A newer release of this product is available.
volume snapshot policy remove-schedule
Remove a schedule from snapshot policy
Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.
The volume snapshot policy remove-schedule
command removes a schedule from a Snapshot policy.
-vserver <vserver name>
- Vserver Name-
This specifies the Vserver on which a Snapshot policy schedule is to be removed.
-policy <snapshot policy>
- Snapshot Policy Name-
This specifies the Snapshot policy from which a schedule is to be removed.
-schedule <text>
- Schedule Name-
This specifies the schedule that is to be removed from the Snapshot policy.
The following example removes a schedule named hourly from a Snapshot policy named snappolicy_daily on Vserver vs0:
cluster1::> volume snapshot policy remove-schedule -vserver vs0 -policy snappolicy_daily -schedule hourly