sm.xfer events
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when deletion of a Snapshot(tm) copy on the destination volume fails, and therefore a subsequent transfer exceeds the maximum supported Snapshot copy count for the vault destination.
- Corrective Action
Manually delete the Snapshot copies from the destination volume and reissue the failed SnapMirror command.
- Syslog Message
Unable to delete Snapshot copy '%s' from destination volume '%s' of the relationship with relationship UUID '%s' to make space for for newer Snapshot copies.
- Parameters
snap_name (STRING): Snapshot copy that was not deleted.
dst_path (STRING): Destination volume of the relationship.
relationship_id (STRING): UUID of the snapmirror relationship.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a SnapMirror® transfer fails because the maximum supported Snapshot(tm) copy limit for a SnapMirror destination is reached and there is no space for a new, incoming Snapshot copy.
- Corrective Action
Reduce the "keep" count by using the "snapmirror policy modify-rule -policy [policy_name] -keep [keep_count]" command, or by manually deleting Snapshot copies from the SnapMirror® destination.
- Syslog Message
The number of Snapshot copies on destination volume '%s' of the relationship with relationship UUID '%s' and policy '%s' has reached the maximum supported.
- Parameters
dst_path (STRING): Destination volume of the relationship.
relationship_id (STRING): UUID of the snapmirror relationship.
policy_name (STRING): SnapMirror policy name.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when an incomplete SnapMirror® operation is detected for an incremental Snapshot(tm) copy that no longer exists on the SnapMirror® source volume. As a result, SnapMirror creates a Snapshot copy with the name "snapmirror_vlt_xfer_recovery" and requires a SnapMirror Resync operation to be performed on the SnapVault relationship to resume data protection.
- Corrective Action
Resume data protection either by retaining or deleting the Snapshot(tm) copy. Use the 'snapmirror resync -preserve' to retain it or use the 'snapmirror resync' command to delete it.
- Syslog Message
An incomplete SnapMirror operation was detected for an incremental Snapshot copy that no longer exists on the source volume '%s'. The data transfer for the incremental Snapshot copy was completed but the Snapshot copy on the vault destination '%s' was not created. Instead, a Snapshot copy with the name "snapmirror_vlt_xfer_recovery" was created.
- Parameters
src_path (STRING): Source volume of the relationship.
dst_path (STRING): Destination volume of the relationship.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a SnapMirror® update does not find any new Snapshot(tm) copies to transfer. This can happen when none of the newer Snapshot copies on the source has a SnapMirror® label that matches a SnapMirror policy.
- Corrective Action
Check that the SnapMirror label from the Snapshot policy matches SnapMirror policy rules.
- Syslog Message
SnapMirror update did not find any new Snapshot copies to transfer from the source volume '%s' of the relationship with relationship UUID '%s'.
- Parameters
src_path (STRING): Source volume of the SnapMirror relationship.
relationship_id (STRING): UUID of the snapmirror relationship.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a Snapshot copy was not transferred from the source volume to the destination volume during a snapmirror transfer because a Snapshot copy with the same name already exists in the destination volume.
- Corrective Action
Rename the Snapshot copy in the source volume to a name that does not match the name of any Snapshot copy in the destination volume. Then, wait for the next scheduled update or trigger a manual snapmirror update.
- Syslog Message
Snapshot copy "%s" was not transferred from the source volume "%s" to the destination volume "%s" because the destination volume has a Snapshot copy with the same name.
- Parameters
snap_name (STRING): Name of the Snapshot copy that was not transferred.
src_path (STRING): Source volume of the relationship.
dst_path (STRING): Destination volume of the relationship.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a SnapMirror® transfer receives a warning when it is approaching the "keep" count of a particular SnapMirror® relationship.
- Corrective Action
Increase the "keep" count to transfer more Snapshot(tm) copies with the same label using the following command: snapmirror policy modify-rule -policy [policy_name] -keep [keep_count]
- Syslog Message
Warnings issued for SnapMirror relationship with source volume '%s' and destination volume '%s' with relationship UUID '%s' : %s
- Parameters
src_path (STRING): Source volume of the relationship.
dst_path (STRING): Destination volume of the relationship.
relationship_id (STRING): UUID of the snapmirror relationship.
warn_str (STRING): SnapMirror transfer warning.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs during a SnapMirror® transfer, when the Snapshot(tm) count limit is reached for the SnapMirror relationship between the indicated source and destination volumes.
- Corrective Action
Delete some Snapshot copies from the destination volume to create space for new Snapshot copies to be transferred to it.
- Syslog Message
Snapshot count limit for SnapMirror relationship with source volume '%s' and destination volume '%s' with relationship UUID '%s' has been reached : %s
- Parameters
src_path (STRING): Source volume of the SnapMirror relationship.
dst_path (STRING): Destination volume of the SnapMirror relationship.
relationship_id (STRING): UUID of the snapmirror relationship.
warn_str (STRING): SnapMirror transfer warning.