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raid.shared events

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This message occurs when a node receives an indication from its HA partner node that a shared disk is undergoing a change in state and the partner is waiting for the local node to complete a shared state transition.

Corrective Action


Syslog Message

Received shared disk awaiting done %s, state %s, substate 0x%lX, partner state %s, partner substate 0x%lX, partner dblade ID %s host type %d add details %s


disk_info (STRING): Formatted information of the shared disk.
local_state (STRING): State of the shared disk on the local node.
local_substate (LONGINTHEX): Sub-state of the shared disk on the local node.
partner_state (STRING): State of the shared disk on the partner node.
partner_substate (LONGINTHEX): Sub-state of the shared disk on the partner node.
received_ack (STRING): Dblade ID of node sending await done ack.
host_type (INT): Type of host node sending await done ack.
add_details (STRING): Additional details of the awaiting done event.
shelf (STRING): Shelf identifier where the disk is located.
bay (STRING): Disk bay within the shelf where the disk is located.
vendor (STRING): Name of the disk vendor.
model (STRING): Model string of the disk.
firmware_revision (STRING): Disk firmware revision number.
serialno (STRING): Serial number of the disk.
disk_type (INT): Type of disk.
disk_rpm (STRING): Rotational speed of the disk, in RPM.
carrier (STRING): Unique ID of the carrier in which the disk is installed.
site (STRING): For a MetroCluster(tm) configuration, indicates the site {Local|Remote} where the disk is located. For non-MetroCluster configurations, site is 'Local'.




This message occurs when a node receives an indication from its HA partner node that a shared disk is undergoing a change in state (e.g., disk is failing, going offline, or is getting unfailed). Accompanying EMS messages will indicate if any corrective action is required.

Corrective Action


Syslog Message

Received shared disk state exchange %s, event %s, state %s, substate 0x%lX, partner state %s, partner substate 0x%lX, failure reason %s, sick reason %s, offline reason %s, online reason %s, partner dblade ID %s, host %d %s


disk_info (STRING): Formatted information of the shared disk.
event (STRING): Describes the event which caused the partner to send this state exchange message. If this is a periodic exchange instead of an event triggered exchange, event is NONE.
local_state (STRING): State of the shared disk on the local node.
local_substate (LONGINTHEX): Sub-state of the shared disk on the local node.
partner_state (STRING): State of the shared disk on the partner node.
partner_substate (LONGINTHEX): Sub-state of the shared disk on the partner node.
failure_reason (STRING): Describes the error leading to the partner node failing the shared disk.
sick_reason (STRING): Describes the error leading to the partner node prefailing the shared disk.
offline_reason (STRING): Describes the reason the partner node is offlining the shared disk.
online_reason (STRING): Describes the reason the partner node is onlining the shared disk.
recv_reply (STRING): Describes the dblade ID of a partner node that sent a reply.
host_type (INT): Type of host sending the reply.
add_details (STRING): Additional partner node details of the shared disk state exchange.
timestamp (INT): Timestamp of the last on-disk state change.
shelf (STRING): Shelf identifier where the disk is located.
bay (STRING): Disk bay within the shelf where the disk is located.
vendor (STRING): Name of the disk vendor.
model (STRING): Model string of the disk.
firmware_revision (STRING): Disk firmware revision number.
serialno (STRING): Serial number of the disk.
disk_type (INT): Type of disk.
disk_rpm (STRING): Rotational speed of the disk, in RPM.
carrier (STRING): Unique ID of the carrier in which the disk is installed.
site (STRING): For a MetroCluster(tm) configuration, indicates the site {Local|Remote} where the disk is located. For non-MetroCluster configurations, site is 'Local'.