on a different aggregate as the log volume and the other data volume. The following table shows an example configuration of an SAP HANA single-host system with two data volume partitions.

Aggregate 1 at Controller A Aggregate 2 at Controller A Aggregate 1 at Controller B Aggregate 2 at Controller b

Data volume: SID_data_mnt00001

Shared volume: SID_shared

Data volume: SID_data2_mnt00001

Log volume: SID_log_mnt00001

The following table shows an example of the mount point configuration for a single-host system with two data volume partitions.

Junction path Directory Mount point at HANA host










Create the new data volume and mount it to the namespace using either ONTAP System Manager or the ONTAP cluster command line interface.

Volume configuration for multiple-host SAP HANA system

The layout of volumes for a multiple-host SAP HANA system with multiple partitions is like the layout for a system with one data volume partition, but with an additional data volume stored on a different aggregate as the log volume and the other data volume. The following table shows an example configuration of an SAP HANA multiple-host system with two data volume partitions.

Purpose Aggregate 1 at Controller A Aggregate 2 at Controller A Aggregate 1 at Controller B Aggregate 2 at Controller B

Data and log volumes for node 1

Data volume: SID_data_mnt00001

Log volume: SID_log_mnt00001

Data2 volume: SID_data2_mnt00001

Data and log volumes for node 2

Log volume: SID_log_mnt00002

Data2 volume: SID_data2_mnt00002

Data volume: SID_data_mnt00002

Data and log volumes for node 3

Data volume: SID_data_mnt00003

Data2 volume: SID_data2_mnt00003

Log volume: SID_log_mnt00003

Data and log volumes for node 4

Data2 volume: SID_data2_mnt00004

Log volume: SID_log_mnt00004

Data volume: SID_data_mnt00004

Shared volume for all hosts

Shared volume: SID_shared

The following table shows an example of the mount point configuration for a single-host system with two data volume partitions.

Junction path Directory Mount point at SAP HANA host Note



Mounted at all hosts



Mounted at all hosts



Mounted at all hosts



Mounted at all hosts



Mounted at all hosts



Mounted at all hosts



Mounted at all hosts



Mounted at all hosts



Mounted at all hosts



Mounted at all hosts



Mounted at all hosts



Mounted at all hosts




Mounted at all hosts




Mounted at host 1




Mounted at host 2




Mounted at host 3




Mounted at host 4




Mounted at host 5

Create the new data volume and mount it to the namespace using either ONTAP System Manager or the ONTAP cluster command line interface.

Host configuration

In addition to the tasks described in the section “Host setup,” you must create the additional mount points and fstab entries for the new additional data volume(s), and you must mount the new volumes.

  1. Create additional mount points:

    • For a single-host system, create mount points and set the permissions on the database host.

      sapcc-hana-tst-06:/ # mkdir -p /hana/data2/SID/mnt00001
      sapcc-hana-tst-06:/ # chmod –R 777 /hana/data2/SID
    • For a multiple-host system, create mount points and set the permissions on all worker and standby hosts. The following example commands are for a 2+1 multiple-host HANA system.

      • First worker host:

        sapcc-hana-tst-06:~ # mkdir -p /hana/data2/SID/mnt00001
        sapcc-hana-tst-06:~ # mkdir -p /hana/data2/SID/mnt00002
        sapcc-hana-tst-06:~ # chmod -R 777 /hana/data2/SID
      • Second worker host:

        sapcc-hana-tst-07:~ # mkdir -p /hana/data2/SID/mnt00001
        sapcc-hana-tst-07:~ # mkdir -p /hana/data2/SID/mnt00002
        sapcc-hana-tst-07:~ # chmod -R 777 /hana/data2/SID
      • Standby host:

        sapcc-hana-tst-07:~ # mkdir -p /hana/data2/SID/mnt00001
        sapcc-hana-tst-07:~ # mkdir -p /hana/data2/SID/mnt00002
        sapcc-hana-tst-07:~ # chmod -R 777 /hana/data2/SID
  2. Add the additional file systems to the /etc/fstab configuration file on all hosts. An example for a single-host system using NFSv4.1 is as follows:

    <storage-vif-data02>:/SID_data2_mnt00001 /hana/data2/SID/mnt00001 nfs rw,vers=4,
    minorversion=1,hard,timeo=600,rsize=1048576,wsize=262144,bg,noatime,lock 0 0
    Note Use a different storage virtual interface for connecting to each data volume to make sure that different TCP sessions are used for each volume. You can also use the nconnect mount option if it is available for your OS.
  3. To mount the file systems, run the mount –a command.

Adding an additional data volume partition

Execute the following SQL statement against the tenant database to add an additional data volume partition to your tenant database. Use the path to additional volume(s):

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