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vserver consistency-group show

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Display a list of existing consistency groups

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The command displays information for consistency groups. Use the ` instance ` parameter to display additional consistency group details.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

This specifies the fields that need to be displayed.

| [-statistics ]

Selects the last recorded historic and real time statistics for consistency group.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-vserver <Vserver Name>] - Vserver Name

Selects information about the consistency groups in the specified Vserver.

[-consistency-group <text>] - Consistency Group Name

Selects information about the specified consistency group.

[-parent-consistency-group <text>] - Parent Consistency Group Name

Selects information about the specified parent consistency group.

[-qos-policy <text>] - QoS Policy Group

Selects information about the consistency groups that have the specified QoS policy.

[-tiering-policy <Tiering Policy>] - Tiering Policy

Selects information about the consistency groups that have the specified tiering policy.

[-snapshot-policy <snapshot policy>] - Snapshot Copy Policy

Selects information about the consistency groups that have the specified snapshot policy.

[-application-type <Application type for the parent or top level CG>] - Application Type

Selects information about the consistency groups that have the specified application type.

[-application-component-type <Application component type for child CG>] - Application Component Type

Selects information about the consistency groups that have the specified application component type.

[-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Provisioned Size

Selects information about the consistency groups that have the specified size.

[-state {online|creating|deleting|modifying|restoring}] - State

Selects information about the consistency groups that have the specified state.

[-uuid <UUID>] - Consistency Group UUID

Selects information about the consistency group that matches the specified consistency group UUID.

[-create-time <Date>] - Creation Time

Selects information about the consistency groups that have the specified creation time.

[-space-available {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Available Space

Selects information about the consistency groups that have the specified available space.

[-space-used {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Space Used

Selects information about the consistency groups that have the specified used space.

[-replicated {true|false}] - Is Replicated

Selects information about the consistency groups that have the specified replicated status.

[-replication-policy <text>] - Replication Policy Name

Selects information about the consistency groups that have the specified replication policy.

[-replication-source {true|false}] - Is Replication Source

Selects information about the consistency groups that have the specified replication source.

[-vdisk-type {luns|namespaces|mixed}] - Consistency Group Type

Selects information about the consistency groups that have the specified vdisk type.

[-timestamp-metric <MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS>] - Timestamp of the Sample

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified timestamp.

[-duration <text>] - Duration of Time Used to Measure the Sample

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified duration.

[-status-metric {ok|error|partial_no_data|partial_no_response|partial_other_error|negative_delta|not_found|backfilled_data|inconsistent_delta_time|partial_no_uuid|undefined}] - Status of the Sample

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified status.

[-available-space-metric <integer>] - Available Space in the Consistency Group

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified space available.

[-used-space-metric <integer>] - Space Used in the Consistency Group

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified space used.

[-size-metric <integer>] - Size of the Consistency Group

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified size.

[-latency-read-metric <integer>] - Latency of Read Operations (Us)

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified read latency.

[-latency-write-metric <integer>] - Latency of Write Operations (Us)

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified write latency.

[-latency-other-metric <integer>] - Latency of Other Operations (Us)

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified other latency.

[-latency-total-metric <integer>] - Total Latency over All Operations (Us)

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified total latency.

[-iops-read-metric <integer>] - Number of Read Operations

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified read iops.

[-iops-write-metric <integer>] - Number of Write Operations

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified write iops.

[-iops-other-metric <integer>] - Number of Other Operations

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified other iops.

[-iops-total-metric <integer>] - Total number of Operations

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified total iops.

[-throughput-read-metric <integer>] - Throughput of Read Operations (Bytes/s)

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified read throughput.

[-throughput-write-metric <integer>] - Throughput of Write Operations (Bytes/s)

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified write throughput.

[-throughput-other-metric <integer>] - Throughput of Other Operations (Bytes/s)

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified other throughput.

[-throughput-total-metric <integer>] - Total Throughput over All Operations (Bytes/s)

Selects information about the last processed consistency group statistic under the specified total throughput.

[-timestamp-raw <MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS>] - Timestamp of the Raw Sample

Selects information about the real time consistency group statistic under the specified timestamp.

[-status-raw {ok|error|partial_no_data|partial_no_response|partial_other_error|negative_delta|not_found|backfilled_data|inconsistent_delta_time|partial_no_uuid|undefined}] - Status of the Raw Sample

Selects information about the real time consistency group statistic under the specified status.

[-available-space-raw <integer>] - Available Space in the Consistency Group

Selects information about the real time consistency group statistic under the specified available space.

[-used-space-raw <integer>] - Space Used in the Consistency Group

Selects information about the real time consistency group statistic under the specified used space.

[-size-raw <integer>] - Size of the Consistency Group

Selects information about the real time consistency group statistic under the specified size.

[-latency-read-raw <integer>] - Raw Latency over All Read Operations (Us)

Selects information about the real time consistency group statistic under the specified read latency.

[-latency-write-raw <integer>] - Raw Latency over All Write Operations (Us)

Selects information about the real time consistency group statistic under the specified write latency.

[-latency-other-raw <integer>] - Raw Latency of Other Operations (Us)

Selects information about the real time consistency group statistic under the specified other latency.

[-latency-total-raw <integer>] - Raw Total Latency over All Operations (Us)

Selects information about the real time consistency group statistic under the specified total latency.

[-iops-read-raw <integer>] - Number of Read Operations

Selects information about the real time consistency group statistic under the specified read iops.

[-iops-write-raw <integer>] - Number of Write Operations

Selects information about the real time consistency group statistic under the specified write iops.

[-iops-other-raw <integer>] - Number of Other Operations

Selects information about the real time consistency group statistic under the specified other iops.

[-iops-total-raw <integer>] - Total number of Operations

Selects information about the real time consistency group statistic under the specified total iops.

[-throughput-read-raw <integer>] - Number of Bytes of Read Operations

Selects information about the real time consistency group statistic under the specified read throughput.

[-throughput-write-raw <integer>] - Number of Bytes of Write Operations

Selects information about the real time consistency group statistic under the specified write throughput.

[-throughput-other-raw <integer>] - Number of Bytes of Other Operations

Selects information about the real time consistency group statistic under the specified other throughput.

[-throughput-total-raw <integer>] - Number of Total Bytes of All Operations

Selects information about the real time consistency group statistic under the specified total throughput.

[-clone-is-flexclone {true|false}] - Is Consistency Group a FlexClone

Selects information about the consistency group that have specified FlexClone to be true.

[-clone-source-consistency-group <text>] - Clone Source Consistency Group

Selects information about the consistency group that have specified clone source consistency group.

[-clone-source-consistency-group-uuid <UUID>] - Clone Source Consistency Group UUID

Selects information about the consistency group that have specified clone source consistency group UUID.

[-clone-source-snapshot <snapshot name>] - Snapshot Name of the Clone Source

Selects information about the consistency group that have specified clone snapshot.

[-clone-source-snapshot-uuid <UUID>] - Snapshot UUID of the Clone Source

Selects information about the consistency group that have specified clone snapshot UUID.

[-clone-parent-vserver <vserver name>] - Clone Parent Vserver Name

Selects information about the cloned consistency groups with specified clone parent Vserver

[-clone-parent-vserver-uuid <UUID>] - Clone Parent Vserver UUID

Selects information about the cloned consistency groups with specified clone parent Vserver UUID


The following command lists all the consistency groups on Vserver vs0.

vserver consistency-group show -vserver vs0
  (vserver consistency-group show)
           Consistency   Consistency
Vserver    Group         Group         State   Size       Available  Used
---------- ------------- ------------- ------- ---------- ---------- ---------
svm1       cg1           -             online     315.8MB    299.1MB     908KB
svm1       cg2           -             online     105.3MB    99.72MB     288KB
svm1       cg3           cg1           online     315.8MB    299.1MB     908KB
3 entries were displayed.
The following command shows the statistics for consistency group cg1 on Vserver vs0.
    SimpleClus::*> consistency-group show -vserver vs0 -consistency-group cg1 -statistic
  (vserver consistency-group show)
           Consistency   Consistency
Vserver    Group         Group
---------- ------------- -------------
svm1       cg1           -
Last calculated statistic        Value
-------------------------       ------
timestamp-metric                11/13/2023 21:11:00
duration                        PT15S
status-metric                   ok
available-space-metric          156946432
used-space-metric               344064
size-metric                     165568512
iops-other-metric               0
iops-read-metric                0
iops-write-metric               0
iops-total-metric               0
latency-other-metric            0
latency-read-metric             0
latency-write-metric            0
latency-total-metric            0
throughput-other-metric         -
throughput-read-metric          0
throughput-write-metric         0
throughput-total-metric         0
Raw statistics                  Value
---------------                 ------
timestamp-raw                   11/13/2023 21:11:02
status-raw                      ok
available-space-raw             156946432
used-space-raw                  344064
size-raw                        165568512
iops-other-raw                  0
iops-read-raw                   0
iops-write-raw                  0
iops-total-raw                  0
latency-other-raw               0
latency-read-raw                0
latency-write-raw               0
latency-total-raw               0
throughput-other-raw            -
throughput-read-raw             0
throughput-write-raw            0
throughput-total-raw            0