Review cabling and configuration considerations
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Before configuring your Cisco 3132Q-V switch, review the following considerations.
Support for NVIDIA CX6, CX6-DX, and CX7 Ethernet ports
If connecting a switch port to an ONTAP controller using NVIDIA ConnectX-6 (CX6), ConnectX-6 Dx (CX6-DX), or ConnectX-7 (CX7) NIC ports, you must hard-code the switch port speed.
(cs1)(config)# interface Ethernet1/19 (cs1)(config-if)# speed 40000 (cs1)(config-if)# no negotiate auto (cs1)(config-if)# exit (cs1)(config)# exit Save the changes: (cs1)# copy running-config startup-config
See the Hardware Universe for more information on switch ports.