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ONTAP REST API reference
A newer release of this product is available.

Security endpoint overview



You can use this API for various cluster-wide security-related operations.

"onboard_key_manager_configurable_status" object

Use this API to retrieve details of whether or not the Onboard Key Manager can be configured on the cluster.

– GET /api/security

– GET /api/security?fields=onboard_key_manager_configurable_status

"software_data_encryption" object

Contains software data encryption related information.

A PATCH request on this API using the parameter "software_data_encryption.conversion_enabled" triggers the conversion of all non-encrypted metadata volumes to encrypted metadata volumes and all non-NAE aggregates to NAE aggregates. For the conversion to start, the cluster must have either an Onboard or an external key manager set up and the aggregates should either be empty or have only metadata volumes. No data volumes should be present in any of the aggregates. For MetroCluster configurations, the PATCH request will fail if the cluster is in the switchover state.

The following API can be used to initiate software data encryption conversion.

– PATCH /api/security -d '{ "software_data_encryption.conversion_enabled" : true }'

"fips" object

Contains FIPS mode information.

A PATCH request on this API using the parameter "fips.enabled" switches the system from using the default cryptographic module software implementations to validated ones or vice versa, where applicable. If the value of the parameter is "true" and unapproved algorithms are configured as permitted in relevant subsystems, those algorithms will be disabled in the relevant subsystem configurations. If "false", there will be no implied change to the relevant subsystem configurations.

– GET /api/security

– GET /api/security?fields=fips

– PATCH /api/security -d '{ "fips.enabled" : true }'

– PATCH /api/security -d '{ "fips.enabled" : false }'

GET Examples

Retrieving information about the security configured on the cluster

The following example shows how to retrieve the configuration of the cluster.

# The API:
GET /api/security:

# The call:
curl -X GET 'https://<mgmt-ip>/api/security?fields=*' -H 'accept: application/hal+json'

# The response:
"onboard_key_manager_configurable_status": {
  "supported": false,
  "message": "Onboard Key Manager cannot be configured on the cluster. There are no self-encrypting disks in the cluster, and the following nodes do not support volume granular encryption: ntap-vsim2.",
  "code": 65537300
"fips": {
  "enabled": false


== PATCH Examples

=== Enabling software encryption conversion in the cluster

The following example shows how to convert all the aggregates and metadata volumes in the cluster from non-encrypted to encrypted.

= The API:

PATCH /api/security

= The call

curl -X PATCH "https://+++<mgmt_ip>+++/api/security" -d '{ "software_data_encryption.conversion_enabled" : true }'+++</mgmt_ip>+++

= The response:

 "job": {
     "uuid": "ebcbd82d-1cd4-11ea-8f75-005056ac4adc",
     "_links": {
         "self": {
             "href": "/api/cluster/jobs/ebcbd82d-1cd4-11ea-8f75-005056ac4adc"
This will return a job UUID. A subsequent GET for this job should return the details of the job.

= The call

curl -X GET "https://+++<mgmt_ip>+++/api/cluster/jobs/ebcbd82d-1cd4-11ea-8f75-005056ac4adc"+++</mgmt_ip>+++

= The response:

"uuid": "ebcbd82d-1cd4-11ea-8f75-005056ac4adc",
"description": "PATCH /api/security",
"state": "success",
"message": "success",
"code": 0,
"start_time": "2019-12-12T06:45:40-05:00",
"end_time": "2019-12-12T06:45:40-05:00",
"_links": {
  "self": {
    "href": "/api/cluster/jobs/ebcbd82d-1cd4-11ea-8f75-005056ac4adc"

=== Enabling FIPS mode in the cluster

The following example shows how to enable FIPS mode in the cluster.

= The API:

PATCH /api/security

= The call

curl -X PATCH "https://+++<mgmt_ip>+++/api/security" -d '{ "fips.enabled" : true }'+++</mgmt_ip>+++

= The response:

 "job": {
     "uuid": "8e7f59ee-a9c4-4faa-9513-bef689bbf2c2",
     "_links": {
         "self": {
             "href": "/api/cluster/jobs/8e7f59ee-a9c4-4faa-9513-bef689bbf2c2"
This will return a job UUID. A subsequent GET for this job UUID should return the details of the job.

= The call

curl -X GET "https://+++<mgmt_ip>+++/api/cluster/jobs/8e7f59ee-a9c4-4faa-9513-bef689bbf2c2"+++</mgmt_ip>+++

= The response:

"uuid": "8e7f59ee-a9c4-4faa-9513-bef689bbf2c2",
"description": "PATCH /api/security",
"state": "success",
"message": "success",
"code": 0,
"start_time": "2020-04-28T06:55:40-05:00",
"end_time": "2020-04-28T06:55:41-05:00",
"_links": {
  "self": {
    "href": "/api/cluster/jobs/8e7f59ee-a9c4-4faa-9513-bef689bbf2c2"
