Guidelines for specifying the appropriate target queue depth
You need to consider the impact of all the initiators accessing the storage array port when you are planning the configuration for a specific ONTAP system or a specific host that does not run ONTAP.
If your deployment includes more than one initiator on a target port, you need to consider the total number of commands sent to a target port by all initiators when setting the target queue depth.
Guidelines for specifying the appropriate target queue depth are as follows:
Do not configure a value of 0 (zero).
A value of 0 means that there is no limit on the outstanding commands.
Consider the volume of commands that specific initiators would be likely to send to the target port.
You could then configure higher values for initiators likely to send a greater number of requests and a lower value for initiators likely to send a lesser number of requests.
Configure hosts that do not run ONTAP according to the guidelines provided for those hosts.
Consider setting the target queue depth on a per-target-port basis when workloads differ across ports.