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ONTAP REST API reference

SnapMirror policies endpoint overview


Managing SnapMirror policies

This API is used to manage SnapMirror policies of type "async" and "sync". When applied to a SnapMirror relationship, the SnapMirror policy controls the behavior of the relationship and specifies the configuration attributes for that relationship. The policy type "async" can be associated with a SnapMirror relationship that has either a FlexVol volume, FlexGroup volume, or SVM as the endpoint. The policy type "sync" can be associated with a SnapMirror relationship that has a FlexVol volume or a consistency group as the endpoint. The policy type "sync" can have a "sync_type" of either "sync", "strict_sync", "automated_failover" or "automated_failover_duplex". If the "sync_type" is "sync", a write success is returned to the client after writing the data to the primary endpoint and before writing the data to the secondary endpoint. If the "sync_type" is "strict_sync", a write success is returned to the client after writing the data to both primary and secondary endpoints. A "sync_type" of "automated_failover" can be associated with a SnapMirror relationship that has a consistency group as the endpoint and provides asymmetric active active access to the two storage copies.

A "sync_type" of "automated_failover_duplex" can be associated with a SnapMirror relationship that has a consistency group as the endpoint and provides symmetric active active access to the two storage copies.

Mapping of SnapMirror policies from CLI to REST




async-mirror w/

async w/



async-mirror w/o

async w/




async w/


| | | sync_type | | | |------------------| |sync-mirror | sync | sync | |strict-sync-mirror | sync | strict_sync | |automated-failover | sync | automated_failover | |automated-failover-duplex | sync | automated_failover_duplex | | | |