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Cluster and storage switches

Configure the Cisco Nexus 3132Q-V switch

Contributors netapp-jolieg netapp-yvonneo netapp-jsnyder

Follow this procedure to configure the Cisco Nexus 3132Q-V switch.

Before you begin
  • Access to an HTTP, FTP or TFTP server at the installation site to download the applicable NX-OS and reference configuration file (RCF) releases.

  • Applicable NX-OS version, downloaded from the Cisco software download page.

  • Required network switch documentation, controller documentation, and ONTAP documentation. For more information, see Required documentation.

  • Applicable licenses, network and configuration information, and cables.

  • Completed cabling worksheets. See Complete Cisco Nexus 3132Q-V cabling worksheet.

  • Applicable NetApp cluster network and management network RCFs, downloaded from the NetApp Support Site at for the switches that you receive. All Cisco cluster network and management network switches arrive with the standard Cisco factory-default configuration. These switches also have the current version of the NX-OS software, but do not have the RCFs loaded.

  1. Rack the cluster network and management network switches and controllers.

    If you are installing your…​ Then…​

    Cisco Nexus 3132Q-V in a NetApp system cabinet

    See the Installing a Cisco Nexus 3132Q-V cluster switch and pass-through panel in a NetApp cabinet guide for instructions to install the switch in a NetApp cabinet.

    Equipment in a Telco rack

    See the procedures provided in the switch hardware installation guides and the NetApp installation and setup instructions.

  2. Cable the cluster network and management network switches to the controllers using the completed cabling worksheet, as described in Complete Cisco Nexus 3132Q-V cabling worksheet.

  3. Power on the cluster network and management network switches and controllers.

  4. Perform an initial configuration of the cluster network switches.

    Provide applicable responses to the following initial setup questions when you first boot the switch. Your site's security policy defines the responses and services to enable.

    Prompt Response

    Abort Auto Provisioning and continue with normal setup? (yes/no)

    Respond with yes. The default is no.

    Do you want to enforce secure password standard? (yes/no)

    Respond with yes. The default is yes.

    Enter the password for admin:

    The default password is “admin”; you must create a new, strong password. A weak password can be rejected.

    Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog? (yes/no)

    Respond with yes at the initial configuration of the switch.

    Create another login account? (yes/no)

    Your answer depends on your site's policies on alternate administrators. The default is no.

    Configure read-only SNMP community string? (yes/no)

    Respond with no. The default is no.

    Configure read-write SNMP community string? (yes/no)

    Respond with no. The default is no.

    Enter the switch name.

    The switch name is limited to 63 alphanumeric characters.

    Continue with Out-of-band (mgmt0) management configuration? (yes/no)

    Respond with yes (the default) at that prompt. At the mgmt0 IPv4 address: prompt, enter your IP address: ip_address.

    Configure the default-gateway? (yes/no)

    Respond with yes. At the IPv4 address of the default-gateway: prompt, enter your default_gateway.

    Configure advanced IP options? (yes/no)

    Respond with no. The default is no.

    Enable the telnet service? (yes/no)

    Respond with no. The default is no.

    Enabled SSH service? (yes/no)

    Respond with yes. The default is yes.

    Note SSH is recommended when using Ethernet Switch Health Monitor (CSHM) for its log collection features. SSHv2 is also recommended for enhanced security.

    Enter the type of SSH key you want to generate (dsa/rsa/rsa1).

    The default is rsa.

    Enter the number of key bits (1024-2048).

    Enter the key bits from 1024-2048.

    Configure the NTP server? (yes/no)

    Respond with no. The default is no.

    Configure default interface layer (L3/L2):

    Respond with L2. The default is L2.

    Configure default switch port interface state (shut/noshut):

    Respond with noshut. The default is noshut.

    Configure CoPP system profile (strict/moderate/lenient/dense):

    Respond with strict. The default is strict.

    Would you like to edit the configuration? (yes/no)

    You should see the new configuration at this point. Review and make any necessary changes to the configuration you just entered. Respond with no at the prompt if you are satisfied with the configuration. Respond with yes if you want to edit your configuration settings.

    Use this configuration and save it? (yes/no)

    Respond with yes to save the configuration. This automatically updates the kickstart and system images.

    Note If you do not save the configuration at this stage, none of the changes will be in effect the next time you reboot the switch.
  5. Verify the configuration choices you made in the display that appears at the end of the setup, and make sure that you save the configuration.

  6. Check the version on the cluster network switches, and if necessary, download the NetApp-supported version of the software to the switches from the Cisco software download page.