A newer release of this product is available.
Security multi-admin-verify endpoint overview
These APIs provide information on the multi-admin verification global setting.
The GET API retrieves the object store that contains the global setting values of the multi-admin-verify feature.
The PATCH request is used to modify the multi-admin-verify global setting. All fields are optional for the PATCH request.
Retrieving the multi-admin-verify global setting
Retrieves the current multi-admin-verify global setting. If the global setting is not set, default values are returned.
# The API: /api/security/multi-admin-verify # The call: curl -X GET "https://<cluster-ip>/api/security/multi-admin-verify" # The response: { "approval_groups": [ ], "required_approvers": 1, "enabled": false, "execution_expiry": "PT1H", "approval_expiry": "PT1H", "_links": { "self": { "href": "/api/security/multi-admin-verify" } } }
Updating the multi-admin-verify global setting
The following example updates the multi-admin-verify global settings.
Note that the approval_groups needs to be available in /security/multi-admin-verify/approval-groups before it is set in the global setting.
# The API: /api/security/multi-admin-verify # The call: curl -X PATCH "https://<cluster-ip>/api/security/multi-admin-verify" -d '{"required_approvers": "1", "enabled": "true", "execution_expiry": "2h", "approval_expiry": "3h"}'