Replace a Cisco Nexus 3232C storage switch
Follow these steps to replace a defective Cisco Nexus 3232C storage switch. This is a non-disruptive procedure.
Review requirements
The existing network configuration must have the following characteristics:
The Cisco Ethernet Switches page has the latest RCF and NX-OS versions on your switches.
Management connectivity must exist on both switches.
Make sure that all troubleshooting steps have been completed to confirm that your switch needs replacing.
The replacement Cisco Nexus 3232C switch must have the following characteristics:
Management network connectivity must be functional.
Console access to the replacement switch must be in place.
The appropriate RCF and NX-OS operating system image must be loaded onto the switch.
Initial customization of the switch must be complete.
Replace the switch
This procedure replaces the second Nexus 3232C storage switch S2 with the new 3232C switch NS2. The two nodes are node1 and node2.
Step 1: Confirm the switch to be replaced is S2
If AutoSupport is enabled on this cluster, suppress automatic case creation by invoking an AutoSupport message:
system node autosupport invoke -node * -type all - message MAINT=xh
x is the duration of the maintenance window in hours.
The AutoSupport message notifies technical support of this maintenance task so that automatic case creation is suppressed during the maintenance window.
Check on the health status of the storage node ports to make sure that there is connection to storage switch S1:
storage port show -port-type ENET
Show example
storage::*> storage port show -port-type ENET Speed VLAN Node Port Type Mode (Gb/s) State Status ID ------------------ ---- ----- ------- ------ -------- --------- ---- node1 e3a ENET storage 100 enabled online 30 e3b ENET storage 0 enabled offline 30 e7a ENET storage 0 enabled offline 30 e7b ENET storage 0 enabled offline 30 node2 e3a ENET storage 100 enabled online 30 e3b ENET storage 0 enabled offline 30 e7a ENET storage 0 enabled offline 30 e7b ENET storage 0 enabled offline 30
Verify that storage switch S1 is available:
network device-discovery show
Show example
storage::*> network device-discovery show Node/ Local Discovered Protocol Port Device (LLDP: ChassisID) Interface Platform ----------- ------ ------------------------- ----------------- ---------------- node1/cdp e3a S1 Ethernet1/1 NX3232C e4a node2 e4a AFF-A700 e4e node2 e4e AFF-A700 node1/lldp e3a S1 Ethernet1/1 - e4a node2 e4a - e4e node2 e4e - node2/cdp e3a S1 Ethernet1/2 NX3232C e4a node1 e4a AFF-A700 e4e node1 e4e AFF-A700 node2/lldp e3a S1 Ethernet1/2 - e4a node1 e4a - e4e node1 e4e -
Run the
show lldp neighbors
command on the working switch to confirm that you can see both nodes and all shelves:show lldp neighbors
Show example
S1# show lldp neighbors Capability codes: (R) Router, (B) Bridge, (T) Telephone, (C) DOCSIS Cable Device (W) WLAN Access Point, (P) Repeater, (S) Station, (O) Other Device ID Local Intf Hold-time Capability Port ID node1 Eth1/1 121 S e3a node2 Eth1/2 121 S e3a SHFGD2008000011 Eth1/5 121 S e0a SHFGD2008000011 Eth1/6 120 S e0a SHFGD2008000022 Eth1/7 120 S e0a SHFGD2008000022 Eth1/8 120 S e0a
Step 2: Configure cabling
Verify the shelf ports in the storage system:
storage shelf port show -fields remote-device,remote-port
Show example
storage::*> storage shelf port show -fields remote-device,remote-port shelf id remote-port remote-device ----- -- ----------- ------------- 3.20 0 Ethernet1/5 S1 3.20 1 - - 3.20 2 Ethernet1/6 S1 3.20 3 - - 3.30 0 Ethernet1/7 S1 3.20 1 - - 3.30 2 Ethernet1/8 S1 3.20 3 - -
Remove all cables attached to storage switch S2.
Reconnect all cables to the replacement switch NS2.
Step 3: Verify all device configurations on switch NS2
Verify the health status of the storage node ports:
storage port show -port-type ENET
Show example
storage::*> storage port show -port-type ENET Speed VLAN Node Port Type Mode (Gb/s) State Status ID ------------------ ---- ----- ------- ------ -------- ------------ --- node1 e3a ENET storage 100 enabled online 30 e3b ENET storage 0 enabled offline 30 e7a ENET storage 0 enabled offline 30 e7b ENET storage 100 enabled online 30 node2 e3a ENET storage 100 enabled online 30 e3b ENET storage 0 enabled offline 30 e7a ENET storage 0 enabled offline 30 e7b ENET storage 100 enabled online 30
Verify that both switches are available:
network device-discovery show
Show example
storage::*> network device-discovery show Node/ Local Discovered Protocol Port Device (LLDP: ChassisID) Interface Platform ----------- ------ ------------------------- ---------------- -------- node1/cdp e3a S1 Ethernet1/1 NX3232C e4a node2 e4a AFF-A700 e4e node2 e4e AFF-A700 e7b NS2 Ethernet1/1 NX3232C node1/lldp e3a S1 Ethernet1/1 - e4a node2 e4a - e4e node2 e4e - e7b NS2 Ethernet1/1 - node2/cdp e3a S1 Ethernet1/2 NX3232C e4a node1 e4a AFF-A700 e4e node1 e4e AFF-A700 e7b NS2 Ethernet1/2 NX3232C node2/lldp e3a S1 Ethernet1/2 - e4a node1 e4a - e4e node1 e4e - e7b NS2 Ethernet1/2 -
Verify the shelf ports in the storage system:
storage shelf port show -fields remote-device,remote-port
Show example
storage::*> storage shelf port show -fields remote-device,remote-port shelf id remote-port remote-device ----- -- ----------- ------------- 3.20 0 Ethernet1/5 S1 3.20 1 Ethernet1/5 NS2 3.20 2 Ethernet1/6 S1 3.20 3 Ethernet1/6 NS2 3.30 0 Ethernet1/7 S1 3.20 1 Ethernet1/7 NS2 3.30 2 Ethernet1/8 S1 3.20 3 Ethernet1/8 NS2
If you suppressed automatic case creation, re-enable it by invoking an AutoSupport message:
system node autosupport invoke -node * -type all -message MAINT=END