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ONTAP MetroCluster

Verifying the state of the MetroCluster configuration

Contributors netapp-thomi

You should identify the existing controllers and confirm the disaster recovery (DR) relationships between them, that the controllers are in normal mode, and that the aggregates are mirrored.

  1. Display the details of the nodes in the MetroCluster configuration from any node in the configuration:

    metrocluster node show -fields node,dr-partner,dr-partner-systemid

    The following output shows that this MetroCluster configuration has a single DR group and one node in each cluster.

    cluster_A::> metrocluster node show -fields node,dr-partner,dr-partner-systemid
    dr-group-id  cluster         node            dr-partner      dr-partner-systemid
    -----------  -------------   -------         ----------      -------------------
    1            cluster_A       controller_A_1  controller_B_1  536946192
    1            cluster_B       controller_B_1  controller_A_1  536946165
    2 entries were displayed.
  2. Display the state of the MetroCluster configuration:

    metrocluster show

    The following output shows that the existing nodes in the MetroCluster configuration are in normal mode:

    cluster_A::> metrocluster show
    Configuration: two-node-fabric
    Cluster                        Entry Name             State
    ------------------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------
    Local: cluster_A               Configuration State    configured
                                   Mode                   normal
                                   AUSO Failure Domain    auso-on-cluster-disaster
    Remote: controller_B_1_siteB
                                   Configuration State    configured
                                   Mode                   normal
                                   AUSO Failure Domain    auso-on-cluster-disaster
  3. Check the state of the aggregates on each node in the MetroCluster configuration:

    storage aggregate show

    The following output shows that the aggregates on cluster_A are online and mirrored:

    cluster_A::> storage aggregate show
    Aggregate                Size     Available Used%  State   #Vols  Nodes            RAID Status
    ---------                -------- --------- -----  ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
    aggr0_controller_A_1_0   1.38TB   68.63GB   95%    online    1    controller_A_1   raid_dp,mirrored
    controller_A_1_aggr1     4.15TB   4.14TB    0%     online    2    controller_A_1   raid_dp,mirrored
    controller_A_1_aggr2     4.15TB   4.14TB    0%     online    1    controller_A_1   raid_dp,mirrored
    3 entries were displayed.