Update the S3 bucket configuration for an SVM
PATCH /protocols/s3/buckets/{svm.uuid}/{uuid}
Introduced In: 9.8
Updates the S3 bucket configuration of an SVM.
Important notes
The following fields can be modified for a bucket:
- Any information related to the bucket. -
- Bucket size. -
- An access policy for resources (buckets and objects) that defines their permissions. New policies are created after existing policies are deleted. To retain any of the existing policy statements, you need to specify those statements again. Also, policy conditions can be specified as part of a bucket policy. -
- A QoS policy for buckets. -
- Audit policy for buckets. None can be specified for both access and permission to remove an audit event selector. -
- Versioning state of the buckets. -
- NAS path to which the bucket corresponds to. -
- Specifies the duration of default-retention applicable for objects on the object store bucket. -
`cors' - Specifying CORS rules enables the bucket to service the cross-origin requests. Note that the new CORS configuration specified will replace the existing one. If you need to retain any of the existing CORS rules, specify those rules again as part of the new CORS rules. To remove all the existing rules, specify an empty CORS configuration as input.
- Snapshot policy for the bucket.
Related ONTAP commands
vserver object-store-server bucket modify
vserver object-store-server bucket policy statement modify
vserver object-store-server bucket policy-statement-condition modify
vserver object-store-server bucket cors-rule create
vserver object-store-server bucket cors-rule delete
Learn more
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
uuid |
string |
path |
True |
The unique identifier of the bucket. |
return_timeout |
integer |
query |
False |
The number of seconds to allow the call to execute before returning. When doing a POST, PATCH, or DELETE operation on a single record, the default is 0 seconds. This means that if an asynchronous operation is started, the server immediately returns HTTP code 202 (Accepted) along with a link to the job. If a non-zero value is specified for POST, PATCH, or DELETE operations, ONTAP waits that length of time to see if the job completes so it can return something other than 202.
svm.uuid |
string |
path |
True |
UUID of the SVM to which this object belongs. |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
aggregates |
array[aggregates] |
A list of aggregates for FlexGroup volume constituents where the bucket is hosted. If this option is not specified, the bucket is auto-provisioned as a FlexGroup volume. |
allowed |
boolean |
If this is set to true, an SVM administrator can manage the S3 service. If it is false, only the cluster administrator can manage the service. This field cannot be specified in a POST method. |
audit_event_selector |
Audit event selector allows you to specify access and permission types to audit. |
comment |
string |
Can contain any additional information about the bucket being created or modified. |
constituents_per_aggregate |
integer |
Specifies the number of constituents or FlexVol volumes per aggregate. A FlexGroup volume consisting of all such constituents across all specified aggregates is created. This option is used along with the aggregates option and cannot be used independently. |
cors |
Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) specifies an object associated with a bucket. The CORS configuration enables the bucket to service the cross-origin requests. A request might typically come from an origin with a domain that is different to that of the bucket. By configuring a CORS rule, you can define a combination of allowed origins, HTTP headers and methods that a bucket can use to filter out the cross-origin requests that it can service successfully. |
encryption |
lifecycle_management |
Lifecycle management is implemented as an object associated with a bucket. It defines rules to be applied against objects within a bucket. These rules are applied in the background and can delete objects. |
logical_used_size |
integer |
Specifies the bucket logical used size up to this point. This field cannot be specified using a POST or PATCH method. |
name |
string |
Specifies the name of the bucket. Bucket name is a string that can only contain the following combination of ASCII-range alphanumeric characters 0-9, a-z, ".", and "-". |
nas_path |
string |
Specifies the NAS path to which the nas bucket corresponds to. |
policy |
A policy is an object associated with a bucket. It defines resource (bucket, folder, or object) permissions. These policies get evaluated when an S3 user makes a request by executing a specific command. The user must be part of the principal (user or group) specified in the policy. Permissions in the policies determine whether the request is allowed or denied. |
protection_status |
Specifies attributes of bucket protection. |
qos_policy |
Specifies "qos_policy.max_throughput_iops" and/or "qos_policy.max_throughput_mbps" or "qos_policy.min_throughput_iops" and/or "qos_policy.min_throughput_mbps". Specifying "min_throughput_iops" or "min_throughput_mbps" is only supported on volumes hosted on a node that is flash optimized. A pre-created QoS policy can also be used by specifying "qos_policy.name" or "qos_policy.uuid" properties. Setting or assigning a QoS policy to a bucket is not supported if its containing volume or SVM already has a QoS policy attached. |
retention |
Specifies the retention mode and default retention period configured on the bucket. |
role |
string |
Specifies the role of the bucket. This field cannot be specified using a POST method. |
size |
integer |
Specifies the bucket size in bytes; ranges from 190MB to 62PB. |
snapshot_policy |
Specifies the bucket snapshot policy. |
storage_service_level |
string |
Specifies the storage service level of the FlexGroup volume on which the bucket should be created. Valid values are "value", "performance" or "extreme". |
svm |
SVM, applies only to SVM-scoped objects. |
type |
string |
Specifies the bucket type. Valid values are "s3"and "nas". |
use_mirrored_aggregates |
boolean |
Specifies whether mirrored aggregates are selected when provisioning a FlexGroup. Only mirrored aggregates are used if this parameter is set to "true" and only unmirrored aggregates are used if this parameter is set to "false". The default value is "true" for a MetroCluster configuration and is "false" for a non-MetroCluster configuration. |
uuid |
string |
Specifies the unique identifier of the bucket. |
versioning_state |
string |
Specifies the versioning state of the bucket. Valid values are "disabled", "enabled" or "suspended". Note that the versioning state cannot be modified to 'disabled' from any other state. |
volume |
Specifies the FlexGroup volume name and UUID where the bucket is hosted. |
Example request
"aggregates": [
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"name": "aggr1",
"uuid": "1cd8a442-86d1-11e0-ae1c-123478563412"
"audit_event_selector": {
"access": "string",
"permission": "string"
"comment": "S3 bucket.",
"constituents_per_aggregate": 4,
"cors": {
"rules": [
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"allowed_headers": [
"allowed_methods": [
"allowed_origins": [
"expose_headers": [
"id": "string",
"max_age_seconds": 1024
"lifecycle_management": {
"rules": [
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"abort_incomplete_multipart_upload": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"bucket_name": "bucket1",
"expiration": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"object_age_days": 100,
"object_expiry_date": "2039-09-22 20:00:00 -0400"
"name": "string",
"non_current_version_expiration": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"object_filter": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"prefix": "/logs",
"size_greater_than": 10240,
"size_less_than": 10485760,
"tags": [
"svm": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"name": "svm1",
"uuid": "02c9e252-41be-11e9-81d5-00a0986138f7"
"uuid": "414b29a1-3b26-11e9-bd58-0050568ea055"
"logical_used_size": 0,
"name": "bucket1",
"nas_path": "/",
"policy": {
"statements": [
"actions": [
"conditions": [
"delimiters": [
"max_keys": [
"operator": "ip_address",
"prefixes": [
"source_ips": [
"usernames": [
"effect": "allow",
"principals": [
"resources": [
"sid": "FullAccessToUser1"
"qos_policy": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"max_throughput_iops": 10000,
"max_throughput_mbps": 500,
"min_throughput_iops": 2000,
"min_throughput_mbps": 500,
"name": "performance",
"uuid": "1cd8a442-86d1-11e0-ae1c-123478563412"
"retention": {
"default_period": "P10Y",
"mode": "governance"
"role": "string",
"size": 1677721600,
"snapshot_policy": {
"name": "default-1weekly",
"uuid": "3675af31-431c-12fa-114a-20675afebc12"
"storage_service_level": "value",
"svm": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"name": "svm1",
"uuid": "02c9e252-41be-11e9-81d5-00a0986138f7"
"type": "s3",
"uuid": "414b29a1-3b26-11e9-bd58-0050568ea055",
"versioning_state": "enabled",
"volume": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"name": "volume1",
"uuid": "028baa66-41bd-11e9-81d5-00a0986138f7"
Status: 200, Ok
Name | Type | Description |
job |
Example response
"job": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/resourcelink"
"uuid": "string"
Status: 202, Accepted
Status: Default
ONTAP Error Response Codes
Error code | Message |
92405778 |
"Failed to modify bucket "{bucket name}" for SVM "{svm.name}". Reason: {Reason for failure}. "; |
92405846 |
"Failed to modify the object store volume. Reason: {Reason for failure}."; |
92405811 |
"Failed to modify bucket "{bucket name}" for SVM "{svm.name}". Wait a few minutes and try the operation again."; |
92405858 |
"Failed to "modify" the "bucket" because the operation is only supported on data SVMs."; |
92405861 |
"The specified SVM UUID or bucket UUID does not exist."; |
92405863 |
"An error occurs when creating an access policy. The reason for failure is detailed in the error message."; |
92405864 |
"An error occurs when deleting an access policy. The reason for failure is detailed in the error message."; |
92405891 |
The resources specified in the access policy are not valid. Valid ways to specify a resource are *, <bucket-name>, <bucket-name>/…/…. Valid characters for a resource are 0-9, A-Z, a-z, _, +, comma, ;, :, =, ., &, @,?, (, ), single quote, *, !, - and $. |
92405894 |
"Statements, principals and resources list can have a maximum of 10 entries."; |
92405897 |
The principals specified in the access policy are not in the correct format. User name must be in between 1 and 64 characters. Valid characters for a user name are 0-9, A-Z, a-z, _, +, =, comma, ., @, and - . |
92405898 |
"The SID specified in the access policy is not valid. Valid characters for a SID are 0-9, A-Z and a-z."; |
92406014 |
"Failed to modify event selector for bucket "{bucket name}". If the value of either access or permission is set to none, they both must be set to none."; |
92733458 |
"[Job job number] Job failed: Failed to modify bucket "s3bucket1" for SVM "vs1". Reason: {Reason for failure}. "; |
8454236 |
"Could not assign qtree "qtree1" to QoS policy group "group1". Invalid QoS policy group specified "group1". The specified QoS policy group has a min-throughput value set, and the workload being assigned resides on a platform that does not support min-throughput or the cluster is in a mixed version state and the effective cluster version of ONTAP does not support min-throughput on this platform."; |
8454323 |
"Policy group with UUID "23bwegew-8eqg-121r-bjad-0050e628wq732" does not exist." |
92406230 |
"The value for "retention.default_period" parameter for object store bucket " |
92406236 //end row //start row |
"The value for "retention.default_period" parameter for object store bucket " |
92406217 //end row //start row |
"The specified "allowed_headers" is not valid because it contains more than one wild card ("*") character."; //end row //start row |
92406224 //end row //start row |
"A Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) rule must have an origin and HTTP method specified."; //end row //start row |
92406222 //end row //start row |
"Cannot specify Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) configuration for object store bucket " |
92406211 //end row //start row |
"The specified method "DONE" is not valid. Valid methods are GET, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, and POST."; //end row //start row |
92405863 //end row //start row |
"Failed to create CORS rules for bucket "bb1". Reason: "Field "index" cannot be specified for this operation.". Resolve all the issues and retry the operation."; //end row //start row |
92406228 //end row //start row |
"Cannot exceed the maximum limit of 100 Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) rules per S3 bucket " |
|Name |Type |Description
|error |returned_error a|
.Example error [%collapsible%closed] ==== [source,json,subs=+macros] { "error": { "arguments": [ { "code": "string", "message": "string" } ], "code": "4", "message": "entry doesn't exist", "target": "uuid" } } ==== == Definitions [.api-def-first-level] .See Definitions [%collapsible%closed] ==== [#href] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] href [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|href |string a|
[#_links] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] _links [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|self |href a|
[#aggregates] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] aggregates Aggregate [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|_links |_links a|
|name |string a|
|uuid |string a|
[#audit_event_selector] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] audit_event_selector Audit event selector allows you to specify access and permission types to audit. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|access |string a|Specifies read and write access types.
|permission |string a|Specifies allow and deny permission types.
[#rules] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] rules Information about the CORS rule of an S3 bucket. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|_links |_links a|
|allowed_headers |array[string] a|An array of HTTP headers allowed in the cross-origin requests.
|allowed_methods |array[string] a|An array of HTTP methods allowed in the cross-origin requests.
|allowed_origins |array[string] a|List of origins from where a cross-origin request is allowed to originate from for the S3 bucket.
|expose_headers |array[string] a|List of extra headers sent in the response that customers can access from their applications.
|id |string a|Bucket CORS rule identifier. The length of the name can range from 0 to 256 characters.
|max_age_seconds |integer a|The time in seconds for your browser to cache the preflight response for the specified resource.
[#cors] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] cors Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) specifies an object associated with a bucket. The CORS configuration enables the bucket to service the cross-origin requests. A request might typically come from an origin with a domain that is different to that of the bucket. By configuring a CORS rule, you can define a combination of allowed origins, HTTP headers and methods that a bucket can use to filter out the cross-origin requests that it can service successfully. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|rules |array[rules] a|Specifies an object store bucket CORS rule.
[#encryption] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] encryption [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|enabled |boolean a|Specifies whether encryption is enabled on the bucket. By default, encryption is disabled on a bucket. This field cannot be specified in a POST method.
[#abort_incomplete_multipart_upload] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] abort_incomplete_multipart_upload Specifies a way to perform abort_incomplete_multipart_upload action on filtered objects within a bucket. It cannot be specified with tags. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|_links |_links a|
|after_initiation_days |integer a|Number of days of initiation after which uploads can be aborted.
[#expiration] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] expiration Specifies a way to perform expiration action on filtered objects within a bucket. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|_links |_links a|
|expired_object_delete_marker |boolean a|Cleanup object delete markers.
|object_age_days |integer a|Number of days since creation after which objects can be deleted. This cannot be used along with object_expiry_date.
|object_expiry_date |string a|Specific date from when objects can expire. This cannot be used with object_age_days.
[#non_current_version_expiration] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] non_current_version_expiration Specifies a way to perform non_current_version_expiration action on filtered objects within a bucket. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|_links |_links a|
|new_non_current_versions |integer a|Number of latest non-current versions to be retained.
|non_current_days |integer a|Number of days after which non-current versions can be deleted.
[#object_filter] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] object_filter Specifies a way to filter objects within a bucket. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|_links |_links a|
|prefix |string a|A prefix that is matched against object-names within a bucket.
|size_greater_than |integer a|Size of the object greater than specified for which the corresponding lifecycle rule is to be applied.
|size_less_than |integer a|Size of the object smaller than specified for which the corresponding lifecycle rule is to be applied.
a|An array of key-value paired tags of the form
[#svm] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] svm Specifies the name of the SVM where this bucket exists. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|_links |_links a|
|name |string a|The name of the SVM. This field cannot be specified in a PATCH method.
|uuid |string a|The unique identifier of the SVM. This field cannot be specified in a PATCH method.
[#rules] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] rules Information about the lifecycle management rule of a bucket. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|_links |_links a|
|abort_incomplete_multipart_upload |abort_incomplete_multipart_upload a|Specifies a way to perform abort_incomplete_multipart_upload action on filtered objects within a bucket. It cannot be specified with tags.
|bucket_name |string a|Specifies the name of the bucket. Bucket name is a string that can only contain the following combination of ASCII-range alphanumeric characters 0-9, a-z, ".", and "-".
|enabled |boolean a|Specifies whether or not the associated rule is enabled.
|expiration |expiration a|Specifies a way to perform expiration action on filtered objects within a bucket.
|name |string a|Bucket lifecycle management rule identifier. The length of the name can range from 0 to 256 characters.
|non_current_version_expiration |non_current_version_expiration a|Specifies a way to perform non_current_version_expiration action on filtered objects within a bucket.
|object_filter |object_filter a|Specifies a way to filter objects within a bucket.
|svm |svm a|Specifies the name of the SVM where this bucket exists.
|uuid |string a|Specifies the unique identifier of the bucket.
[#lifecycle_management] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] lifecycle_management Lifecycle management is implemented as an object associated with a bucket. It defines rules to be applied against objects within a bucket. These rules are applied in the background and can delete objects. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|rules |array[rules] a|Specifies an object store lifecycle management policy.
[#s3_bucket_policy_condition] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] s3_bucket_policy_condition Information about policy conditions based on various condition operators and condition keys. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|delimiters |array[string] a|An array of delimiters that are compared with the delimiter value specified at the time of execution of an S3-based command, using the condition operator specified.
|max_keys |array[integer] a|An array of maximum keys that are allowed or denied to be retrieved using an S3 list operation, based on the condition operator specified.
|operator |string a|Condition operator that is applied to the specified condition key.
|prefixes |array[string] a|An array of prefixes that are compared with the input prefix value specified at the time of execution of an S3-based command, using the condition operator specified.
|source_ips |array[string] a|An array of IP address ranges that are compared with the IP address of a source command at the time of execution of an S3-based command, using the condition operator specified.
|usernames |array[string] a|An array of usernames that a current user in the context is evaluated against using the condition operators.
[#s3_bucket_policy_statement] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] s3_bucket_policy_statement Specifies information about a single access permission. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|actions |array[string] a|
|conditions |array[s3_bucket_policy_condition] a|Specifies bucket policy conditions.
|effect |string a|Specifies whether access is allowed or denied when a user requests the specific action. If access (to allow) is not granted explicitly to a resource, access is implicitly denied. Access can also be denied explicitly to a resource, in order to make sure that a user cannot access it, even if a different policy grants access.
|principals |array[string] a|
|resources |array[string] a|
|sid |string a|Specifies the statement identifier used to differentiate between statements. The sid length can range from 1 to 256 characters and can only contain the following combination of characters 0-9, A-Z, and a-z. Special characters are not valid.
[#policy] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] policy A policy is an object associated with a bucket. It defines resource (bucket, folder, or object) permissions. These policies get evaluated when an S3 user makes a request by executing a specific command. The user must be part of the principal (user or group) specified in the policy. Permissions in the policies determine whether the request is allowed or denied. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|statements |array[s3_bucket_policy_statement] a|Specifies bucket access policy statement.
[#destination] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] destination [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|is_cloud |boolean a|Specifies whether a bucket is protected within the Cloud. This field cannot be specified using a POST method.
|is_external_cloud |boolean a|Specifies whether a bucket is protected on external Cloud providers. This field cannot be specified using a POST method.
|is_ontap |boolean a|Specifies whether a bucket is protected within ONTAP. This field cannot be specified using a POST method.
Default value: 1
readOnly: 1
Introduced in: 9.10
x-nullable: true
[#protection_status] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] protection_status Specifies attributes of bucket protection. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|destination |destination a|
|is_protected |boolean a|Specifies whether a bucket is a source and if it is protected within ONTAP and/or an external cloud. This field cannot be specified using a POST method.
Default value: 1
readOnly: 1
Introduced in: 9.10
x-nullable: true
[#qos_policy] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] qos_policy Specifies "qos_policy.max_throughput_iops" and/or "qos_policy.max_throughput_mbps" or "qos_policy.min_throughput_iops" and/or "qos_policy.min_throughput_mbps". Specifying "min_throughput_iops" or "min_throughput_mbps" is only supported on volumes hosted on a node that is flash optimized. A pre-created QoS policy can also be used by specifying "qos_policy.name" or "qos_policy.uuid" properties. Setting or assigning a QoS policy to a bucket is not supported if its containing volume or SVM already has a QoS policy attached. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|_links |_links a|
|max_throughput_iops |integer a|Specifies the maximum throughput in IOPS, 0 means none. This is mutually exclusive with name and UUID during POST and PATCH.
|max_throughput_mbps |integer a|Specifies the maximum throughput in Megabytes per sec, 0 means none. This is mutually exclusive with name and UUID during POST and PATCH.
|min_throughput_iops |integer a|Specifies the minimum throughput in IOPS, 0 means none. Setting "min_throughput" is supported on AFF platforms only, unless FabricPool tiering policies are set. This is mutually exclusive with name and UUID during POST and PATCH.
|min_throughput_mbps |integer a|Specifies the minimum throughput in Megabytes per sec, 0 means none. This is mutually exclusive with name and UUID during POST and PATCH.
|name |string a|The QoS policy group name. This is mutually exclusive with UUID and other QoS attributes during POST and PATCH.
|uuid |string a|The QoS policy group UUID. This is mutually exclusive with name and other QoS attributes during POST and PATCH.
[#retention] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] retention Specifies the retention mode and default retention period configured on the bucket. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
a|Specifies the default retention period that is applied to objects while committing them to the WORM state without an associated retention period. The retention period can be in years, or days. The retention period value represents a duration and must be specified in the ISO-8601 duration format. A period specified for years and days is represented in the ISO-8601 format as "P
|mode |string a|The lock mode of the bucket. compliance ‐ A SnapLock Compliance (SLC) bucket provides the highest level of WORM protection and an administrator cannot destroy a compliance bucket if it contains unexpired WORM objects. governance ‐ An administrator can delete a Governance bucket. no_lock ‐ Indicates the bucket does not support object locking.
[#snapshot_policy] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] snapshot_policy Specifies the bucket snapshot policy. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|name |string a|Specifies the name of the snapshot policy.
|uuid |string a|Specifies the unique identifier of the snapshot policy.
[#svm] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] svm SVM, applies only to SVM-scoped objects. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|_links |_links a|
|name |string a|The name of the SVM. This field cannot be specified in a PATCH method.
|uuid |string a|The unique identifier of the SVM. This field cannot be specified in a PATCH method.
[#volume] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] volume Specifies the FlexGroup volume name and UUID where the bucket is hosted. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|_links |_links a|
|name |string a|The name of the volume. This field cannot be specified in a PATCH method.
|uuid |string a|Unique identifier for the volume. This corresponds to the instance-uuid that is exposed in the CLI and ONTAPI. It does not change due to a volume move.
example: 028baa66-41bd-11e9-81d5-00a0986138f7
Introduced in: 9.6
x-nullable: true
[#s3_bucket] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] s3_bucket A bucket is a container of objects. Each bucket defines an object namespace. S3 requests specify objects using a bucket-name and object-name pair. An object resides within a bucket. [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|aggregates |array[aggregates] a|A list of aggregates for FlexGroup volume constituents where the bucket is hosted. If this option is not specified, the bucket is auto-provisioned as a FlexGroup volume.
|allowed |boolean a|If this is set to true, an SVM administrator can manage the S3 service. If it is false, only the cluster administrator can manage the service. This field cannot be specified in a POST method.
|audit_event_selector |audit_event_selector a|Audit event selector allows you to specify access and permission types to audit.
|comment |string a|Can contain any additional information about the bucket being created or modified.
|constituents_per_aggregate |integer a|Specifies the number of constituents or FlexVol volumes per aggregate. A FlexGroup volume consisting of all such constituents across all specified aggregates is created. This option is used along with the aggregates option and cannot be used independently.
|cors |cors a|Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) specifies an object associated with a bucket. The CORS configuration enables the bucket to service the cross-origin requests. A request might typically come from an origin with a domain that is different to that of the bucket. By configuring a CORS rule, you can define a combination of allowed origins, HTTP headers and methods that a bucket can use to filter out the cross-origin requests that it can service successfully.
|encryption |encryption a|
|lifecycle_management |lifecycle_management a|Lifecycle management is implemented as an object associated with a bucket. It defines rules to be applied against objects within a bucket. These rules are applied in the background and can delete objects.
|logical_used_size |integer a|Specifies the bucket logical used size up to this point. This field cannot be specified using a POST or PATCH method.
|name |string a|Specifies the name of the bucket. Bucket name is a string that can only contain the following combination of ASCII-range alphanumeric characters 0-9, a-z, ".", and "-".
|nas_path |string a|Specifies the NAS path to which the nas bucket corresponds to.
|policy |policy a|A policy is an object associated with a bucket. It defines resource (bucket, folder, or object) permissions. These policies get evaluated when an S3 user makes a request by executing a specific command. The user must be part of the principal (user or group) specified in the policy. Permissions in the policies determine whether the request is allowed or denied.
|protection_status |protection_status a|Specifies attributes of bucket protection.
|qos_policy |qos_policy a|Specifies "qos_policy.max_throughput_iops" and/or "qos_policy.max_throughput_mbps" or "qos_policy.min_throughput_iops" and/or "qos_policy.min_throughput_mbps". Specifying "min_throughput_iops" or "min_throughput_mbps" is only supported on volumes hosted on a node that is flash optimized. A pre-created QoS policy can also be used by specifying "qos_policy.name" or "qos_policy.uuid" properties. Setting or assigning a QoS policy to a bucket is not supported if its containing volume or SVM already has a QoS policy attached.
|retention |retention a|Specifies the retention mode and default retention period configured on the bucket.
|role |string a|Specifies the role of the bucket. This field cannot be specified using a POST method.
|size |integer a|Specifies the bucket size in bytes; ranges from 190MB to 62PB.
|snapshot_policy |snapshot_policy a|Specifies the bucket snapshot policy.
|storage_service_level |string a|Specifies the storage service level of the FlexGroup volume on which the bucket should be created. Valid values are "value", "performance" or "extreme".
|svm |svm a|SVM, applies only to SVM-scoped objects.
|type |string a|Specifies the bucket type. Valid values are "s3"and "nas".
|use_mirrored_aggregates |boolean a|Specifies whether mirrored aggregates are selected when provisioning a FlexGroup. Only mirrored aggregates are used if this parameter is set to "true" and only unmirrored aggregates are used if this parameter is set to "false". The default value is "true" for a MetroCluster configuration and is "false" for a non-MetroCluster configuration.
|uuid |string a|Specifies the unique identifier of the bucket.
|versioning_state |string a|Specifies the versioning state of the bucket. Valid values are "disabled", "enabled" or "suspended". Note that the versioning state cannot be modified to 'disabled' from any other state.
|volume |volume a|Specifies the FlexGroup volume name and UUID where the bucket is hosted.
[#job_link] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] job_link [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|_links |_links a|
|uuid |string a|The UUID of the asynchronous job that is triggered by a POST, PATCH, or DELETE operation.
[#error_arguments] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] error_arguments [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|code |string a|Argument code
|message |string a|Message argument
[#returned_error] [.api-collapsible-fifth-title] returned_error [cols=3*,options=header] |
|Name |Type |Description
|arguments |array[error_arguments] a|Message arguments
|code |string a|Error code
|message |string a|Error message
|target |string a|The target parameter that caused the error.
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