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NetApp Solutions

Performance overview and validation with AFF A900 on-premises

Contributors kevin-hoke

On-premises, we used the NetApp AFF A900 storage controller with ONTAP 9.12.1RC1 to validate the performance and scaling of a Kafka cluster. We used the same testbed as in our previous tiered storage best practices with ONTAP and AFF.

We used Confluent Kafka 6.2.0 to evaluate the AFF A900. The cluster features eight broker nodes and three zookeeper nodes. For performance testing, we used five OMB worker nodes.

Figure showing input/output dialog or representing written content

Storage configuration

We used NetApp FlexGroups instances to provide a single namespace for log directories, simplifying recovery and configuration. We used NFSv4.1 and pNFS to provide direct path access to log segment data.

Client tuning

Each client mounted the FlexGroup instance with the following command.

mount -t nfs -o vers=4.1,nconnect=16 /data/kafka_vol01

In addition, we increased the max_session_slots` from the default 64 to 180. This matches the default session slot limit in ONTAP.

Kafka broker tuning

To maximize throughput in the system under test, we significantly increased the default parameters for certain key thread pools. We recommend following Confluent Kafka best practices for most configurations. This tuning was used to maximize the concurrency of outstanding I/O to storage. These parameters can be adjusted to match your broker’s compute resources and storage attributes.

Workload generator testing methodology

We used the same OMB configurations as for cloud testing for the Throughput driver and topic configuration.

  1. A FlexGroup instance was provisioned using Ansible on an AFF cluster.

    - name: Set up kafka broker processes
      hosts: localhost
        ntap_hostname: ‘hostname’
        ntap_username: 'user'
        ntap_password: 'password'
        size: 10
        size_unit: tb
        vserver: vs1
        state: present
        https: true
        export_policy: default
          - name: kafka_fg_vol01
            aggr: ["aggr1_a", "aggr2_a", “aggr1_b”, “aggr2_b”]
            path: /kafka_fg_vol01
        - name: Edit volumes
            state: "{{ state }}"
            name: "{{ }}"
            aggr_list: "{{ item.aggr }}"
            aggr_list_multiplier: 8
            size: "{{ size }}"
            size_unit: "{{ size_unit }}"
            vserver: "{{ vserver }}"
            snapshot_policy: none
            export_policy: default
            junction_path: "{{ item.path }}"
            qos_policy_group: none
            wait_for_completion: True
            hostname: "{{ ntap_hostname }}"
            username: "{{ ntap_username }}"
            password: "{{ ntap_password }}"
            https: "{{ https }}"
            validate_certs: false
          connection: local
          with_items: "{{ volumes }}"
  2. pNFS was enabled on the ONTAP SVM.

    vserver modify -vserver vs1 -v4.1-pnfs enabled -tcp-max-xfer-size 262144
  3. The workload was triggered with the Throughput driver using with same workload configuration as for Cloud Volumes ONTAP. See the section “Steady state performance” below. The workload used a replication factor of 3, meaning three copies of log segments were maintained in NFS.

    sudo bin/benchmark --drivers driver-kafka/kafka-throughput.yaml workloads/1-topic-100-partitions-1kb.yaml
  4. Finally, we completed measurements using a backlog to measure the ability of consumers to catch up to the latest messages. OMB constructs a backlog by pausing consumers during the beginning of a measurement. This produces three distinct phases: backlog creation (producer-only traffic), backlog draining (a consumer-heavy phase in which consumers catch up on missed events in a topic), and the steady state. See the section “Extreme performance and exploring storage limits” for more information.

Steady state performance

We evaluated the AFF A900 using the OpenMessaging Benchmark to provide a similar comparison as for Cloud Volumes ONTAP in AWS and DAS in AWS. All performance values represent Kafka-cluster throughput at the producer and consumer level.

Steady state performance with Confluent Kafka and the AFF A900 achieved over 3.4GBps average throughput for both producer and consumers. This is over 3.4 million messages across the Kafka cluster. By visualizing the sustained throughput in bytes per second for BrokerTopicMetrics, we see the excellent steady state performance and traffic supported by the AFF A900.

This graph shows Broker Network Throughput.

This aligns well with the view of messages delivered per topic. The following graph provides a per-topic breakdown. In the configuration tested we saw nearly 900k messages per topic across four topics.

This graph shows Broker Network Throughput.

Extreme performance and exploring storage limits

For AFF, we also tested with OMB using the backlog feature. The backlog feature pauses consumer subscriptions while a backlog of events is built up in the Kafka cluster. During this phase, only producer traffic occurs, which generates events that are committed to logs. This most closely emulates batch processing or offline analytics workflows; in these workflows, consumer subscriptions are started and must read historical data that has already been evicted from the broker cache.

To understand the storage limitations on consumer throughput in this configuration, we measured the producer-only phase to understand how much write traffic the A900 could absorb. See the next section “Sizing guidance” to understand how to leverage this data.

During the producer-only part of this measurement, we saw high peak throughput that pushed the limits of A900 performance (when other broker resources were not saturated serving producer and consumer traffic).

Figure showing input/output dialog or representing written content

Note We increased the message size to 16k for this measurement to limit per-message overheads and maximize storage throughput to NFS mount points.
messageSize: 16384
consumerBacklogSizeGB: 4096

The Confluent Kafka cluster achieved a peak producer throughput of 4.03GBps.

18:12:23.833 [main] INFO WorkloadGenerator - Pub rate 257759.2 msg/s / 4027.5 MB/s | Pub err     0.0 err/s …

After OMB completed populating the eventbacklog, consumer traffic was restarted. During measurements with backlog draining, we observed peak consumer throughput of over 20GBps across all topics. The combined throughput to the NFS volume storing the OMB log data approached ~30GBps.

Sizing guidance

Amazon Web Services offers a sizing guide for Kafka cluster sizing and scaling.

This sizing provides a useful formula for determining storage throughput requirements for your Kafka cluster:

For an aggregated throughput produced into the cluster of tcluster with a replication factor of r, the throughput received by the broker storage is as follows:

t[storage] = t[cluster]/#brokers + t[cluster]/#brokers * (r-1)
          = t[cluster]/#brokers * r

This can be simplified even further:

max(t[cluster]) <= max(t[storage]) * #brokers/r

Using this formula allows you to select the appropriate ONTAP platform for your Kafka hot tier needs.

The following table explains the anticipated producer throughput for the A900 with different replication factors:

Replication factor Producer throughput (GPps)

3 (measured)




