Protocols NFS connected-clients endpoint overview
ONTAP connected clients show functionality is mainly used to provide a list of currently connected NFS clients. It also provides a potential list of other NFS clients that can be connected but are currently idle and a list of recently unmounted clients. If a client connected to the NFS server is idle for longer than the maximum cache idle time, then the entry will be removed. By default, the maximum cache idle time is 48 hours.
The following are details of the fields retrieved for the Connected Clients GET API: The node name hosting this record; basically the node hosting the "server_ip". node.uuid: The node UUID hosting this record; basically the node hosting the "server_ip". The svm name to which the "server_ip" belongs to. svm.uuid: The svm uuid to which the "server_ip" belongs to. server_ip: All clients that are connected to this interface are displayed in rows. client_ip: The IP address of the client that is connected to the interface. The name of the volume the client is accessing. volume.uuid: The UUID of the volume the client is accessing. This field is expensive field and will be fetched in advance privilege level. protocol: The NFS protocol version over which client is accessing the volume. The export policy ID associated with the volume. The export policy name associated with the volume. idle_duration: The time elapsed since the last request was sent by the client for this volume. local_request_count: A counter that tracks requests that are sent to the volume with fast-path to local node. remote_request_count: A counter that tracks requests that are sent to the volume with slow-path to remote node. trunking_enabled: Flag that indicates the trunking status for the specified SVM connection. True indicates that the trunking feature is enabled while false indicates that the trunking feature is disabled.
Related CLI command
The CLI command for ONTAP connected clients is: "nfs connected-clients show" cluster-1::*> nfs connected-clients show Node: node1 Vserver: vs1 Data-Ip: Local Remote Client-Ip Protocol Volume Policy Idle-Time Reqs Reqs Trunking ---------- ------ ------ ------ -------- ---- ---- ---- nfs4.1 root_vol pol1 6s 9 0 false nfs3 vol1 pol1 56s 7 0 false nfs4.1 vol1 pol1 6s 7 0 false 3 entries were displayed.
Retrieves connected client information
# The API: GET /protocols/nfs/connected-clients # The call: curl -X GET "https://<cluster-mgmt-ip>/api/protocols/nfs/connected-clients?return_timeout=15&return_records=true" -H "accept: application/json" # The response: { "records": [ { "svm": { "uuid": "c642db55-b8d0-11e9-9ad1-0050568e8480", "name": "vs1" }, "node": { "uuid": "cc282893-b82f-11e9-a3ad-0050568e8480", "name": "vsim1" }, "server_ip": "", "client_ip": "", "volume": { "name": "rvol1", "uuid": "c6bbc6f2-b8d0-11e9-9ad1-0050568e8480" }, "protocol": "nfs4" }, { "svm": { "uuid": "c642db55-b8d0-11e9-9ad1-0050568e8480", "name": "vs1" }, "node": { "uuid": "cc282893-b82f-11e9-a3ad-0050568e8480", "name": "vsim1" }, "server_ip": "", "client_ip": "", "volume": { "name": "vol1", "uuid": "d28d1999-b8d0-11e9-9ad1-0050568e8480" }, "protocol": "nfs3" }, { "svm": { "uuid": "c642db55-b8d0-11e9-9ad1-0050568e8480", "name": "vs1" }, "node": { "uuid": "cc282893-b82f-11e9-a3ad-0050568e8480", "name": "vsim1" }, "server_ip": "", "client_ip": "", "volume": { "name": "vol1", "uuid": "d28d1999-b8d0-11e9-9ad1-0050568e8480" }, "protocol": "nfs4" }], "num_records": 3 }