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ONTAP REST API reference

Protocols file-security effective-permissions svm.uuid path endpoint overview



This API displays the effective permission granted to a Windows or UNIX user on the specified file or folder path.


Retrieving the effective permission for the specified Windows user on the specified path of an SVM.

= The API:

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "authorization: Basic YWRtaW46bmV0YXBwMSE="

= The response:

"svm": {
  "uuid": "cf5f271a-1beb-11ea-8fad-005056bb645e",
  "name": "vs1"
"user": "administrator",
"type": "windows",
"path": "/",
"share": {
  "path": "/"
"file_permission": [
"share_permission": [