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lmgr.persistent events

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This message is triggered when the persistent open lock count for a single file reaches its maximum supported limit.

Corrective Action

Use the "volume file show-inode" command with the file ID and volume name information to find the file path. From the diagnostic privilege level, execute "lmgr test show_ca_locks_count <file_path>" to inspect the persistent open lock count for the file. If necessary, close unused opens to reduce the count to the maximum limit of persistent open locks per file.

Syslog Message

The file with id %u on volume '%s' (DSID %llu) has hit its maximum persistent open lock count, fully utilizing the supported limit of %u.


file_id (INT): File inode number.
vol_name (STRING): Name of the volume.
vol_dsid (LONGINT): Data set identifier (DSID) of the volume.
locks_limit (INT): Maximum supported persistent open locks count for a file.




This message is triggered when the persistent open lock count for a single file reaches 80% its maximum supported limit.

Corrective Action

Use the "volume file show-inode" command with the file ID and volume name information to find the file path. From the diagnostic privilege level, execute "lmgr test show_ca_locks_count <file_path>" to inspect the persistent open lock count for the file. If necessary, close unused opens to reduce the count to the maximum limit of persistent open locks per file.

Syslog Message

The persistent open lock count for file with id %u on volume '%s' (DSID %llu) has reached %u, constituting 80 percent of its maximum supported limit of %u.


file_id (INT): File inode number.
vol_name (STRING): Name of the volume.
vol_dsid (LONGINT): Data set identifier (DSID) of the volume.
locks_total (INT): Number of persistent open lock count for file.
locks_limit (INT): Maximum supported persistent open locks count for a file.




This message occurs when the number of persistent open lock count reaches the maximum supported limit.

Corrective Action

Run the "vserver locks show-mirrored-open-count -detailed" command to check the persisted open lock count and try closing the unused files to bring this count down to the currently supported maximum persistent open locks.

Syslog Message

The number of persisted open locks count %u has reached the limit %u.


locks_total (INT): Number of persisted open locks.
locks_limit (INT): Maximum supported persisted open locks.